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姓名 鄭中瑋(Chung-Wei Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 紅外波段高品質因素導波共振濾波器
(Study on High Quality-Factor Guided-Mode Resonance Filters in Infrared Region)
★ 具平坦化側帶之超窄帶波導模態共振濾波器研究★ 以矽光學平台為基礎之4通道×10-Gbps 光學連結模組之接收端研究
★ 透明導電層上之高分子聚合物微奈米光學結構於氮化鎵發光二極體光學特性研究★ 具45度反射面之非共平面轉折波導光路
★ 以矽光學平台為基礎之4通道 x 10 Gbps光學連結模組之發射端★ 具三維光路之光連接發射端模組
★ 矽基光學平台技術為核心之雙向4通道 x 10-Gbps光學連接收發模組★ 建立於矽基光學平台之高分子聚合物波導光路
★ 適用於色序式微型投影機之微透鏡陣列積分器光學系統研製★ 發光二極體色溫控制技術及其於色序式微型投影機之應用
★ 具45˚矽基反射面高分子聚合物波導之10-Gbps晶片內部光學連接收發模★ 在陶瓷基板實現高速穿孔架構之5-Gbps光學連接模組
★ 具垂直分岔光路之10-Gbps雙輸出矽基光學連接模組★ 利用光展量概念之微型投影機光學設計方法與實作
★ 以1 × 2垂直分岔高分子聚合物光路實現單晶片20-Gbps矽基光學連接模組★ 利用三維矽波導光路實現10-Gbps單晶片光學連接模組
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摘要(中) 本篇論文裡,相較於傳統光學濾波器是以多層薄膜堆疊的方式濾波,我們想利用導波模態共振濾波器這種簡單結構的濾波器。希望未來能應用於雷射共振腔裡的高反射鏡,使得出光的雷射為一個很純和指向性高的波長。所以我們理論設計的濾波器,其頻譜特性的目標為:高品質因素,故共振線寬能小於0.1nm;提高雜訊比,側帶高穿透率區域能大於700nm;最大穿透率能超過90%。而共振波長則以紅外波段為主。
摘要(英) In this letter, the two-layer ultranarrow bandstop guided-mode resonance filter with a flattened sideband within a wide spectral range is implemented by using the combination of a subwavelength grating, a waveguide layer with multiple guided modes, and a lower cladding layer with a quarter-wave thickness. The proposed filter based on a free-standing silicon nitride membrane suspended on a silicon substrate is realized by using the anisotropic wet etching to remove the substrate beneath the silicon nitride layer. Both of grating and waveguide structures are fabricated simultaneously on a silicon nitride membrane. Moreover, the silicon dioxide membrane playing a role on modifying the spectral response of proposed GMR filter is deposited beneath the free-standing silicon nitride layer.
The incident light is TE mode and the thickness of grating is 30nm. The resonance wavelength of proposed band-stop filter is controlled at 1550.4nm with a linewidth (FWHM) less than 0.1 nm. The improved spectral performance including the sideband can be extended to be nm with the maximum transmittance greater than 93%. The quality factor is 15504. However, the incident light is TM mode and the thickness of grating is 30nm. The resonance wavelength of proposed band-stop filter is controlled at 1549.9nm with a linewidth (FWHM) less than 0.011 nm. The improved spectral performance including the sideband can be extended to be nm with the maximum transmittance greater than 93%. The quality factor is 140902.
關鍵字(中) ★ 濾波器
★ 品質因素
★ 窄頻
★ 波導
關鍵字(英) ★ waveguide
★ filter
★ quality factor
論文目次 摘要............................................................i
圖目錄....................................................... viii
第一章 導論...................................................1
第二章 導波模態共振濾波器原理................................11
第三章 紅外波段高品質因素導波共振濾波器結構設計與模擬........29
第四章 實驗製作..............................................52
第五章 量測結果..............................................61
第六章 結論..................................................68
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指導教授 伍茂仁(Mount-Learn Wu) 審核日期 2008-7-23
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