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姓名 王俊永(JIUNN-YEONG WANG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 超塑成形(SPF)與快塑成形(QPF)在台灣40年之研究開發經過
(Superplastic Forming and Quick Plastic Forming 40 Years in Taiwan)
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摘要(中) 超塑性(Superplasticity)研究及超塑成形(Superplastic Forming, SPF)工藝發展在國內歷經四十年,這期間的中前段各界熱烈投入,之後熱潮漸退,此時、美國通用汽車正開始將超塑成形的衍生工法“快塑成形(Quick Plastic Forming, QPF)”推至汽車實際生產階段,SPF和QPF在國際間仍然是一活躍課題,自1982年開始、每三年舉行一次之學術會議ICSAM (International Conference on Superplastiity in Advanced Materials)及技術展示迄今已巡迴在世界各地舉辦十一次,第十二屆將於2015/9/7在日本東京舉辦。國內學界相對之熱度雖微,但過去之大量研發紀錄及成果仍應整理以供參考並喚起後繼者參與,此即本論文之工作。
摘要(英) The study of Superplasticity and Superplastic Forming(SFF) has been developing for over 40 years. During the first half period of time, many industries joined the research enthusiastically, for example, General Motors(GM) started using the advanced method of SFF called Quick Plastic Forming(QPF) into a manufacturing stage.
SPF and QPF are invigorating worldwide. There is an acdamical meeting called "International Conference on Sperplasticity in Advanced Materials" (ICSAM) held every 3 years since 1982. The 12th ICSAM will take place in Tokyo on September 7th 2015.
Nowadays, although the technology of SPF and QPF has high protencial in many industries, the academic community in Taiwan has less concentration on this subject. The essay collected and organized a large number of the record of research and the achievements to provide for reference and to arouse graduate students to join.
關鍵字(中) ★ 超塑性成形
★ 快塑成形
關鍵字(英) ★ Superplastic forming
★ Quick plastic forming
論文目次 目錄
碩博士論文電子檔授權書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章:緒論 1
第二章:資料蒐集方法 3
搜尋引擎: 3
以關鍵字搜尋 6
查找相關研究者發佈之紀錄 6
研究專題之記錄 7
第三章:結果 8
第四章:討論 30
第五章:結論 32
參考文獻 33
參考文獻 1.E.E. Underwood, “A review of superplasticity and related phenomena”, Journal of Metals, Vol. 14, pp 914-919, 1962.
2.A.J. Barnes,“Superplastic Forming 40 Years and Still Growing”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 16 , pp 440-454, 2007.
3.J.C. Huang, T.H. Chuang,“Review Progress on superplasticity and superplastic forming in Taiwan during 1987-1997”, Materials Chemistry and Physics,Vol 57,pp195-206, 1999.
4. S. Lee, H.C. Lan, J. Lee, J.Y. Wang, J.C. Huang,C.L. Chu,“Gas Forming a V-Shape Aluminum Sheet into a Trough of Saddle-Contour”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol 21, pp.2290-2294, 2012.
5.H.C. Lan, Y.K. Fuh, S. Lee, C.L. Chu,T.C. Chang ,“Two Stage Superplastic Forming of a V-Shape Aluminum Sheet into a Trough with Deep and Irregular Contour”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 22, pp2241,2013.
6.G. Giuliano, “Superplastic forming of advanced metallic materials”, Methods and application, 2011, Chapter 4.
7.R.J. Rioja, J. Liu, “The Evolution of Al-Li Base Products for Aerospace and Space Applications”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2012.
指導教授 李雄(Shyong Lee) 審核日期 2015-7-14
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