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張乃昕(Nai-Hsin Chang)
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摘要(中) |
1. IC製造業公司的主要資金來源為現金增資,約為總資金來源的42.0%,其次為海外存託憑證與可轉換公司債的27.4%,最後為員工認股的3.2%。
2. IC製造業的主要籌資目的為資本支出,其比例為71.7%,接著依序為充實營運資金的14.6%,償債的6.5%,以及一般目的的7.2%。
3. IC製造業公司以資本支出為籌資目的比例為最高。在現金增資為籌資方式下,資本支出為資金用途的比例為56.0%;在發行海外存託憑證為籌資方式下,資本支出為資金用途的比例高達91.0%;在發行可轉換公司債為籌資方式下,資本支出為資金用途的比例為76.5%。
4. IC製造產業的資金來源中內部盈餘佔總資產的百分比為10.2%,其次為現金增資佔總資產的百分比為4.1%,最後為債券佔總資產的百分比為1.9%;主要的資金去處為資本支出,其次為淨營運資金,最後才是償債。 |
摘要(英) |
The characteristics of IC fabrication business are technology-intensive, large capital needs, product life cycle is short, intense price competition, market wide application areas, the market changes fast and highly risk, strong research and development needs and high level international competition, so manufacturers have invested the greatest human and financial resources on capital expenditures. The international companies are focused on capital expenditures, so the big ones get bigger, but it also create the high capital barriers of the industry. If IC fabrication business cannot keep pace with the times to the technology and products, sooner or later, they will be eliminated by the tide. Hence, the demand for capital expenditures will be stronger than other industries, and it also highlights the importance of financing.
This study is investigated the sources of funds and the use of proceeds of 15 of Taiwan′s IC fabrication business and the study period is from 1998 to 2014, in 123 cases, according to the use of proceeds are defined to four categories: increasing working capital, investing of capital, retiring debt and general corporate purposes. The results are as follows:
1. The sources of funds of IC fabrication business are Seasoned Equity Offering which is 42.0% of total funding sources, followed by 27.4% of GDR and convertible bonds, and finally for 3.2% of the employee stock.
2. The use of proceeds of IC fabrication business are investing of capital which is 71.7%, followed by 14.6% of increasing working capital, 6.5% of retiring debt and 7.2% of general corporate purposes.
3. The main purpose of use of proceeds is investing of capital. In the Seasoned Equity Offering for the financing, the investing of capital for the use of funds ratio is 56.0%; in the GDR for the financing, the investing of capital for the use of funds ratio is 91.0%; in the issuance of convertible bonds for the financing, the investing of capital for the use of funds ratio is 76.5%.
4. The percentage of the internally generated cash flow from the firm’s continuing operations in total assets is 10.2%, followed by the percentage of SEO in total assets is 4.1%, and finally as a percentage of the bond in total assets is 1.9% of total assets. The main use of proceeds is investing of capital, followed by increasing working capital, and finally retiring debt. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ IC製造業 ★ 資金來源 ★ 資金用途 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ IC Fabrication Business ★ Sources of funds ★ Use of proceeds |
論文目次 |
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 V
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究架構 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
2-1 融資相關理論 3
2-2 資金用途相關文獻 4
2-3 資本支出相關文獻 9
第三章 臺灣IC製造業簡介 13
3-1 半導體產業簡介 13
3-1-1 全球半導體產業 17
3-1-2 臺灣半導體產業 20
3-2 IC製造業簡介 23
3-2-1 晶圓代工產業 27
3-2-2 記憶體製造產業 30
第四章 臺灣IC製造業融資與投資之探討 37
4-1 研究樣本與資料來源 37
4-2 外部融資來源 38
4-3 外部融資目的 47
4-4 資金來源分析 50
4-5 資金來源與資金去處分析 55
第五章 結論 63
參考文獻 65 |
參考文獻 |
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2015-7-8 |
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