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姓名 林則余(Tse-yu Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 羽軸的微結構與力學性質研究
(Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of the Feather Rachis)
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摘要(中) 羽毛是自然界中最複雜的皮膚衍生物。羽毛複雜的成長過程所產生外觀上的階層分支、高度組織化的內外層結構,及在鳥類生活中所扮演的多樣功性,讓羽毛成為近代跨研究領域的重要課題。羽毛早期的研究以解剖學分析為主;近年因恐龍羽毛的史前化石出土,啟發了更多人由演化及羽毛形成過程的觀點來探究羽毛課題。新穎羽毛演化模型的發表,和羽毛形態發生過程中關鍵分子生物訊號的確認,是近年來羽毛研究重要的里程碑。從經典研究結果得知,在毛囊這個高度不對稱環境中所生成的羽毛,應具有材質上的非均性,但前人卻鮮少深入探討此一非均性對羽毛力學性質的影響。本論文將探討:羽軸內部微結構的非均性及演化上不同鳥種所展現的羽毛微結構差異,對於羽軸力學性質的影響。
摘要(英) Feathers are the most complex integumentary appendage found in nature. The complex feather regeneration leads to its hierarchical branching, highly organized inner-outer structure, and multifunction in avian daily life. The feather has become an important topic in modern interdisciplinary research field. In contrast to early anatomy research of feathers, the excavation of prehistoric dinosaur feather fossils have inspired scientists to explore feathers in the perspective of evolution and regeneration recently. The novel feather development model and the confirmation of crucial biochemical signals during feather morphogenesis are important milestones in the modern feather research.
The feather regeneration in an asymmetric avian follicle makes the composition of a feather exhibits non-uniform material properties. However, former researchers rarely investigate how the non-uniform composition of feather may contribute to its mechanical properties. In this thesis, we investigate the effect of non-uniform inner microstructure in the feather rachis among species, and study the influence of microstructure on rachis mechanical properties. We use a home-made bending test system to measure the bending elastic modulus of the rachis medulla and cortex in different bending direction. The result indicates that the non-uniform microstructure of the porous medulla from a single species do not introduce the anisotropy of the elastic modulus. However, the measured elastic modulus of medulla have a distinctive difference among feathers from various species.
We also investigate the influence of the moisture to the rachis microstructure in order to understand the impact of the dehydration during feather development microscopically. We use the fluorescent microscopy to observe the morphology of medulla and cortex during hydration and dehydration of the rachis. We observe the swelling of the feather rachis associated with the hydration. The rachis prefer expanding anisotropically towards the barbs direction. The hydrated rachis medulla without cortex tends to expand perpendicularly to the direction of microstructure pattern.
關鍵字(中) ★ 羽毛
★ 羽軸
★ 羽髓
★ 彈性模量
關鍵字(英) ★ feather
★ feather rachis
★ feather medulla
★ elastic modulus
論文目次 摘要....................................................I
ABSTRACT.............................................. II
第一章 緒論............................................. 1
第二章 文獻探討......................................... 4
第三章 實驗架設與測試................................... 15
3.2 樑柱狀羽毛樣品準備...................................17
3.4 實驗架設與試驗機解析度測試............................21
第四章 實驗結果........................................ 25
4.3 不同鳥種羽髓彈性模量與孔隙率比較......................41
4.4 皮質樑彎曲力學性質...................................45
4.5 羽軸含水量與形變的關係...............................49
第五章 結論與未來展望................................... 61
參考文獻............................................... 63
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指導教授 林耿慧(Keng-hui Lin) 審核日期 2015-7-16
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