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姓名 陳文棟(Wen-Tung Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 平板式微流道熱管散熱效能之研究
(Investigation of the thermal performance of flat micro-grooves heat pipe)
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摘要(中) 目前高功率LED在應用上難免會遇到熱的問題,熱效應不僅會影響LED的發光效率及其使用的壽命,還會改變其發射波長。且一般LED在小區域內擁有1W的熱量,對於一般傳導、強制空冷及熱電元件等方法的散熱片而言,熱量並沒有辦法有效的傳出,因此藉由熱管內流體的兩相轉換去達到熱擴散的效果,進而降低LED的junction temperature。但目前市售的圓柱狀熱管對於平面熱源會遇到接觸上的問題,而平板式熱管的優點就是可以降低與熱源的接觸熱阻,使得熱量得到良好的傳遞。且平面式熱管在內部工作流體的使用上,不僅可以增加內部流體的填充量,並應用多條流道增加流體回流量。
摘要(英) The high power LED possesses of high brightness, environmental protection, and energy saving. But owing to the heat effect, this LED would be reduced life time and efficiency, and result in the wavelength shift. The general heat sink cannot diffuse heat effectively for the small size LED. Therefore, using the main characteristic of two-phase changed of heat pipe can achieve the heat diffusion and reduce the junction temperature of LED. The cylinder heat pipe is not convenient for contacting with the flat heat source. Thus flat heat pipe is used to increase contact area and to decrease the contact resistance between heat source and heat pipe. The flat heat pipes not only increase the fill of working fluid, but also use more grooves to transport liquid back to hot point.
In this case, we fabricated different shape grooves flat heat pipes, radial grooves heat pipe and parallel grooves heat pipe, to observe the heat transportation of heat pipes. The heat transfer of radial heat pipe starts from the center to edge by vaporizing working fluid to enhance diffusing area. But the radial heat pipe has no significant effect in reducing the temperature of heat source. The main reason is that the temperature of heat pipe is controlled by cold point, thus the working fluid cannot boil. The heat transport of parallel heat pipe starts from edge to edge, so that the diffusion area of parallel heat pipe can be enlarged. In parallel case, the working fluid can boil under different liquid fills and incline angles, thus the thermal resistance is reduced effectively. The reducing thermal resistance of 30% fill is better than 63% fill, and 30% fill is no limited by gravity force.
關鍵字(中) ★ 熱管 關鍵字(英) ★ heat pipe
論文目次 摘要......................................... Ⅰ
Abstract..................................... Ⅱ
目錄......................................... Ⅴ
圖目錄....................................... Ⅶ
表目錄....................................... Ⅹ
符號表....................................... XI
第一章 導論........................................ 1
1-1 前言........................................ 1
1-2 研究動機.................................... 3
1-3 文獻回顧.................................... 6
第二章 熱管之基礎理論.............................. 8
2-1 作動原理.................................... 8
2-2 熱傳極限.................................... 10
2-3 熱管設計.................................... 17
第三章 熱管製作.................................... 19
3-1 矽基材之熱管製作............................ 19
3-2 金屬加工.................................... 27
3-3 抽真空及填充工作流體........................ 28
第四章 熱管之量測結果與討論........................ 30
4-1 量測儀器.................................... 30
4-2 工作流體之選用.............................. 32
4-3 量測結果與觀察.............................. 33
4-4 綜合討論.................................... 52
第五章 結論........................................ 55
5-1 結論........................................ 55
5-2 未來展望.................................... 58
參考文獻........................................... 59
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指導教授 張正陽(Jeng-Yang Chang) 審核日期 2006-10-17
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