博碩士論文 102453004 詳細資訊

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姓名 莊新國(Hsin-Kuo Chuang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 T公司硬體平台世代更新的因應對策
(An Alternative Proposal for Company T in Dealing with Legacy Computer Hardware Upgrades)
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摘要(中) 企業資訊系統的誕生是依據公司的業務需求而發展建立起來的。此資訊系統從當初的規劃、設計、建置、測試、正式上線到維護階段有一定的生命週期。只要企業的需求存在,資訊系統的生命週期在進入維護階段後,依據企業成長需求而進行資訊再造工程,其系統核心所提供的功能與需求是不斷地在進化與演進,經過重新的規劃、設計、建置、測試、正式上線、又重新賦予此系統另一生命週期。此週期性的向上循環確保了企業的資訊競爭力,也符合企業內部的功能需求並因應企業外在環境改變而有所有變革。
摘要(英) With the rapid advancement in information technology, hardware provided by vendors changes at an ever increasing pace. However, information systems, especially the mission critical ones, often does not follow the vendor’s product life cycle. Therefore, many companies are faced with the high cost of IT maintenance fee and performance bottleneck. Company CIO are hard pressed to make a decision, whether to replace the system, or continue to pay the continuously increasing maintenance costs and take the risk of hardware failure. System upgrades may seem to be the best way out. However, it may result in a whole new set of problems, especially for companies with mission critical applications. In this context, legacy application software has a compatibility problem with the new hardware system, while replacing the applications in tandem with hardware upgrades is a lengthy and high risk process. In addition, often times, the developers of the legacy systems are no longer available, resulting in software orphans. As such, many companies choose to continue to pay increasing maintenance fees to keep the system operation smoothly.

This study looks into the problem of Company T, which is faced with the legacy system replacement problem. A proposal is made to take an alternative route, adopting a "third way" of system upgrade. The new solution is based on the new virtualization technology, solving the legacy application compatibility issue and provides a quick and fast way to migration the application. The systems design takes into account issues of high availability and high reliability. The solution not only reduced the IT total cost of ownership, but also provided the rooms for future growths in business requirements. This successful case provides a viable alternative for CIO facing similar problems.
關鍵字(中) ★ 產品生命週期
★ 老舊系統
★ 系統汰換
★ 硬體更新
★ 作業系統虛擬化
★ 汰換策略
關鍵字(英) ★ Product Life Cycle
★ Legacy System
★ System Replacement
★ Hardware Upgrades
★ Operating System-Level Virtualization
★ Replacement Strategy
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 產品生命週期 5
2.2 資訊系統汰換策略 6
2.3 作業系統虛擬化 12
2.4 硬體系統汰換效益 14
第三章 個案公司和其所面臨的問題 18
3.1 個案公司介紹 18
3.2 個案公司系統介紹 19
3.3 現行系統面臨的問題與挑戰 25
3.3.1 硬體設備過時與效能不彰 25
3.3.2 單點故障與可用性低 26
3.3.3 軟硬體相容性增加轉換困難度 26
3.3.4 軟體孤兒 27
3.3.5 維護費用高昂 27
第四章 個案公司之因應對策 31
4.1 初步之解決方案 31
4.1.1 方案一 – 續約維護 32
4.1.2 方案二(A) – 整體汰換(使用HP平台) 32
4.1.3 方案二(B) – 整體汰換(使用Non-HP平台) 33
4.1.4 初步之解決方案比較分析 34
4.2 解決方案之第三選擇 35
4.2.1 方案三 – 硬體汰換與軟體沿用(使用HP-9000 Container) 36
4.3 解決分案適用分析與評估 37
4.3.1 總體建置費用 37
4.3.2 總體解決方案比較分析 38
4.3.3 適切之解決方案 39
4.4 使用HP-9000 Container 的解決方案 40
4.4.1 HP 9000 Container 介紹 41
4.4.2 虛擬化技術核心 42
4.4.3 未來系統架構 43
4.4.4 未來系統效能考量 46
4.5 POC 階段驗證 47
4.5.1 POC 目的 47
4.5.2 POC 時程 48
4.5.3 POC 所遭遇問題與解決方法 49
4.6 實際導入與執行成果 52
4.6.1 系統汰換與搬遷 52
4.6.2 正式上線系統架構 52
4.6.3 減少整體維護費用 54
4.7 整體解決方案HP公司內部之抉擇 55
第五章 結論 57
5.1 研究結論 57
5.2 對管理之建議 58
5.3 研究限制及未來研究方向 58
參考文獻 60
參考文獻 【英文文獻】
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指導教授 范錚強 審核日期 2015-6-29
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