摘要(英) |
Inventory management has been a subject of concern to all industries, also one of the important targets used to judge a factory’s performance. A good inventory management may reduce the materials cost, while poor management will create massive stock and pressure on cash flow. Therefore managing the goods in stock effectively will reveal greatest investment benefit, and one of the key topics in management.
This research is based on historic order quantity and storage information as aid to the demand forecast. With appliance in the inventory management theory to establish suitable for case study to a company’s inventory management efficiency. In this study, forecast demand is considered, and prediction method for demand trend or next to actual figures as reference. The difference between the company′s inventory management model (based on a rule of thumb) is compared with its’ policy on continuous replenishment order quantity method (s, S) model. The differences in total cost, average output and inventory are analyzed to identify for best model to minimize inventory and maximize benefits.
By considering the demand forecast and inventory control rule. It significantly reduced cost of inventory, but also dropped average storage level. This model can address the actual demand forecast that sometimes may cause lack of material during sudden upside. As well as significant reduction for possibility of loss from high backlog that puts company cash flow stagnant. |
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