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姓名 黃辰翔(Chen-Siang Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
論文名稱 Naess深層生態學研究
(On Arne Naess′s Deep Ecology)
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摘要(中) 面對目前世界日益嚴重的環境危機,雖然我們可以藉由科學與技術的幫助,
Arne Naess 所開創之深層生態學思想,他尋求並批判現代環境危機的根源,希望
本文以Naess 的理論為參考基礎,全文將圍繞在理論與實踐層面上,而將重
摘要(英) To respond to the increasingly occurring and serious environmental crisis, although science and technology have been used to slow down this overwhelming pressure, this is not the primary answer. To effectively deal with this problem, we ought to change human’s present wrong conception towards nature. Therefore, this thesis aims to study Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess on his founded theory known as deep ecology. He sought and critiqued the root cause of the contemporary environmental crisis in the hope to change human behavior towards nature, and thus achieve the green world where human and nature live harmoniously together.

This thesis is grounded on Naess’ theory. While the whole thesis centered on both the theory and practice, the focus is mainly placed on the former. In theory, deep ecology is based on gestalt ontology as a philosophical foundation, and uses rigorous logic system to establish self-realization theory, which challenges the traditional western environmental philosophy. In practice, Naess proposes a lifestyle of deep ecology, and suggests actual social action to change the current severe ecological problems. Today, deep ecology has become an important school in Western environment philosophy.
關鍵字(中) ★ Arne Naess
★ 深層生態學
★ 完形本體論
★ 自我實現
關鍵字(英) ★ Arne Naess
★ Deep Ecology
★ Gestalt Ontology
★ Self-Realization
論文目次 導論 1
第一章 深層生態學概述 6
第一節 深層生態學的緣起 6
一、環境問題的人口根源 9
二、環境問題的經濟根源 9
三、環境問題的技術根源 10
第二節 淺層生態學與深層生態學 12
第二章 Naess的生態智慧T思想 18
第一節 深層生態學的思想基礎 18
一、生態學、生態哲學與生態智慧 19
二、深層生態學的世界觀 21
三、完形本體論 24
第二節 生態智慧T的邏輯體系 28
一、圍裙圖 28
二、自我實現 34
第三節 深層生態學的實踐觀 42
一、生態智慧與生活方式 42
二、生態智慧的經濟觀 45
三、生態智慧的政治觀 46
第三章 對Naess深層生態學的批判與回應 48
第一節 對深層生態學的批判 49
一、生態女性主義的批判 50
二、社會生態學的批判 52
三、William Grey的批判 54
第二節 深層生態學的回應 56
一、回應生態女性主義及社會生態學的批判 56
二、回應William Grey的批判 59
第三節 小結 60
結論 65
參考書目 69
參考文獻 參考書目

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指導教授 李凱恩(Jack Lee) 審核日期 2016-1-18
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