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姓名 釋明光(Rev. Wadinagala Pannaloka)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
(A Philosophical Interpretation of Theravada Buddhist Ethics:An Ethics beyond Being and Non-being)
★ 諾丁關懷倫理學的道德理論研究★ 《莊子》命論之研究
★ 宋代天台山家山外第二次論諍─以智者大師的原始思想決疑★ 判斷底邏輯形式與範疇-康德「範疇之形上推證」研究
★ 梁漱溟文化哲學研究★ 許敬菴.周海門九諦九解義理研究
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★ 論癌末病人知情權★ 從儒家觀點省思複製人的倫理問題
★ 論基因倫理:基因治療及基因增強相關之倫理爭議★ 代理孕母與親子關係:一個倫理分析
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摘要(中) 本論文為解決有關西方倫理學界,對於傳統東方倫理中的南傳佛教倫理解釋上的問題。這些解釋是應用傳統西方倫理範疇的術語,如亞里士多德德性倫理學,後果論,規則後果論和康德的義務論,導入南傳佛教倫理,為西方讀者找出理論結構。然而,這些過程並非無懈可擊,我們可以在一些嚐試如此解釋的論述中發現,由於論者忽視南傳佛教倫理的背景,而錯過了它的特殊性質。為了解決這個問題,本論文首先檢查當前研究的問題爭論點,然後檢查佛教教義系統內的倫理理論。

摘要(英) The present thesis addresses the interpretational issues in relation to the Theravada Buddhist ethics, an eastern ethical tradition. The interpretations are made in terms of western ethical categories such as Aristotelian virtue ethics, consequentialism, rule-consequentialism and Kantian deontology. These traditions are applied to find out the theoretical structure for the purpose of introducing the Theravada ethical system to the western reader. The process is not flawless. We can find in certain attempts, the sui generis character of Theravada Buddhist Ethics is missed due to neglecting its context. To address this problem, the present thesis first examines the problematic arguments of the current researchers and then examine the ethics within the Buddhist doctrinal system.
To find out the role of ethics within the context, the present research examines the doctrine of causal-dependence, the key philosophical concept of early Buddhism. It recognizes the conditional existence as the origin of the human predicament and the need to get out of the conditional realm to attain liberation. The understanding of the causality is recognized as the ‘doctrinal middle path’, which avoids the extreme views about the ontological status, “Being” and “Non-being.” The teaching of Eightfold path is known as the ethical middle path of the Theravada tradition. The relation between the theory about the ontological understanding of the reality and the ethical path maintain an invincible connection. This is the sui generis character of Buddhist ethics. The explication of the relation between ontology and the ethics within the early Buddhism contribute to make a better interpretation of the ethics in the correct context. This would do justice to the authentic character of the ethical system found in the Theravada tradition. Further, Buddhism is entirely moral in the explanation of the experience within the existence, yet, it is not limited to the ‘other-regardness’, which is seen as very fundamental stage of the spiritual path to liberation. In order to have the liberation ‘insight’ into the reality is compulsory, the ethics is supportive to gain the insight; however, ethics is not the sufficient factor. Ethics serves as ‘necessary’ factor at one level and ethics reaches perfection with the inner transformation which is experienced by the agent through the cultivation of wisdom.
關鍵字(中) ★ 倫理學
★ 緣起法
★ 南傳佛教
★ 中道,後果論
★ 存有
★ 非存有
關鍵字(英) ★ Ethics, Paticcasamuppada
★ Theravada Buddhism
★ Middle Path, Consequentialism
★ Eight Noble Path,Rule-Consequentialism
★ Being, Non-Being
★ Aristotle Virtue Ethics
論文目次 Abstract i
Acknowledgement iii
Abbreviations iv
Table of Contents v

Chapter 01: Introduction
01.I. Research Background and Objective 01
01.II. Review and Critique to Interpretations
on Buddhist Ethics 07
01. II.I. Virtue Ethical
Interpretations 08

01. II.I.I. Damien Keown:
Aristotelian Virtue Ethics 09
01. II.I.II. Abraham Velez de Cea:
Virtue Ethics 14
01. II.I.III. Charles Hallisey:
Ethical Particularism 16
01.II.I.IV. James Whitehill:
Virtue Ethics 19
01. II.I.V. Conclusion on Virtue
Ethical Interpretations 23

