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魏曾吉弘(Ji-hong Wei-zeng)
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土木工程學系 |
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摘要(中) |
摘要(英) |
When buildings are design under the earthquake force , the fundamental period and design earthquake force with the displacement limit are the important factors in design . The concept of deciding these factors over the world’s codes are almost same , but the regulation have some different . Th parts of this research is to introduce the different of the three factors in the regulations over the world . To the result of design earthquake force , where the result shows that the design earthquake force in Taiwan’s code is bigger than the other codes . In the displacement limit , the regulations over the world are also different . In early codes , it limits the elastic displacement of relative displacement angle . In recent code , part of the codes limits the limit displacement of relative displacement angle , part of the codes still limits the elastic displacement of relative displacement angle , and part of the codes limits two of the restriction .
In high-rise building structure of reinforced concrete , shear walls can provide the effective shear capacity of structure and reduce the horizontal deformation of structure . Hence , the dual system of reinforced concrete structure with shear wall is one of the most effective building structures in resisting earthquake . There are no appropriate fundamental period formula of shear wall and moment resisting frame dual system in modern building seismic design code , and in practice , it generally uses the fundamental period formula of other structures .
Then , the other part of this research is to establish the fundamental period formula of shear wall and moment resisting frame dual system . By using the modal analysis and collecting the real data , respectively finding the fundamental period formulas of reinforced concrete moment resisting frame and shear wall frame , and combining to the fundamental period formula of dual system by theory . With adding the coefficient k , which is the strength ratio of the moment resisting frame of the whole structure , in dual system formula , it can contol the magnitude of resisting horizontal force of reinforced concrete moment resisting frame and shear wall frame structure to make the designer can estimate the value of the fundamental period more accurately . Finally , by using the concept of Taiwan’s code , redusing the formula of 0.7 times , which is approximately
1/1.4 times where 1.4 is the restriction in the code , the fundamental period getting by other methods can not exceed 1.4 times of the fundamental period getting by codes . Comparing by the recommend formula , dynamic analysis results and real case analysis result , it finds that the recommend formula is more suitable than Taiwan’s formula in dual system .
關鍵字(中) |
★ 基本振動週期 ★ 二元系統 ★ 耐震設計 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ fundamental period ★ dual system ★ seismic design |
論文目次 |
一、 前言........................................1
1.1 介紹.....................................1
1.2 研究動機..................................2
1.3 研究目的與方法.............................2
二、 文獻回顧.....................................3
2.1 各國建築結構基本振動週期公式規定...............3
2.2 主要國家建築物設計地震力介紹.................11
2.3 主要國家建築物位移限制介紹...................29
2.4 撓曲型建築物基本振動週期理論.................32
2.5 多自由度組合基本振動週期近似理論..............34
2.5.1 Dunkerley 理論...........................34
2.5.2 Southwell 理論...........................36
三、 各國建築物耐震設計規範比較......................38
3.1 前言.....................................38
3.2 基本振動週期比較...........................38
3.2.1 鋼筋混凝土抗彎構架基本振動週期公式.............38
3.2.2 剪力牆結構基本振動週期公式....................39
3.3 抗彎構架系統設計地震力比較....................42
3.4 位移限制比較...............................45
3.5 小結......................................48
四、 鋼筋混凝土剪力牆二元結構系統基本振動週期研究........50
4.1 前言......................................50
4.2 研究方法...................................50
4.3 基本假設...................................50
4.4 抗彎構架結構週期分析.........................51
4.4.1 基本結構模型參數............................52
4.4.2 設計規範...................................52
4.4.3 結構分析模型................................53
4.4.4 二元系統初步週期分析與結果比較.................54
4.4.5 抗彎構架週期分析結果比較......................61
4.5 剪力牆結構週期分析...........................65
4.6 抗彎構架與剪力牆等高或不等高之二元系統建築模型....68
4.6.1 抗彎構架和剪力牆等高之二元系統.................69
4.6.2 抗彎構架和剪力牆不等高之二元系統................72
4.7 抗彎構架與剪力牆二元系統之基本振動週期數學模型建立..78
4.7.1 分析公式結果.................................78
4.7.2 分析公式與分析結果比較.........................81
4.7.3 分析公式與真實例子比較.........................82
4.8 小結.......................................92
五、 結論與建議.....................................93
附錄一 二元系統之ETABS分析數據.......................95
附錄二 剪力牆案例平面圖及解說.........................98
附錄三 各規範設計地震力計算..........................104
附錄四 建議公式使用之範例............................115
附錄五 二次彎矩對基本振動週期影響之概算.................117
參考文獻 |
[1] American Society of Civil Engineers (2010). Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures. American Society of Civil Engineers ,USA, Virginia.
[2]BSI(2004). Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance — Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings. British Standards Institution, British, London.
[3]Goel, R. K., and Chopra, A. K. (l997).“Vibration properties of buildings determined from recorded earthquake motions.”Rep. No. VCRI EERC-971J4. Earthquake Engineering Research Center, Richmond, Calif.
[4]International Conference of Building Official (1976,1988,1991,1997). Uniform Building Code. USA, California.
[5]International Code Council(2000). International Building Code. USA, Virginia.
[7]Standards New Zealand (2004).Structure Design Actions . Standards New Zealand, New Zealand, Willington.
[8]Standards New Zealand (2004).Structure Design Actions Part 5: Earthquake actions -New Zealand -Commentary (Supplement to NZS 1170.5:2004). Standards New Zealand, New Zealand, Willington.
[11]內政部 (1974,1982),「建築技術規則」。
指導教授 |
王勇智(Yong-zhi Wang)
審核日期 |
2015-8-28 |
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