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姓名 阮仁傑(Jen-chieh Juan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
(The Study of High Performance Work System And Employee Performance─ With The Moderating Role of Work-family Conflict)
★ 人格特質對工作績效影響之探討-以F銀行財富管理事業群人員為例★ 護理人員的人格特質與工作滿意及工作績效之關係—以工作壓力為調節變項
★ 護理人員之工作壓力、工作動機、工作滿意與工作績效的影響-以某公立醫院為例★ 心理契約與勞雇關係之關聯性探討
★ 情緒智力對工作動機、工作滿意及工作績效之影響-以人力資源工作者為例。★ 社會人際行為模式測驗與工作績效間關連性之探討
★ 財務與非財務獎酬對工作動機與工作滿意度之干擾研究-以M直銷公司為例★ 薪酬制度與員工績效表現之個案研究
★ 領導行為、員工創新行為及績效表現關聯性之個案探討★ 綠⾊⼈⼒資源管理對員⼯綠⾊⾏為影響-以綠⾊⼼理氛圍為調節變項
★ 高科技廠商薪資策略與離職率關係之探討★ 人力資源管理系統與組織文化之交互作用對組織績效的影響
★ 情境式與行為描述式結構性面談之比較研究★ 日薪人員與月薪人員之工作動機傾向對其工作績效與工作滿意之影響
★ 本地員工人格特質與對外派人員的利他行為、互動適應之關連探討★ 五大人格量表的效用分析—以Taylor-Russell、Naylor-Shine 及Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser 模型為例
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摘要(中) 過去20幾年來學者持續對高工作績效系統 (HPWS)與績效進行實證研究。研究皆發現實施高工作績效系統對於組織績效有正向的影響效果。組織透過一系列一致的人力資源管理措施來改變員工的工作態度與行為。高工作績效系統實施能激發員工的工作投入與工作承諾,且激勵員工在此一支持性的組織當中付出更多努力於工作上。
然而,有研究發現組織採行高工作績效系統會對於員工的生活福祉有負向的影響。潛在的副作用如工作負荷、工作壓力、長工時、或甚至產生職家衝突 (WFC)。當員工感受緊張、時間、行為性的職家衝突時,會影響到其工作表現,降低工作產出。
摘要(英) Researchers and scholars have empirically examined the relationship between high performance work system (HPWS) and performance for the past two decades. Consistent findings of HPWS showed a positive impact on employee and even organization performance. A series of coherent HR program were addressed to change employee’s working attitude and behavior. HPWS utilization would encourage more involvement and commitment from employee and motivate employee to devote more efforts in such a supporting environment.
However, little research discussed the negative effects of HPWS on employee’s wellbeing on work and personal life. Potential detrimental outcomes of HPWS, such as workload, work stress, and long work hours, may cause work-family conflict (WFC) from employee. Individual experienced strain-based, time-based, behavior-based WFC would influence job performance and reduce the quality and quantity of work outcomes.
A survey of 225 employees in Taiwan tested the potential moderating effect of WFC on the relationship between HPWS and job performance. Results showed that there was no significant undermining effect of WFC. Nevertheless, an interesting finding of this study is that time-based WFC had an interaction with HPWS, remarking that employee with strong time-based WFC would enhance the positive effect of HPWS on employee performance which was incompatible with extant WFC literature and also contradicted to the assumption of negative outcomes in this study.
關鍵字(中) ★ 高工作績效系統
★ 職家衝突
★ 員工績效
關鍵字(英) ★ High Performance Work System
★ Work-family Conflict
★ Employee Performance
Chapter One Introduction 1
Chapter Two Literature Review 3
2.1 High performance work system 3
2.2 Employee performance 6
2.3 Work-family conflict 7
Chapter Three Methodology 12
3.1 Research framework 12
3.2 Sample and procedure 13
3.3 Measures 13
3.3.1 High performance work system 13
3.3.2 Employee performance 14
3.3.3 Work-family conflict 14
3.3.4 Control variable 14
3.4 Methods 15
3.4.1 Descriptive statistics analysis 15
3.4.2 Reliability analysis 15
3.4.3 Factor analysis 15
3.4.4 Correlation analysis 16
3.4.5 Regression analysis 16
Chapter Four Results 17
4.1 Descriptive statistics analysis 17
4.2 Factor analysis 19
4.3 Correlation analysis 20
4.4 Regression results 21
Chapter Five Conclusion 27
5.1 Discussion 27
5.2 Managerial Implications 29
5.3 Limitations and Future Studies 30
References 32
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Unpublished thesis
1. Martinaityte, I. (2014). Leveraging employee creativity through high performance work systems: a multilevel perspective (Doctoral dissertation, Aston University).
指導教授 房美玉(Mei-yu Fang) 審核日期 2015-7-24
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