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許文德(Wen-der Hsu)
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土木工程學系在職專班 |
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摘要(中) |
營建基地土石方工程大多由主辦工程師或工地主任,根據合約需求或現場具有的資源,憑個人經驗安排相關作業進度,通常沒辦法以科學的方法來作系統性的分析、比較及評估,因此主辦工程師或工地主任的能力及經驗就決定了土石方調派工作的成敗,若是提高機具的使用率及成本降低,就成為現今土石方回填作業上的重要議題。本研究模式則以台灣一般土石方工程常見之挖土機機組回填配合傾缷卡車載運模式,並考量(1)工區環境(2)挖土機、卡車工區載運限制(3)載運至工區土方即傾卸無需等待(4)挖土機具只有上午、下午都使用才有夜間加班(5) 土資回收場可回填土石可降低成本等,進行土石方工程作為研究範圍。
摘要(英) |
Construction of earth excavation projects are mostly conducted by on-site engineers or construction-site managers to perform related arrangements according to the contract requirement or resources available on-site and based on personal experience, which typically cannot be assessed by scientific methods to perform systematic analysis, comparison and evaluation. As a result, the ability and experience of the on-site engineer or construction-site manager play a significant role in deciding the success and failure on the work assignment of earth excavation. Consequently, it is an important issue for the current earth excavation process to increase the usage rate of the machinery and lower costs. This research model uses the conventional model adapted by most earth excavation projects in Taiwan involving the use of excavators for excavation in cooperation with dump trucks for carrying and transportation. The earth excavation project as the scope of this research takes into account the factors of (1) construction sites (2) limitations on the number of excavators and vehicles in the truck construction sites (3) construction site earth disposal is transported out once the volume for carrying and transporting is reached (4) machinery transported to the construction site cannot be moved in and out daily due to transportation costs (5) the price of excavated material sold is counted forward to reduce cost. This research establishes a set of mathematically optimized models by using an integer planning as the structure in order to assist the construction site management decision maker to perform a unified planning on the work assignments for the construction teams in light of minimizing the assignment cost incurred so that profit can be increased. In this research model, when the external environment and the criteria of limitation undergo changes, it is able to adjust the parameters according to the latest criteria in order to perform re-assignments on the construction teams including later excavators and trucks. In addition, at the same time, it is able to actively adjust all types of related parameters based on the trend of the sensitivity change of each parameter in order to establish an assignment solution for the excavators and dump trucks according to changes of the actual conditions. This research uses basic data and criteria of limitations to define corresponding limitation parameters, followed by inputting the data into the LINGO 8.0 software a package via the software method of using EXCEL2003 for solutions. An optimized outcome for a total assignment cost generated by the excavation operations of excavators and the carrying and shipping operations of trucks can be obtained. This research model uses a construction excavation process in a construction project performed by a construction company as an exemplary test, in which the two methods of the test result and the manual experience decision are compared. The results indicate that this research model has obvious advantageous effects. Therefore, this research model is suitable to the assignment planning for various types of excavation operations of excavators in cooperation with truck carrying and transportation, such that it can be used as a significant reference basis for decision makers.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 挖土機回填 ★ 卡車載運 ★ 敏感度 ★ 最佳化 ★ 整數規劃 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ excavation by excavator ★ carrying and shipping by truck ★ sensitivity ★ optimization ★ integer programming |
論文目次 |
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iiv
目 錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
一、緒 論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究的目的與範圍 1
1.2.1研究目的 1
1.2.2研究範圍 2
1.3研究方法與流程 2
1.3.1研究方法 2
1.3.2研究流程 3
二、文獻回顧 6
2.1有關土石方分類及處理相關法規文獻 6
2.2文獻評述 10
三、模式構建及求解方法 11
3.1問題描述與現況做法 11
3.1.1問題描述 11
3.1.2現況做法 14
3.2模式構建 14
3.2.1假設條件及決策變數、參數定義 14
3.2.2數學模式 17
3.2.3模式應用 20
3.3求解方法與步驟 21
3.4小結 22
四、範例測試 23
4.1資料分析 23
4.1.1問題規模及預期目標 23
4.1.2決策變數之擬定 24
4.1.3範例測試基本參數資料之擬定 32
4.2測試與結果分析 35
4.2.1電腦演練環境 35
4.2.2模式輸出結果 35
4.2.3現況做法結果與比較分析 38
4.2.4模式效益 44
4.3敏感度分析 45
4.3.1決策規模-完成期限的敏感度分析 46
4.3.2限制式條件-自有機具數量變化的敏感度分析 48
4.3.3限制式條件-可回收有價土壤所占百分比之敏感度分析 51
4.5小結 53
五、結論與建議 54
5.1結論 55
5.2建議 56
參考文獻 57
附錄A:測試範例LINGO程式碼 60
附錄B:測試範例LINGO輸入參數 64
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
顏上堯(Shang-yao Yan)
審核日期 |
2015-7-13 |
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