摘要(英) |
The study focuses on developing procedure of management’s managerial competency model, through literary reviews, experts interview, and questionnaire survey. The whole process can be divided into three stages --- (1) Managerial Competency Model Construction. (2) Managerial Competency Model Confirmation. (3) Proposal for Managerial Competency Model Application.
The research conclusions for each stage are listed as the following:
(1) Managerial Competency Model Construction
The Division head and Section manager’s Managerial Competency Model is formed by seven competency aspects. Their definition and key behavior is clearly described.
(2) Managerial Competency Model Confirmation
After the analysis of Managerial Competency Model Questionnaire, we can easily judge whether each member can reach a consensus. The analysis result has revealed seven important and consistent aspects are chose by division head. Highly important and consistent aspects should be developed at first priority. Low important and inconsistent aspects should be postponed to second stage.
(3) Proposal for Managerial Competency Model Application
The proposal will setup a on-line competency assessment system and this system can be implemented in different functions, such Training and Development, Recruitment, and Performance Management.
參考文獻 |
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