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姓名 彭曉怡(Hsiao-Yi Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 員工企業社會責任知覺與組織認同之關聯-以組織支持知覺及組織聲譽知覺為中介
(The Relationship between the Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Identification: the Mediating Effect of the Perceived External Prestige and Perceived Organizational Support)
★ 空服員之工作特性、工作壓力源與個人壓力反應★ 人力資源管理活動對員工離職意願之影響- 以工作滿意度為中介變項
★ 直線主管之管理訓練與其參與人力資源管理活動之關聯★ 直線經理參與人力資源管理活動之影響因素探討
★ 員工風險承擔對個人持股意願之影響★ 人力資本投資、知識分享與組織績效之關聯
★ 人力資源部門跨界活動對企業採行高績效人力資源管理實務之影響★ 賦權感知、工作滿意、組織承諾與服務行為之相關性研究―以某連鎖便利商店為例
★ 業務代表人格特質與核心職能對績效影響的探討 —以某藥廠為例★ 實施利益分享制度對心理賦權感及工作滿意之影響
★ 員工股票獎酬對員工心理所有權之影響---以內外控人格特質為干擾變項★ 組織氣候感知、組織承諾與組織公民行為之關聯
★ 人力資源高績效工作實務、創新氣候與組織績效之關聯-以IC設計產業為例★ 高績效工作實務對員工知識分享行為之影響 -
★ 人格特質與工作績效之關係研究─以航空服務業空服人員為例★ 員工對功能彈性氣候的感知對工作滿意度的影響 以工作自主與工作要求為中介變項
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摘要(中) 隨著人才結構的轉變,企業在求才、留才及激發員工績效等面臨很大的挑戰。企業意識到人才的戰力即代表企業的競爭力,企業需要他們的員工願意留在組織內部,積極且持續的投入並產出貢獻,達到企業整體的目標。本研究參考過去組織管理的相關研究發現,企業的員工對其所在組織具高度的組織認同時,往往代表員工產生與組織發展長期互動關係的意願,員工也會因此投注更多心力對企業產生持續性的貢獻。故本研究從組織認同的角度出發,探尋影響員工組織認同程度的因素。觀察近年來,企業參與企業社會責任的程度日益增溫,企業社會責任能產生外部人對組織評價的影響,員工從外部人對組織的評價知覺的程度及類型,稱為員工的組織聲譽知覺。此外,員工對組織對員工的重視程度,以及是否關心員工的福祉等知覺的程度,稱為員工的組織支持知覺。因此,本研究旨在探討員工對企業社會責任的知覺,是否能透過員工知覺的兩種內外路徑,組織聲譽知覺及組織支持知覺,影響員工組織認同的程度。
摘要(英) To confront with the change of the talent trend nowadays, enterprises are trying to find ways to recruit, retain, and inspire good talents in their organizations. Once they realize that highly capable employees stand strongly for the strength of their organizations, they would need their employees to stay in the organizations with high identification and engagement. Through the exploring of the previous researches, it shows that employees with high identification toward their organizations would involve themselves more deeply to the organizations’ success, and show their willingness to stay in the organizations with continuous distribution. Therefore, our study is focus on the factors may induce employees’ organizational identifications. Furthermore, we found that the rising interest and involvement to CSR of enterprises has led the construing image of the outsiders. Employees’ perception about the way outsiders see the organizations is called Perceived External Prestige. In addition to the consideration of the perception of the image from the outsiders, we also try to investigate if the insiders’ perception of how their organization care for them and their wellbeing, also called Perceived Organizational Support, would have effect on the relationship between employees’ perception of corporate social responsibility and Organizational Identification.
Our study delivered total 680 paper questionnaires to the employees of 33 listed companies, and received 614 effective questionnaires for further analysis. We proceeded the analysis on SPSS, and get the results as follows,
1.Employees’ perception of legal and discretionary responsibility of corporate social responsibility has positive effect on organizational identification.
2.Employees’ perception of economic responsibility of corporate social responsibility shows no relation to the organizational identification.
3.Employees’ perception of legal and discretionary responsibility of corporate social responsibility has positive effect on organizational identification through perceived organizational support and perceived external prestige.
關鍵字(中) ★ 企業社會責任知覺
★ 組織認同
★ 組織聲譽知覺
★ 組織支持知覺
關鍵字(英) ★ Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility
★ Organizational Identification
★ Perceived Organizational Support
★ Perceived External Prestige
論文目次 一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 4
二、 文獻探討 5
2-1 員工企業社會責任知覺 5
2-1-1 企業社會責任的發展歷程 6
2-1-2 員工企業社會責任知覺 11
2-2 組織認同 5
2-3 組織聲譽知覺 12
2-4 組織支持知覺 14
三、 研究方法 16
3-1 研究架構 16
3-1-1 變數設定 16
3-1-2 研究假設 16
3-1-3 研究架構圖 16
3-2 研究對象及樣本概述 17
3-3 研究變項操作型定義 17
3-3-1 自變項-員工企業社會責任知覺 17
3-3-2 依變項-組織認同 22
3-3-3 中介變項1-組織聲譽知覺 23
3-3-4 中介變項2-組織支持知覺 24
3-4 研究分析方法 25
3-4-1 敘述統計分析 25
3-4-2 因素分析 25
3-4-3 信度分析 26
3-4-4 相關分析 26
3-4-5 迴歸分析 26
四、 研究結果與分析 28
4-1 敘述統計分析 28
4-2 信度分析 29
4-3 相關分析 30
4-4 階層迴歸分析 31
五、 結論與建議 40
5-1 研究結果與討論 40
5-2 管理意涵及建議 44
5-3 研究限制及未來研究建議 45
參考文獻 中文文獻
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指導教授 劉念琪(Nien-Chi Liu) 審核日期 2015-7-8
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