摘要(中) |
因應現今雲端科技,市場快速變化之環境,個案公司面臨不斷新增的業務需求,及 伺服器數目持續增加,面對頻繁上版及精實成本的壓力,提出雲端服務優化專案,期能 提昇軟體發行頻率及軟體開發品質,並能快速的故障復原。
因此本研究由系統和組織二個層面探討個案公司的雲端服務優化專案所面臨的問 題及衝擊與因應方案。本個案研究主要探討以下三個議題:
1. 個案公司面臨的雲端服務營運優化需求及採取的行動方案。
2. 自動化部署系統對個案公司優化目標之預期貢獻及系統架構議題。 3. 個案公司執行雲端服務優化專案組織調整及變革議題。
個案分析顯示,個案公司為優化雲端服務而導入 DevOps 策略,在管理上的建議應 強化人員、組織結構及組織文化等變革的推動,以期能實現快速回應業務需求及提昇整 體生產力之目標。若只改變作業流程及導入工具,並無法實際此目標。本研究發現對於 未來其他要導入的企業,尤其針對非新創公司或全新系統,而是針對現有系統要導入自 動化部署之企業,提供參考價值。 |
摘要(英) |
Due to advances in cloud computing technology and rapid changes in the marketplace, the company described in this case study faces the following challenges: (1) constantly changing business needs, (2) increasing number of servers, (3) frequent software upgrades, and (4) need to reduce costs. Because of these challenges, the company proposed a cloud computing service optimization project with the objectives of increasing software release frequency, increasing software development quality, and quickly recovery from service interruptions.
Therefore this study looks at the challenges faced, their impacts, and the solutions employed by the company during the course of this cloud computing service optimization project from the systematic and organizational levels. This study focuses on following three key topics:
1. The need for the optimization of cloud service operations and the actions the company took to address those needs.
2. Anticipated contribution of the auto-deployment system to the company’s optimization goals and system architectural issues.
3. Organizational change and team structural change issues faced by the company when implementing the cloud service optimization project.
This case study analyzes the company’s introduction of DevOps strategy to optimize its
cloud services and how changing people, structure, and culture are crucial to organizational change. Without organizational change, cloud computing optimization by itself will not achieve its intended goals. Lastly, this study’s finding is of particular value to existing systems seeking to introduce auto-deployment systems, but not of particular value to startups or new systems. |
參考文獻 |
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