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姓名 阮達和(Nguyen Dac Nhut)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 營建管理研究所
論文名稱 The Effect of Applying Solar Photovoltaic for Building Energy Conservation: A Case Study in Taiwan
(The Effect of Applying Solar Photovoltaic for Building Energy Conservation: A Case Study in Taiwan)
★ 台灣太陽能光電系統故障原因調查與安裝施工檢查表製作之研究★ 生命週期導向橋梁改善策略最佳化評選模式之研究
★ 國內建築廢棄物減量措施之分析探討及其成效評估之研究★ 應用賽局理論分析高科技廠房工程競爭行為之研究
★ 橋梁維護管理生命週期成本評估模式之研究★ 營建剩餘土石方及混合物處理與再利用法制化之研究
★ 建築工程產生廢棄物數量推估之研究★ 橋梁生命週期成本評估-構件劣化預測模式之研究
★ 國道預力混凝土橋與鋼橋生命週期成本評估個案之研究★ 單一建築物拆除工程混合物產生量推估之研究
★ 裝修工程廢棄物回收站與再利用廠設置最佳化區位評選之研究★ 精簡營建應用於鋼構工程供應鏈之研究
★ 營建剩餘土石方評估指標建立及成效提升之研究★ 建築廢棄物收容處理場所設置最佳區位評選之研究
★ 營建再生料源資訊交換網建置之研究★ 運用資料探勘技術於臺灣鋼筋混凝土橋梁構件劣化因子之研究
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摘要(中) 時至今日,氣候變遷與資源消耗議題儼然成為世界各國關注之重點。建築及相關營


其中太陽能是公認的低汙染能源來源,而太陽光電系統(Photovoltaic, PV)之使用將是降低



太陽光電系統所帶來之效益,特別是溫室氣體(greenhouse gases, GHG)及整體成本等。為


information modeling, BIM)模擬太陽光電系統於建築物屋頂之可能,並探討太陽光電系統








經緯度(之十位數加或減10° (opt-sys range = roundown(, -1) ± 10°);當該國家其經緯度小於

10°時則加10°(opt-sys range = roundown(, -1) + 10°)。此結果亦顯示,最佳的太陽光電系統接

收範圍為 opt-sys range = - 20° to 20°。本研究之成果將可提供建築師、相關投資人及政府等

摘要(英) Nowadays, climate change and resource depletion issues become a major concern

throughout the world. The building and construction sectors have been identified as one of the

major contributors to global environmental impact due to their high energy consumption. Taiwan

has several opportunities to develop it potentially abundant renewable energy sources. Solar

energy is considered as a less-pollutant renewable energy which could be used in order to deal

with the environmental impacts issues, and the application of Photovoltaic system (PVs) is one

of the best solutions. However, the high initial cost is a big barrier for applying Photovoltaic

(PV) technology, so the governments or investors need to clearly understand the benefit of the

PV application in terms of greenhouse gases (GHG) reduction and in terms of costs as well. In

order to optimize the output performance of PVs, the factors which directly affect the efficiency

of PVs should be considered. This study presents a simulation approach by using building

information modeling (BIM) tools to investigate solar potential on the building’s rooftop. The

aim of this study is to investigate the impacts of the tilt angle and orientation, and latitude of

rooftop PVs on generated electricity, CO2 emission (CO2e) savings, and payback time in terms of

cost. The result show that the PVs on the rooftop of the main library in National Central

University (NCU) can generate the most annual electricity (181.1MWh) and save the most

annual CO2e (125 Metric tons) when PVs is installed at a tilt angle of 20° and oriented at the

rotated angle of 10° towards the West from the South, and the minimum payback time is 19.71

years. It is concluded that for the countries with the latitude is greater than and equal to 10°, the

optimum tilt angle range of photovoltaic system is equal to latitude ( of the site rounded down

to the nearest ten and then minus and plus 10° (opt-sys range = roundown(, -1) ± 10°) and for the

countries with the latitude is less than 10°, (opt-sys range = roundown(, -1) + 10°). The results

show that the optimum orientation range where the photovoltaic system receives the most

insolation is opt-sys range = - 20° 20°. The findings provide technical information for architects,

investors, etc., to assess PVs which could contribute to the environmental, energy, and economic

