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姓名 吳軒孝(Shiuan-shiau Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 雷射線結構光應用於物體表面及3D輪廓之精細量測
(Laser structure light applies to measure the surface and three-dimensional structure of objects meticulously)
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摘要(中) 本文雷射線結構光應用於物體表面及3D輪廓之精細量測
摘要(英) The research ”Laser structure light applies to measure the surface and Three-dimensional structure of objects meticulously” develops a kind of fast and simple measurement method mainly. Monitor the change and form of the object surface automatically. This system has untouchable, non-destructive, erect the system quickly which also can measure the whole field land, not measures by the space limitation. However,the light source of this system comes from the laser light source, so it can do the long distance measurement that different from the measurement of shade law has distances restriction.
Take the photo image into computer and make analysis in MATLAB. We take the movements of the centroid law. We regard law of picture element as the basic principle of analysis, choose a datum point to regard as the reference point, calculates again that the position relative to datum point of other each point. That is to say how much picture element the position of other each point difference from the datum point. Convert the difference to the actual height again, Then it finish the measuring on surface of the thing to observe.
Correcting some, we measure and examine a complete level with this system. Because of complete level, while measuring the plane surface, theory value should have no level to rise and fall. And the biggest error which we get is about 7um (± 3.5um ). In addition, we have swept line structure on the whole object surface, and calculate out the whole change of object surface. The research approach can examine big range amount and to get the information of objects quickly. Because line structure light is extraordinary and tiny, so it can be use examines smaller lens camber, and smooth degree, 3D examined etc, more accurately. Finally, we introduce the triangular measurement law using in the pulse of Tien-di Chiou. Make the change of pulse in measurement, while they get the ‘chi’ adjacently. And analyze the pulse on time.
關鍵字(中) ★ 疊紋
★ 三角量測法
★ 光學質心法
★ 光學量測
★ 結構光
關鍵字(英) ★ Moire
★ triangular measurement
★ optical centroid law
★ structure light
★ optical measurement
論文目次 中文摘要.................................................Ⅰ
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機與文獻回顧...............................1
1.2 研究之目的........................................2
1.3 本論文架構......................................3
第二章 三維結構光原理.................................4
2.1 結構光原理與基本概念..............................4
2.1.1 結構光數學模式..............................4
2.1.2 結構光之精密度..............................8
2.2 結構光模式之投射系統.............................10
2.2.1 結構光模式..................................10
2.2.2 投射光種類.............................11
2.3 光學影像處理分析.................................13
2.3.1 影像解析度..................................14
2.3.2 二值化......................................15
2.3.3 濾波器......................................16
2.4 光學質心法位置計算...............................18
2.5 點結構光計算方式.................................20
第三章 實驗架構與方法................................22
3.1 實驗架構..........................................22
3.1.1 系統架構與三角關係.........................22
3.1.2 系統光源與光學質心法細化..................25
3.2 軟硬體設備........................................26
3.3 實驗流程..........................................27
第四章 實驗結果.......................................32
4.1 非球面鏡曲率量測..................................32
4.2 齒模3D輪廓之模擬.................................35
4.3 銅導線尺寸之量測..................................36
4.4 點結構光三角量測..................................42
4.4.1 三角量測法..................................42
4.4.2 影像處理...................................42
4.4.3 天帝教測脈流程與數據.......................43
4.4.4 天帝教測脈結論.............................45
第五章 結論與外來展望................................46
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指導教授 張榮森(Rong-seng Chang) 審核日期 2007-7-4
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