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王翎雅(Ling-ya Wang)
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摘要(中) |
本研究係探究桃園縣民國98年至102年五年間建築物火警樣態及其空間分佈特性。分析資料不侷限現行公部門公告之火災紀錄,而是擴增為建築物火警紀錄,目的希望藉由提高研究樣本參數,將資料重新建檔及校正,還原探究桃園縣建築物火警樣態。此外,分析過程中運用地理資訊系統(ARC GIS)進行空間分析,透過地址定位繪製火警斑點圖,利用核密度分析繪製火警熱區,呈現地區火警潛勢分佈及程度;另外,為瞭解各鄉鎮市火警空間型態及相關變異性,整合各鄉鎮市人文、地理相關屬性資料,比較、探討各鄉鎮市火警聚集之空間因素、環境特性及起火原因。
摘要(英) |
This study is an attempt to explore the pattern of building fires and the characteristics of distribution of the fires in Taoyuan County from 2009 to 2013, a period of 5 years. The data for analysis are not confined to the records of fires announced by the authorities but also extend to the records of buildingfires. The purpose is to rebuild and calibrate the data files with a larger volume of samples of the parameters for recovering the pattern of buildingfires in Taoyuan County. As such, the ARC GIS is introduced to the space analysis. Through the Geo-Coding of the address, a spatialdistribution of fires is created. The high fire hazard zones were sketched out through kernel density analysis to show the distribution and severity of the potentials of fire outbreaks. Furthermore, the data on humanity, geography and related fields in the towns and villages were also integrated to compare and explore the space factors of the scattering of fires in the towns and villages, the specific nature of the environment and the causes of the fires for a better understanding of the pattern of fires and other related variables.
This study aims not only to recover the pattern of buildingfires in Taoyuan County but also to refresh our knowledge of the potential pattern of fires and the distribution of fires in the towns and villages through the GIS. The research data could be used by fire services as a reference for mapping out related policies and related industries for business purposes. The ultimate goal of this study is the advocacy of fire prevention with the help of geographic features for the effective prevention of fires through an understanding of the specific geographic nature of fires in the district.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 建築物火警 ★ 地理資訊系統 ★ 核密度分析 |
關鍵字(英) |
論文目次 |
目 錄
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 6
1.3 研究範圍與限制 7
1.4 研究方法與流程 9
第2章 文獻回顧 11
2.1 火警統計 11
2.2 地理資訊系統應用火災空間分析 20
2.3 空間分析理論 25
第3章 研究設計 29
3.1 空間單元描述 29
3.2 資料來源與建置 46
3.3 研究架構與分析工具 53
第4章 研究分析與討論 54
4.1 火警統計資料分析 54
4.2 火警空間資料分析 73
4.3 桃園縣列管場所分析 166
第5章 結論與建議 181
5.1 結論 181
5.2 建議 183
參考文獻 184
附錄一 187
附錄二 207
參考文獻 |
﹝19﹞Bailey, T. C. and A. C. Gatrell., Interactive Spatial Data Analysis, Essex and New York: Longman Scientific & Technical, 1995.
﹝20﹞ESRI,.Geospatial Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). California :ESRI,2007。
﹝21﹞NFPA(Marty Ahrens),Smoke Alarms in U.S. Home Fires,2009。
政府資料開放平臺 ,http://data.gov.tw
指導教授 |
審核日期 |
2015-7-22 |
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