摘要(英) |
As globalization speeds up the information flow, coupled with the rise of consumer awareness in recent years, people are more aware of the products with quality or safety concern, e.g., food and drug safety, recalls of defective automobile products, that would have a significant impact on the company′s long lasting good image and operation. In addition, the company does not fulfill the social responsibility. As a result, it is important to set up a high quality and safety system to win trust from consumers in all the industry.
The manufacturing industry have been developed MES in recent years to collect and analyze the data for process quality control during production, which can help the company make a right decision find the problem earlier, solve the problem in time, and promote consumer’s willing to purchase the product.
In order to digitize the real-time control of the factory management, the MES system implementation of scooter manufacturing will be discussed in this article, from the initial concept, the manufacturing process to the practical operation. Not only to be the model of MES implementation for scooter/automobile manufacturing industry, but also to be applied to all the other manufacturing industry. Here is the conclusion:
(1) The production quality data-saving model of MES has been improved in scooter manufacturing.
(2) Manufacturing related report of MES has been improved in scooter industry. |
參考文獻 |
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