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姓名 何柏閔(Minh Huy Vo) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 營建管理研究所 論文名稱 整合時間與成本觀點以改善總浮時管理技術於延遲索賠準備之應用
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摘要(中) 時間就是金錢對於營建專案而言相當貼切。由於營建專案受到許多外部因素的影響,因此時程延遲經常發生,但正確地評估其影響卻不容易。過往已有許多的分析技術相繼被提出,以利分析時程延遲的問題(包括及時延遲、共同延遲、步調延遲、趕工問題、浮時所有權及消耗、資源配置、生產力降低等),然而至今仍沒有任一技術可以用於解決所有問題,以滿足專案參與者對於結果的期望。總浮時管理技術(Total Float Management, TFM)能夠解決四種目前主要時程延遲問題,然而雖其能夠計算浮時消耗狀況,但卻無考量浮時消耗時的相關成本。為解決上述問題,本研究以總浮時管理技術為基礎,提出一整合時間與成本觀點之構想,以利進行時程延遲分析,並計算浮時相耗成本與相關延遲成本,以利日後的索賠。經由本研究透過兩個案例的測試,本研究所提出的方法能夠為爭議雙方提供可靠且透明的資訊,以利雙方合理分配時程延遲時間與成本的損失與責任。依據本研究之成果,日後可以進一步結合專案管理軟體以利提供更為快速且可靠的分析成果。 摘要(英) “Time is money” this is actually true in construction projects. Due to many parties inherently engaged in and affected by many external factors, delay frequently occurs and truly assessing the impact of delay is commonly a hard job. Hence, many delay analysis techniques have been proposed and used for analyzing schedule delay problems, i.e., real time delay, concurrent delay, pacing delay, acceleration schedule, float ownership and its consumption, resource allocation and productivity loss. However, no universal technique can solve all complex project situations which is accepted by project participants because of the inability of previous approaches to address probably all the aforementioned delay issues. Only Total Float Management (TFM) technique is definitely capable of dealing with formerly identified four major delay problems and measuring total float consumption but the relative cost of float consumption is not plausibly considered. To undoubtedly address one more delay issue, this study is to develop an integrated time and cost approach based on TFM approach that can be used to analyze schedule delays and to prepare delay claims by quantifying delay costs. Accordingly, the proposed approach can calculate float consuming cost and delay costs for project parties. The methodology adopted in the research follows several basic steps. Firstly, this study executes an intensive literature review. Secondly, to identify the ideal delay analysis technique - TFM, and the limitations of the approach have been implemented by a case study simulation. Thirdly, to propose framework components calculates acceleration/escalation, overhead, impact cost, float consumption cost and liquidated damages. Finally, two test cases examine the research outcomes. Study results are helpful since the contract parties may obtain a credibly transparent outcome to certainly allocate and apportion delay damages in terms of time and cost. Future research might develop the comprehensive approach into professional project management software to prepare and assess delay analysis in a consistent and reliable manner, thereby saving time and cost associated with delay claims preparation. 關鍵字(中) ★ 營建工程
★ 總浮時管理技術
★ 延遲成本
★ 時程延遲分析
★ 浮時消耗成本關鍵字(英) ★ Construction Projects
★ Total Float Management Technique
★ Delay Costs and Float Consumption Cost
★ Schedule Delays Analysis論文目次 ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... i
摘要 ................................................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................................... iii
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................ iv
LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................... viii
ABBREVIATIONS....................................................................................................................... ix
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Research motivations ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Problem statements ............................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Objectives, scopes and limitations of the research ............................................................... 4
1.4 Research methodology .......................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Research flowchart ............................................................................................................... 6
1.6 Thesis outline ........................................................................................................................ 6
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................... 8
2.1 Types of schedule ................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.1 Project schedule ............................................................................................................... 8
2.1.2 Schedule for delay analysis .............................................................................................. 8
2.2 Delays in construction .......................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Causes of delay ................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Types of construction delay ................................................................................................ 11
2.4.1 Excusable and non-excusable delays ............................................................................. 12
2.4.2 Critical and non-critical delays ...................................................................................... 13
2.4.3 Concurrent delays .......................................................................................................... 13
2.4.4 Pacing delay ................................................................................................................... 16
2.5 Float Ownership .................................................................................................................. 18
2.6 Review of Delay Analysis Techniques ............................................................................... 23
2.6.1 Global Impact Technique ............................................................................................... 23
2.6.2 As-Planned Technique ................................................................................................... 23
2.6.3 As-Built (Net Impact) Technique .................................................................................. 24
2.6.4 Impact As-Planned (What-if) Technique ....................................................................... 24
2.6.5 But-For Technique ......................................................................................................... 24
2.6.6 Time Impact Analysis (TIA) and Modified Time Impact Analysis (MTIA) ................. 25
2.6.7 Isolated Delay Type (IDT) Technique ........................................................................... 25
2.6.8 Modified Isolated Delay Type (MIDT) Technique ....................................................... 26
2.6.9 Window Snapshot Technique ........................................................................................ 26
2.6.10 Window But-For Technique ........................................................................................ 26
2.6.11 Other Window Delay Analysis Techniques ................................................................. 27
2.6.12 Isolated Collapsed But-For (ICBF) Technique ............................................................ 28
2.6.13 Effect-based Delay Analysis Method (EDAM Method) ............................................. 28
2.6.14 Isolated Daily Window Analysis (IDWA) Technique ................................................. 29
2.6.15 Total Float Management (TFM) Technique ................................................................ 29
2.7 Delay damages .................................................................................................................... 30
2.7.1 Owner’s delay damages ................................................................................................. 31
2.7.2 Contractor’s delay damages ........................................................................................... 32
2.8 Delay claims preparation .................................................................................................... 37
2.9 Summary ............................................................................................................................. 38
3.1 Process of TFM technique .................................................................................................. 39
3.2 Case examination of TFM technique .................................................................................. 42
3.3 Comparison of the TFM with other existing techniques .................................................... 45
3.4 Advantages and limitations of the TFM technique ............................................................. 55
3.5 Summary ............................................................................................................................. 56
CHAPTER 4: IMPROVED TOTAL FLOAT MANAGEMENT APPROACH FOR DELAY CLAIMS PREPARATION ................................................................................ 58
4.1 Enhanced TFM, an integrated time and cost approach ....................................................... 58
4.2 Delay costs and float consumption cost module ................................................................. 60
4.2.1 Acceleration/Escalation cost module ............................................................................. 60
4.2.2 Overhead (Indirect) cost module ................................................................................... 64
4.2.3 Impact cost module ........................................................................................................ 65
4.2.4 Liquidated damages module .......................................................................................... 68
4.2.5 Float consumption cost module ..................................................................................... 69
4.3 Implementation procedures ................................................................................................. 70
CHAPTER 5: CASE EXAMINATION ...................................................................................... 72
5.1 Case introduction ................................................................................................................ 72
5.2 Case modifications and assumptions .................................................................................. 72
5.3 Analysis time and cost for project parties ........................................................................... 73
5.3.1 Owner’s damages ........................................................................................................... 75
5.3.2 Contractor’s damages .................................................................................................... 76
5.4 Discussion research outcomes and comparison with other developed approaches ............ 79
CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................ 81
6.1 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 81
6.2 Recommendations for future work ..................................................................................... 82
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 83
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