摘要(英) |
This research provides an illumination distribution algorithm method for light source which distance to detector did not fulfil far-field condition. Setting a secondary lens with project distance 160mm, source diameter 30mm and FWHM=7.3°, with the condition that clearly not reach far-field condition. Therefore this research uses the concept of geometric concept to make source surface into regular sub-light sources (array), the size of the sub-light sources are much more smaller that can reach far-field condition in same project distance. In this case, consider an extended source to an point source will be suitable and can be simulated in optical software.
The light distribution result of sub-light source from optical software shows non-ideal circular symmetry light intensity distribution. So this research simulate other axis additionally to use interpolation method to get the hole data of sub-light source light distribution. Furthermore, using the relative position of an point source and detection point to establish an illumination distribution algorithm, calculating the angle and energy.
This research provide an illumination distribution algorithm method for high collimation and uniformity light source, it can help calculate the light distribution for non-far-field situation more accurate. By the simulation from the experiment in setting up LED light source with secondary lens, the result all shows that this technic has high accurate and high reliability. |
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