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姓名 許哲瑋(Che-Wei Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 遙測科技碩士學位學程
論文名稱 臺南地區長期氣候趨勢分析之研究
★ Retrievals of Temperature/Moisture Parameters from AMSUand Its Application in Typhoon Monitoring★ 應用SSM/I衛星資料於西太平洋颱風特性之分析
★ 應用衛星資料於熱帶氣旋之環境場分析★ 衛星資料反演海氣參數及其在梅雨期海上中尺度對流系統生成發展之應用
★ 應用SSM/I衛星資料分析桃芝與納莉颱風之降雨及海氣參數的變化★ 利用Spot 4衛星的Vegetation資料比較NDVI, ARVI, 及AFRI植被指數與氣溶膠厚度之關係
★ 中華衛星一號海洋水色照相儀資料之大氣校正及其應用★ 應用衛星資料分析颱風降雨與颱風強度變化之關係
★ 衛星資料反演海氣參數在乾旱預警之研究★ 應用SSM/I衛星資料於颱風中心定位及最大風速估算
★ 應用衛星資料分析海氣參數與颱風強度變化之關係★ 衛星資料在夏季午後對流潛勢環境之初步分析
★ MODIS在生質燃燒監測之應用研究★ 應用SSM/I衛星觀測資料估算颱風定量降水
★ AMSU衛星資料反演大氣溫濕剖面及其在颱風強度估算上之應用★ 利用HHT之EMD方法分析SSM/I資料估算之客觀指數與颱風強度年際變化關係
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摘要(中) 根據世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)等國際機構的估計,在西元2000 年時,世界上約20%的人口,面臨缺水問題,尤其近年來,台灣地區氣候變動異常,降雨量極端不穩定,而文獻亦指出過去一百年全球溫度有上升之趨勢,此種雨量與氣溫之改變,可能導致臺灣地區因氣候異常變動而造成降雨量不足,尤其臺南地區,根據中央氣象局統計資料,過去一百年來溫度上升趨勢為全台最高。



摘要(英) According to statistics of World Health Organization (WHO) and other international institutions, in A.D. 2000, about 20% of population in the world faced water shortages. In recent year abnormal climate change appeared in Taiwan, leading to an extremely volatile precipitation, and literature indicated that global temperature was an upward trend over the past century might causing insufficient rainfall from abnormal climate change in Taiwan. From the calculation data of Central Weather Bureau (CWB), there were the highest trends of Tainan rising temperatures over the past one hundred years.

Therefore, Tainan area is the region of interest in this study, and we try to understand the long term climate trends from analyzing Tainan station data. Besides, The observation from Landsat satellite data during 1989 to 2012 were used to analyze the spatiotemporal characteristics of UHI effect for the Tainan area. The retrievals of land cover type from Landsat satellite data and the climate trend from Tainan station data were examined the correlation to the intensity of Urban heat island.

The results indicates The degree of urbanization is the highest area of Tainan city in Tainan, and the absorbing heat of building during the day releases in the night, resulting in increasing night temperature of the inner city. Similar conditions are to be found in Shanhua and Jiali which were increase in the proportion of building in the past twenty years. Furthermore, in high altitude localities such as Yujing and guanziling we find that temperature decreases in both day and night but the decreasing trends of daytime temperature are significantly lower than the decreasing trends of nighttime temperature bring to the decreasing of temperature variation. The degree of urbanization in Xinying is not higher than other areas and there are surrounded by farmland and vegetation which are able to work the weather adjustments, inducing to less changes of temperature and the differences in temperature.

關鍵字(中) ★ 熱島效應
★ 日夜溫差
★ 監督式分類
★ Landsat
關鍵字(英) ★ Urban Heat Island
★ temperature variation
★ supervised classification
★ Landsat
論文目次 摘要………………………………………………………………………………i





第一章 緒論………………………………………………………………………………1


1.2 文獻回顧………………………………………………………………………………4

1.3 研究目的………………………………………………………………………………8

第二章 資料介紹………………………………………………………………………………10

2.1 臺灣測站觀測資料………………………………………………………………………………10

2.2 ECMWF ERA– interim 再分析資料……………………………………………………13

2.3 Landsat衛星資料………………………………………………………………………………14

第三章 研究方法………………………………………………………………………………17

3.1 衛星影像之應用………………………………………………………………………………17


3.3 最大似然法………………………………………………………………………………18

第四章 結果分析與討論………………………………………………………………………………20

4.1 臺南地區百年來氣候趨勢………………………………………………………………………………20




4.2 臺南地區與海上氣候因子之關係……………………………………………………………………26



4.3 臺南地區都市發展與氣候關係…………………………………………………………………………28


4.4 臺南地區自動測站氣候趨勢之分析………………………………………………………………28



第五章 結論與未來展望………………………………………………………………………………37



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指導教授 劉振榮(Gin-Rong Liu) 審核日期 2015-8-27
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