關鍵字(中) ★ 太陽光電系統
★ 能源消耗
★ 電腦資訊模型
★ 成本回收期
關鍵字(英) ★ Photovoltaic system
★ Energy Conservation
★ Payback time
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................................. i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................................... iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................ iv
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................ viii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................1
1.1 Research Background ...............................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem statement and objective of the research .....................................................................3
1.3 The scope of research and limitation ........................................................................................4
1.4 Methodology ............................................................................................................................4
1.5 Thesis outline ...........................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................................9
2.1 The development, types, status of solar photovoltaic applications ..........................................9
2.2 Previous studies ..................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.1 Solar spectrum, temperature variations, clearness index, and air mass impact ............ 14
2.2.2 Tilt angle and orientation of PVs impact ....................................................................... 15
2.2.3 Shading of the surrounding environment impact .......................................................... 16
2.3 Building Information Modeling (BIM) ................................................................................. 17
2.4 Tool for running thermal analysis of the whole building and solar exposure of photovoltaic system ............................................................................................................................................... 18
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 19
3.1 Case study ............................................................................................................................. 19
3.1.1 General description ....................................................................................................... 19
3.1.2 Materials specifications ................................................................................................. 20
3.1.3 Electricity bill and operation schedule .......................................................................... 21
3.1.4 Weather data .................................................................................................................. 21 Temperature .............................................................................................................. 21 Rainfall ...................................................................................................................... 22 Wind, solar radiation, other data ............................................................................... 23
3.2 Building up model in Autodesk Revit Architecture 2013 ..................................................... 24
3.3 Assumption and energy consumption analysis simulation in Ecotect ................................... 26
3.4 Model validation ................................................................................................................... 26
3.5 Photovoltaic system design ................................................................................................... 28
3.6 Parameter input for solar exposure analysis in Ecotect ......................................................... 31
3.6.1 Weather pattern ............................................................................................................. 31
3.6.2 Tilt angle of PVs ........................................................................................................... 31
3.6.3 Orientation of PVs ......................................................................................................... 32
3.7 Electricity price, assumption for PVs .................................................................................... 33
3.7.1 Electricity price ............................................................................................................. 33
3.7.2 Assumption for PVs ...................................................................................................... 33 Efficiency .................................................................................................................. 33 Price ........................................................................................................................... 34
3.8 Electricity generated by PVs, CO2e savings, and payback time calculation ........................ 34
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS .................................................................................. 36
4.1 The effect of PVs on electricity generated, CO2e savings, and payback time ...................... 36
4.1.1 Tilt angle of PVs ........................................................................................................... 36
4.1.2 Orientation of PVs ......................................................................................................... 38
4.2 The impacts of latitudes of locations on the optimum tilt angle range and its orientation range of PVs and the first array ......................................................................................................... 40
4.2.1 Countries in the Northern hemisphere ........................................................................... 40 Belize ......................................................................................................................... 40 France ........................................................................................................................ 41 Germany .................................................................................................................... 43 Honduras ................................................................................................................... 45 Japan .......................................................................................................................... 46 Serbia ......................................................................................................................... 48 Singapore ................................................................................................................... 50 Taiwan ....................................................................................................................... 52 The United States of America (USA) ........................................................................ 52 Viet Nam ............................................................................................................... 54
4.2.2 Countries in the Southern hemisphere ........................................................................... 56 Argentina ................................................................................................................... 56 Australia .................................................................................................................... 58 Bolivia ....................................................................................................................... 60 Brazil ......................................................................................................................... 62 Chile .......................................................................................................................... 64 New Zealand ............................................................................................................. 66 Paraguay .................................................................................................................... 68 Peru ........................................................................................................................... 70 South Africa .............................................................................................................. 72 Uruguay ................................................................................................................. 74
4.3 Findings ................................................................................................................................. 78
4.3.1 The effect of PVs on electricity generated, CO2e savings, and payback time .............. 78
4.3.2 The impacts of latitudes of locations on the optimum tilt angle range and its orientation range of PVs and the first array ..................................................................................................... 78
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH .............................................................. 80
5.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 80
5.2 Future Research ..................................................................................................................... 80
References ............................................................................................................................................. 81
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................... 84
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指導教授 黃榮堯(Rong-yau Huang) 審核日期 2015-8-6
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