博碩士論文 102325006 詳細資訊

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姓名 葉奕穎(Yi-Ying Yeh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 營建管理研究所
論文名稱 公共工程減價收受之訴訟爭議案例分析
(A Study on Litigation Cases of Acceptance with Price-Reduction in Public Construction Projects)
★ 應用整合專案交付與建築資訊模型於工程專案之探討★ 建築物維護管理系統之建立
★ 以案例式推理推估營造綜合險保險費率之研究★ 生命週期導向橋梁評估系統之研究
★ 以生命週期為導向之建築物維護資訊管理系統★ 國立大學工程設施BOT財務可行性評估流程之研究-以育成中心與宿舍為例
★ 臺灣地區橋梁維護管理現況與未來發展策略之研究★ 橋梁目視檢測自動化系統之研究
★ 斜張橋目視檢測評估標準建立★ 導入建築物生命週期觀念之物業管理系統
★ 公共工程開口合約之研究-以公路維護為例★ 長橋目視檢測評估方法之研究
★ 公共工程逾期罰款判決態樣之分析與應用★ 共同遲延責任分配之系統化分析方法
★ 工程主控保險計畫現況與改進芻議之研究 -以台北市捷運工程為例★ 臺灣地區橋梁管理系統維護管理決策支援模組之建立-以公路總局為例
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摘要(中) 採購法第72條第2項明訂減價收受為甲方於驗收階段可行使之裁量權,其條款之立意乃鼓勵「物盡其用」、「提升公共工程效率」等。然而實務上,機關辦理相關案件往往從嚴認定,亦或付諸爭議處理程序後方同意減價收受,因而造成諸多爭議。
摘要(英) The second paragraph of Article 72 of the Government Procurement Act states that “an acceptance with price-reduction may be conducted under conditions,” which shows it is one of the discretionary rights of the government agency during the handover stage. The purposes of this article are to save unnecessary waste or to promote efficiency of the procurement. However, many agencies tend not to apply this article by insisting strict standards even when the conditions are obviously applicable, or until dispute resolution processes are completed. Construction disputes often arise from such cases.
This research collected 102 litigation cases which were related to “acceptance with price-reduction” in public construction projects from a litigation database retrieval system of the Judicial Yuan. Case analyses reveal that certain procurements with less contract amount having sentence results not highly maintained if appealed. The most often seen cases can be categorized into five types: applicability, responsibility, reduction amount, penalty, and others. In addition, the price-reduction ranges between 2% and 6 times of the amount of non-conformity, in which one time is the majority. As for the penalty, it ranges from 10% to 6 times of the reduction amount; while 6 times or none with price reduction, are the most common ones.

This research proposed 5 and 3 suggestions for improvements from contractual and executive aspects, respectively. From the contractual aspect, it is recommended that maximum price-reduction amount, maximum penalty, related indirect costs, and tabulated calculation be clearly stated, and only common words be used instead of litigation vocabulary. For the executive aspect, the contractor should comply with the drawings and specifications, and should be responsive if difficulties arise; the government agency should follow the article when applicable, minding the statute of limitations, and enforcing supervision during contractual performance. These research results can serve as useful references to both the contractors and the government agencies to reduce disputes and to achieve a fair, reasonable, and effective environment when applying the “price-reduction” article.
關鍵字(中) ★ 公共工程
★ 減價收受
★ 驗收爭議
★ 訴訟爭議
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第一章緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 1
1.3研究目的 2
1.4研究範圍與限制 2
1.5研究方法與流程 3
1.6論文架構 4
第二章文獻回顧 5
2.1 公共工程定義 5
2.2 驗收爭議類型 5
2.3 工程履約爭議處理機制 7
2.4 減價收受相關法規 9
2.5 工程會契約範本中減價收受之沿革 12
2.6 民法債編與減價收受之關係 13
2.7 減帳及減價收受 14
2.8 小結 14
第三章案例統計分析 16
3.1案例來源 16
3.2 案例篩選 17
3.3 案例分項統計 19
3.3.1 以各級法院判決數量統計 19
3.3.2 以上訴情形統計 20
3.3.3 以採購金額統計 21
3.3.4 以原被告關係統計 22
3.3.5 以標的物類型統計 23
3.3.6 以執行依據統計 24
3.3.7 以契約規定分類統計 25
3.4 影響因子相關性統計 30
3.5 小結 32
第四章判決結果整理 34
4.1 判決依據 34
4.2 相關法規解釋 37
4.3 爭議態樣彙整 40
4.3.1 適用性爭議 41
4.3.2 責任歸屬爭議 45
4.3.3 減價金額計算爭議 48
4.3.4 違約金額度爭議 51
4.3.5 其他爭議 62
4.4 小結 65
第五章減價收受制度改善建議 68
5.1 契約面改善建議 68
5.2 執行面改善建議 71
5.2.1 工程主辦機關方面 71
5.2.2 承攬廠商方面 73
5.3 其他建議 73
5.4小結 74
第六章結論與建議 75
6.1 結論 75
6.2 建議 76
參考文獻 77
附錄一專家訪談問卷 79
附件二專家訪談名單 85
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指導教授 姚乃嘉 審核日期 2015-7-28
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