博碩士論文 90246009 詳細資訊

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姓名 羅仕守(Shih-Shou Lo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 新型中空光波導研製與應用
(Fabrication and application of novel hollow optical waveguide)
★ 氮化鎵微光學元件之研究★ 二維雙輸入雙輸出光子晶體分光器
★ 矽光波導元件光耗損研究★ 矽晶片波導元件研究
★ 砷化鎵光子晶體共振腔研究★ 應用奈米小球製作之波導模態共振器
★ 光子晶體異常折射之能流研究★ 氮化鎵光子晶體共振腔
★ 分析BATC大視野多色巡天計畫中正常星系的質光比★ 新型中空多模干涉分光器
★ 表面電漿對於半導體發光元件光萃取效率的影響之探討★ 半導體光子晶體雷射之研究
★ 動態波長分配技術在乙太被動光纖網路的應用★ 禁止頻帶材料的光學與聲波特性研究
★ 漸變式光子晶體透鏡研究★ 光子晶體波導光束直進之研究
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摘要(中) 在這個研究中,我們使用晶片鍵合的方法去製作一個以二氧化矽(SiO2)與矽(Si)薄膜組成的全方向反射鏡,利用這個全方位反射鏡在半導體基材中製作出中空型光波導,我們簡稱SHOW-ODR。相關薄膜參數為矽折射率(3.48)與二氧化矽折射率(1.48),結構中二氧化矽薄膜與矽薄膜的厚度分別為0.258微米與0.111微米. SHOW-ODR的形成是透過稀釋的氫氧化鉀(KOH)溶液,藉由非晶系矽晶片鍵合的動作,把兩片在矽晶片上製作出相同的全方向反射鏡鍵合在一起。從穿透光譜量測值中顯示SHOW-ODR結構對於橫向電波(TE)模態與橫向磁波IS模態的傳輸損耗分別為1.0±0.3(dB/cm)與1.0±0.4(dB/cm),結構上具有低傳輸損耗與低偏振相關的特性。
此外, 利用SHOW-ODR結構,展示分光比一比一的中空型多模干涉(MMI)分光器,在這中空MMI分光器結構前端,我們設計一個橫向的漏斗(Taper),做為改善SHOW-ODR與單模光纖(SMF)的耦合效率。最後結果顯示中空MMI具有弱偏振相關性,同時由於核心(core)折射率較低,也使元件的長度比傳統介電值波導所製作的MMI元件還要短。因此我們相信SHOW-ODR的應用很快就會到來。
摘要(英) In this study, a wafer-bonding approach was used to fabricate a semiconductor hollow optical waveguide formed from an omni-directional reflector (SHOW-ODR). The thin-film parameters are n1(Is) =3.48 and n2(SiO2)=1.48. The thickness of the Is and SiO2 layers was one quarter of the wavelength of 1.55?m in the materials 0.111?m and 0.258?m, respectively. The SHOW-ODR is formed by amorphous-Is wafer bonding through dilute KOH solvent. The measured transmission spectra indicate propagation losses of around 1.0±0.3 and 1.0±0.4dB/cm in TE and TM modes, respectively. The propagation loss was low and the dependence on polarization was weak.
Additionally, SHOW-ODR is used to demonstrate an MMI power splitter with a power-splitting ratio of 1:1. A lateral taper structure was introduced between the SHOW-ODR and the single-mode fiber (SMF) to increase the coupling efficiency and the tolerance of misalignment. The hollow MMI coupler exhibits a weak dependence on polarization in TE and TM modes. Moreover, the coupler is shorter than the conventional dielectric MMI because the core index is lower. We assert that the age of the applications of SHOW-ODR in OIC will come soon.
關鍵字(中) ★ 光子晶體
★ 波導
★ 晶片鍵合
★ 輻射模態
★ 多層膜
★ 薄膜
★ 耦合元件
★ 多膜干涉
關鍵字(英) ★ waveguides
★ photonic crystals
★ wafer bonding
★ radiation mode
★ multilayer
★ thin-film
★ coupler
★ multimode interference
論文目次 Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter I、Introduction 1
1.1Optical Waveguide 1
1.2 Photonic Crystals 4
1.3 Wafer Bonding Technology 7
1.4 Motivation 8
1.5 Scope of the Dissertation 14
Chapter II、Theory 15
2.1 Bloch Wave and Band Structures 15
2.2 Transfer Matrix Method 20
2.3 Wave Equation Analysis in the SHOW-ODR 26
2.3.1Field Distribution in the Boundary of SHOW-ODR 30
2.4 Summary 31
Chapter III、Design and Simulation 33
3.1 Si/SiO2 ODR 33
3.1.1Band-Structure of Si/SiO2 ODR 33
3.1.2 Reflectance Spectra of Si/SiO2 ODR 36
3.2 Mode of SHOW-ODR 38
3.3 Summary 41
Chapter IV、Fabrication 43
4.1 Photolithography and Thin-Film Deposition 44
4.2 Amorphous Silicon Wafer Bonding 45
4.3 Polishing 49
4.4 Summary 51
Chapter V、Measurement 52
5.1 Reflection Spectra of Si/SiO2 ODR 52
5.2 Optical Image of Output Facet 56
5.3 Losses of SHOW-ODR 58
5.4 Coupling Efficiency 63
5.5 Summary 69
Chapter VI、Application 71
6.1 Multimode Inference 71
6.1.1Theory 73
6.1.2 Hollow-MMI Coupler Design 74
6.1.3 Fabrication of MMI Coupler 77
6.1.4Measurement and Result 78
6.2 Summary 80
Chapter VII、Conclusions and Future Works 84
7.1 Conclusions 84
7.2 Future Works 86
Reference 90
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指導教授 陳啟昌(Chii-Chang Chen) 審核日期 2005-12-8
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