摘要(英) |
Like chicken, duck, goose, birds do not seem to need our concern, live from self-generated self-support, and occasionally flew over our eyes, and hear them singing in the distance, I believe they would have been in there, but, science and technology leaping progress under human civilization, which not just be used as human’s food, human’s tool, and not to mention the indirect victims in various human activities, then gradually disappear until the group extinct. This article is to explore the surface of environmental ethics and birds face civilization technology related issues and how to resolve the problem of coexistence between man and bird, with bird aviculture, shared natural, made several personal humble opinion.
The Introduction, a brief description of the individual research motivation, literature review and research methods. The first chapter, from "General Animal" transition to "Birds". Nature made the birds must have its intention, to "animal rights" to explore the survival of birds and birds from human activity status, to explore the world of humans and birds share the cause of issues. Chapter II, to be used as a tool or food, through the study of Chinese and Western scholars cross-referencing, to discuss whether they should respect nature and animal rights, from the "Chuang Tzu", every life has value. Research people aviculture Environmental Ethics deep reflection, to analyze relevant animal moral status of thinking and controversial. Chapter III, even if the scientific data may be listed in the statistical analysis to face the problem, but not a substitute for, or prove the existence of the value of life, limited to the value of human beings on the treatment of birds, so have to rely on philosophy to find the meaning of life, holding a positive attitude to find action in principle.
Finally, faced with the problem and treat the birds kind, a brief overview of the main points and ideas, and make recommendations. |
參考文獻 |
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