01.II.II. Consequentialist Interpretations
on Buddhist Ethics 24

01. II.II.I. P.D.Premasiri:
Buddhist Ethics as Consequentialist 24
01. II.II.II. Mark Siderites:
Form of Consequentialism 25
01. II.II.III.I. Charles Goodman:
Consequentialism 26
01. II.II.III.II. Theravada Buddhist Ethics:
Rule –Consequentialism 29

01. II.III. Kantian Deontological Interpretations 32

01. II.III. I. S.G.M. Weerasinghe:
Buddhism and Immanuel Kant 32
01. II.III. II. Bradford Cokelet: Kant and Karma 32

01. III. Methodology 33
01. IV. Structure of the Dissertation 34
01. V. Contribution and Completion 38

Chapter 02: Background to Buddhist Ethics 39

02. I. Introduction 39
02. II. Primacy of Ethics 41
02. III. Gradual Path: Role of Ethics 44
02. IV. Instrumental versus Intrinsic Debate 50
02. V. Puñña-kusala Dichotomy 54
02. VI. Kamma and Paṭiccasamuppāda 59
02. VII. Conclusion 63

Chapter 03: Precepts and Rules in Nikāya Texts 65

03. I. Introduction 65
03. II. Different Precepts 65
03. III. Monastic Code 76
03. IV. Purpose of Vinaya 79
03. V. Conclusion 80

Chapter 04: Buddhist Ethics and Aristotelian Virtue Ethics 81

04. I. Introduction 81

04. II. Moral Virtue and Intellect Virtue in Aristotle 83

04. II.I. Moral Virtues 83
04. II.II. Practical Wisdom and Philosophical Wisdom 86
04. II.III. Authority of Contemplation 88

04. III. Sīla and Paññā in Early Buddhism 92
04. III.I. Morality 95
04. III.II. Eightfold Path 98
04. III.III. Role of Samādhi 99

04. IV.I. Concept of Eudaimonia 108
04. IV.II. Eudaimonia: Ultimate End 111
04. V. Buddhist Concept of Nibbāna 115
04. VI. Conclusion 119

Chapter 05: Rule-Consequentialism and Theravada Buddhist Ethics 121

05. I. Introduction 121

05. II. Characteristics of Consequential Ethics 123
05. II.I. Moral Judgment: Motive and Consequences 123
05. II.II. Impartial Ethics 127
05. II.III. Sacrifice of Innocent in Consequentialism 130
05. II.IV. Golden Rule 132
05. II.V. Self-sacrifice in Consequentialism 135

05. III. Self -sacrifice in TBE 137
05. IV. Rules in Theravada Buddhism 141
05. V. Theravada Theory of Well-being and OLT 148
05. V.I. Well-being in Conditional Realm 151
05. V.II. Well-being in Unconditional Realm 155

05. VI. Conclusion 158

Chapter 06: Kamma, Rebirth and Kant’s Religious Argument for God 161

06. I. Introduction 161
06. II. Is KAR Supernatural? 163
06. III. Need Supernatural Belief? Morality in Buddhism 170
06. IV. Kant on God and Morality 175
06. V. Role of KAR in Buddhism 177
06. VI. Altruism and Self Regard in Buddhism 180
06. VII. Conclusion 185

Chapter 07: Ethics beyond Being and Non-Being 187

07. I. Introduction 187
07. II. I. Paṭiccasamuppāda: Definition 188
07. II.II. Paṭiccasamuppāda Analysis 192
07. III. Nature of World View 196
07. IV. Paṭiccasamuppāda to Ethics: Ontology and Ethics 197
07. V. Liberation from Causal Web 202
07. VI. Knowledge of Causality for Freedom 206
07. VII. Being, Non-being and Western Ethics 209
07. VIII. Role of Wisdom 213
07. IX. Conclusion 221

Chapter 08: Conclusion 223

Bibliography 231
I. Buddhist Texts 231
II. Books 233
III. Papers 238
IV. Dictionaries and Encylopaedias 241
V. Internet Sources 242

Appendix I 243
Appendix II 255

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指導教授 李瑞全(Shui Chuen Lee) 審核日期 2015-7-28
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