博碩士論文 102222017 詳細資訊

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姓名 葉喬茵(Chiao-Yin Yeh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
(Silicon adsorption on Ag(111): XPS and LEED study)
★ Exploration of new methods for growing Ag films on Au(111) studied by ARPES★ 二階段成長法成長銀薄膜在銅(111)面上利用光電子能譜研究
★ 利用角解析光電子能譜術研究銅薄膜在銀(111)基板上的成長★ 利用角解析光電子能譜術探測Ag/Au(111)系統中銀表面態受到光誘發的衰變情形
★ 利用角解析光電子能譜術探測Ag/Au(111)系統中銀表面態受到光誘發的衰變情形★ Sulfur adsorption on Au(100): XPS, LEED and STM study
★ Adsorption and desorption of atomic hydrogen on the surface of thin Ag films on Au(111) studied with ARPES and XPS★ Thin-film growth of Bi and S on Au(100) studied with LEED and XPS
★ The growth of Bi on Ag(111) studied with STM, LEED and XPS★ The investigation of highly ordered Ag films on mica with STM, LEED and XPS
★ 原子級平整SrTiO3(100)表面製備過程中之表面重構、表面形貌以及表面元素組成之變化★ 使用熱處理生長單晶銅箔
★ 碲與銻在銀(111)/白雲母表面的成長★ 在環境條件下用膠帶劈裂Bi2Te3晶體的表面改質研究
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摘要(中) 本論文將探討矽在銀(111)表面上,控制基板溫度及改變矽的鍍率,其表面重構隨矽(Si)覆蓋量增加之變化。我們在超高真空的環境下,透過直流電加熱方式產生矽蒸氣,使其吸附於加熱的銀(111)表面上,並利用X光光電子能譜術(X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy, XPS)與低能電子繞射(Low Energy Electron Diffraction, LEED)來研究矽在銀(111)表面上隨蒸鍍時間增加之結構變化。以高鍍率鍍了少量的矽以後,透過低能量電子繞射觀察到(4×4)與(√13×√13)R13.9°的重構同時存在。隨著鍍矽量增加,當表面覆蓋超過一個原子層(1ML)的矽之後,新的(4/√3×4/√3)R30°重構產生,並越來越顯著,而原本存在的(4×4)與(√13×√13)R13.9°重構則越來越不明顯。另外,為了探討是否真實有矽(4×4)單一結構存在於銀(111)表面上,我們試著以極緩慢的鍍率在銀基板上鍍矽,發現表面覆蓋少量的矽時,由低能量電子繞射成功觀察到(4×4)單一重構,並隨著表面覆蓋的矽增加,(√13×√13)R13.9°重構開始逐漸形成,其表面結構的變化與高鍍率之結果一致。我們也利用X光光電子能譜術,量測到兩種不同矽2p的電子態,隨著矽覆蓋量增加,觀察到不同電子態消長的現象。不論是高鍍率還是低鍍率,在覆蓋一個原子層以前,兩種電子態皆以固定的比例增加,約超過一個原子層厚之後,才開始各自有不同的轉折變化,由趨勢推測是矽-矽與矽-銀兩種化學態的變化結果。矽在銀(111)基板之重構,透過低能量電子繞射來了解表面原子排列情形,同時結合矽2p和銀3d電子能譜來分析表面原子分布的趨勢。本論文亦根據上述結果,檢視了可能的原子結構模型。
摘要(英) We have studied the superstructures of Si on Ag(111) grown with varied Si coverages and substrate temperatures. The surface reconstructions of Si/Ag(111) were characterized with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and low energy electron diffraction (LEED). The (4×4) and(√13×√13)R13.9°reconstructions were observed for the Si coverage of one monolayer; the (4/√3×4/√3)R30° reconstruction would emerge with further Si deposition. With a low rate of deposition of Si, the surface showed a single (4×4) reconstruction initially, and became the combination of several reconstructions as the Si coverage was increased. With a high rate of deposition, the single (4×4) phase was not observed. The evolution of the core levels Si 2p and Ag 3d was measured and analyzed with an increasing Si coverage. Combining the results of XPS and LEED, the possible atomic models for the different surface reconstructions were proposed.
關鍵字(中) ★ 矽在銀(111)面上之重構 關鍵字(英) ★ Silicene
★ Ag(111)
★ Si 2p
論文目次 摘要...............................................................................................................................I
第一章 簡介............................................................................................................1
第二章 文獻回顧....................................................................................................2
第三章 實驗儀器與原理......................................................................................14
3.1 簡介.........................................................................................................14
3.2 超高真空.............................................................................................................14
3.2.1 機械幫浦......................................................................................................15
3.2.2 分子渦輪幫浦..............................................................................................15
3.2.3 離子幫浦......................................................................................................16
3.2.4 鈦昇華幫浦..................................................................................................16
3.3 低能電子繞射.....................................................................................................16
3.4 同步輻射光源.....................................................................................................18
3.5 X-Ray光電子能譜術..........................................................................................19
3.5.1 原理..............................................................................................................19
3.5.2 曲線分析......................................................................................................20
3.6 電子動能分析儀.................................................................................................20
3.7 矽蒸鍍器.............................................................................................................21
3.8 離子濺射槍.........................................................................................................21
3.9 樣品清潔與加熱.................................................................................................22
第四章 結果與討論..............................................................................................31
4.1 樣品製備.............................................................................................................31
4.2 矽在不同條件下成長的結果.............................................................................31
4.2.1 低鍍率成長矽之結構變化..........................................................................31
4.2.2 高鍍率成長矽之結構變化..........................................................................33
4.2.3 矽在不同基板溫度下結構的變化..............................................................35
4.3 討論................................................................................................................36
4.3.1 化學態分量的指定......................................................................................37
4.3.2 成長模式......................................................................................................37
4.3.3 可能的結構模型之檢驗..............................................................................38
4.3.4 鍍率對結構轉換的影響..............................................................................39
4.3.5 基板溫度對結構轉換的影響......................................................................41
第五章 結論..........................................................................................................61
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指導教授 陸大安(Dah-An Luh) 審核日期 2015-7-13
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