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姓名 溫亞倫(Allan Waimin Cardona)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
論文名稱 Prefeasibility Assessment of a Grid-connected PV Power Plant for Rural Electrification in Honduras
(Prefeasibility Assessment of a Grid-connected PV Power Plant for Rural Electrification in Honduras)
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摘要(中) 本研究之目的是針對宏都拉斯因應鄉村電氣化所建置的太陽光電發電廠進行可行性評估,以增加電力輸送網的可靠性和餘度配置。發電廠址位於宏都拉斯的Alianza,該位置每日的水平輻射量為6.09 kWh/m2,為宏國中水平輻射量最高的地區之一。此發電廠的容量為720 kWp,此容量相當於該社區未來20年的最大用電需求。
本研究是根據太陽能與風能資源評估計劃(Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment Program, SWERA)的月平均輻射量數據進行評估。本文技術層面的評估是運用PVsyst軟體做分析,關於計劃的財務評估則是使用RETScreen模擬軟體,其被廣泛的應用於探討再生能源技術上。
固定傾斜式追日系統及單軸式追日系統為本文探討的兩種追日系統架構。從PVsyst軟體的技術面評估結果得知單軸式追日系統的發電量為1598 MWh,相較於固定傾斜式追日系統的發電量1,270 MWh多了25%的發電量。RETScreen模擬軟體進行的財務評估指標結果指出:固定傾斜式追日系統的内部報酬率為8.9%、投資回收時間為13.2年、效益成本比為1.60;而單軸式追日系統的内部報酬率為13.9%、投資回收時間為10.7年、效益成本比為2.89。財務評估指標的結果說明兩種追日系統皆具有一定的潛力。敏感度分析顯示單軸式追日系統的彈性情境,可以藉由降低電力輸出率及增加初始成本的等改變,使其仍有經濟效益。
摘要(英) The objective of this thesis is to assess the prefeasibility of a photovoltaic (PV) power plant for rural electrification in Honduras to improve the reliability and redundancy of the grid. The proposed location of the power plant is at Alianza, Valle in a region has an average global horizontal irradiation of 6.09 kWh/m2/day; one of the highest irradiance registered in the country. The proposed size of the PV power plant is 720 kWp which is equal to the highest demand by the community in the 20 years lifetime of the project
The assessment is based on the monthly average irradiance data from the Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment Program (SWERA). The technical assessment is performed with the software PVsyst, a tool for designing PV systems. The financial assessment of the project is evaluated using the software RETScreen, widely used software for the analysis of renewable energy technologies.
The assessment analyzes two configurations for the tracking system, fixed-tilt and one-axis tracking. The PVsyst results for the technical assessment provide that the one-axis tracking generates an additional 25% electricity output over the fixed-tilt PV, 1598 MWh and 1,270 MWh, respectively. The financial indicators of the fixed-tilt and one-axis tracking PV, provided by the results of the assessment in RETScreen, estimate an internal rate of return of 8.9% and 13.9%, respectively. The equity payback time is calculated at 13.2 years for the fixed-tilt and 10.7 years for the one-axis configuration. The B-C ratio is estimated at 1.60 for the fixed-tilt and at 2.89 for the one axis configuration. These financial indicators suggest profitable conditions for both scenarios. The sensitivity analysis indicate the flexibility of the one-axis tracking scenario, by reducing the electricity export rate and increasing the initial costs, the results still provided profitable financial indicators.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鄉村電氣化
★ 並網型太陽光電電廠
★ 可行性評估
關鍵字(英) ★ Rural electrification
★ PVsyst.
★ RETScreen
★ grid-connected PV
★ feasibility assessment
論文目次 Abstract i
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Acronyms ix
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background of Honduras 1
1.2 Area of Research 2
1.3 Energy Sector in Honduras 3
1.3.1 Generation of Electricity in Honduras 3
1.3.2 Distribution of Electricity 6
1.3.3 Consumption of Electricity 8
1.3.4 Energy Policies in Honduras 9
1.3.5 Main Issues with Energy Sector 10
1.3.6 Wind Resource in Honduras 11
1.3.7 Solar Resource in Honduras 12
1.3.8 Solar Energy Generation in Honduras 13
1.4 Objectives 15
1.5 Limitations 16
1.6 Thesis Structure 16
2. Literature Review 18
2.1 Rural Electrification 18
2.1.1 Background Information on Electricity Access 18
2.1.2 Rural electrification experiences from around the world 28
2.2 PV System 33
2.3 Grid Connected Systems 34
3. Methodology 39
3.1 Methodology 39
3.2 Selection and Collection of Data 40
3.3 PVsyst Software 41
3.4 RETScreen Software 43
3.5 Feasibility Assessment 46
4. Results and Discussion 48
4.1 Technical Results 48
4.1.1 Location 48
4.1.2 Irradiance and temperature 49
4.1.3 PV Module Selection 49
4.1.4 Inverter 50
4.1.5 Tracking Configuration 51
4.1.6 Electricity Demand 52
4.1.7 Electricity Production 53
4.2 Financial Results 63
4.2.1 Electricity export rate 63
4.2.2 Initial Costs 63
4.2.3 Periodical Costs 64
4.2.4 Financial Viability Results 65
4.2.5 Sensitivity Analysis 68
5. Conclusions and Recommendations 71
5.1 Conclusions 71
5.2 Recommendations 72
References 74
Appendix A: Temperature Data 80
Appendix B: Technical Analysis-Fixed-tilt 720kWp with PVsys 81
Appendix C: Technical Analysis-One-axis 720kWp with PVsyst 84
Appendix D: RETScreen Analysis Worksheets 86

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指導教授 吳俊諆(Jiunn-Chi Wu) 審核日期 2015-8-11
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