姓名 |
温玉帆(Yu-fan Wen)
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工業管理研究所在職專班 |
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應用實驗計畫法- 提升垂直電漿機在IC載板上清潔能力之研究
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摘要(中) |
摘要(英) |
IC substrates are the critical interface between the semiconductor chip and the conductive component carrier they rest on. IC substrates serve as the connection between IC chip (s) and the PCB through a conductive network of traces and holes.
IC substrates support critical functions including circuit support and protection, heat dissipation, and signal and power distribution. From cost performance point of view, IC substrate accounts for about 35% - 55% of the total cost of IC package process.
Along with the development of scientific and technological progress, IC packages become increasingly complex. Optimum performance of the product may need IC substrates, which are efficient and precise.
It will cause pollution or foreign objects left on the surface during the IC substrate fabrication due to a variety of factors. Not only it results in an unacceptable cosmetic defect, but also reduces solderability to affect the reliability and the performance of the product.
This study aims to plasma- cleaning treatment performances on vertical plasma cleaner. In this study we attempt to optimize the gas settings of vertical plasma cleaner with DOE (Design of Experiment). This is meant to solve the problem, which the production line is fully booked by using horizontal plasma cleaner.
關鍵字(中) |
★ IC載板 ★ 電漿 ★ 實驗計畫法 ★ 可靠度 |
關鍵字(英) |
論文目次 |
論文摘要 ................................................................. i
ABSTRATE ................................................................ ii
目 錄 ............................................. iv
圖目錄 .................................................................. iv
表目錄 .................................................................. vi
第一章 緒論 ............................................................. 1
1-1 研究背景 ........................................................ 1
1-2 研究動機 ........................................................ 2
1-3 研究目的 ........................................................ 2
1-4 論文大綱 ........................................................ 3
第二章 IC 載板產業概況與研究方法 ......................................... 4
2-1 IC 載板介紹與產業現況 ............................................ 4
2-1-1 產品定義及範圍 ............................................ 4
2-1-2 IC 載板產品簡介 ............................................ 4
2-1-3 載板產業現況 .............................................. 6
2-2 電漿介紹與運用 .................................................. 7
2-2-1 電漿技術分類 .............................................. 8
2-2-2 電漿表面處理可能產生之效應 ................................ 9
2-2-3 電漿表面處理應用 ......................................... 11
2-3 實驗計畫法 ..................................................... 12
2-3-1 部分因子實驗設計 ......................................... 13
2-3-2 因子效應及交互作用 ....................................... 16
第三章 實驗設備與方法 .................................................. 19
3-1 實驗材料與設備 ................................................. 19
3-2 垂直電漿機氣體組成 ............................................. 20
3-3 水滴角分析 ..................................................... 21
3-4 實驗規劃 ....................................................... 22
第四章 實驗設計與分析 .................................................. 24
4.1 第一階段實驗設計 ............................................... 27
4.1.1 因子與水準 ............................................... 27
4.1.2 直交表 ................................................... 28
4.1.3 實驗數據 ................................................. 29
4.1.4 實驗數據分析-因子效應與交互作用 .......................... 31
4.1.5 實驗數據S/N Ratio 分析 ................................... 34
4.1.6 實驗數據P-Value 分析 ..................................... 34
4.1.7 顯著因子與最適組合 ....................................... 35
4.2 第二階段實驗設計 ............................................... 36
4.2.1 實驗因子與水準 ........................................... 37
4.2.2 二階反應曲面模型分析 ..................................... 37
4.2.3 實驗數據 ................................................. 38
4.2.4 實驗數據分析-輪廓圖及預估 ................................ 39
4.3 最適化設計組合及再現性實驗 ..................................... 42
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 .............................................. 46
5-1 結論 ........................................................... 46
5-2 未來研究方向 ................................................... 46 |
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
審核日期 |
2015-7-28 |
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