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唐基望(Chi-Wang Tang)
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摘要(中) |
我們將大於4.8的事件繪於台灣地圖上,發現許多〝地震圓弧〞之現象。亦可解釋為,用特定之圓心和半徑可畫出一個圓弧,若在此弧上均勻分佈了5個點以上,其鄰近有大於4.8之事件,則稱此圓弧為地震圓弧。在台灣集集大地震發生前兩年多,即有一地震圓弧逐漸出現在台灣的中南部,我們猜測地震圓弧可能可以作為大地震之前兆,因此對過去四十二年大於4.8之地震紀錄作整體的檢視,並發現在地震弧附近常會出現大於5.8之地震。 |
摘要(英) |
The events recorded in the earthquake catalog of Taiwan are analyzed in this article. When too many events are plotted on the map of Taiwan, only disordered information is shown. However, if only the events with magnitude over 4.8 happened in a limited period of time are analyzed, some patterns with regularity can be observed.
We plot the events of earthquakes with magnitudes equal to or greater than 4.8 on the map of Taiwan and find that there are many ‘‘circular arcs of earthquakes’’. That is, if we choose a radius with certain selected length and some selected center point on the map then we can draw a circular arc along which there are five or more than five position points. Around these points there are events with magnitudes . One of the remarkable arcs is that formed before the Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan. About a bit more than two years before that disaster there was a circular arc of events with which developed gradually in the mid-south of Taiwan. This circular arc may have a chance to be thought as a precursor of the later major earthquake. Inspired by this arc we begin to analyze the other arcs of events with in Taiwan happened in the past forty two years. In many cases we find that, after the arcs have been formed, close to the circular arcs some events with may occur. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 集集大地震 ★ 地震圓弧 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Chi-Chi earthquake ★ circular arc of earthquakes |
論文目次 |
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
誌謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
表目錄 Ⅶ
圖目錄 Ⅷ
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究內容 2
第二章 地震目錄簡介 4
2.1台灣地震目錄組成與建置 4
2.2台灣地震目錄選擇 4
第三章 大震前的地震弧現象 6
3.1地震弧分析範圍與選取 6
3.2地震弧分析方法 7
3.3 地震弧之定義 8
3.3.1地震弧之廣義定義 8
3.3.2地震弧之明確定義方式 10
第四章 地震弧案例 17
4.1地震弧數據及示意圖 17
4.2地震弧個案分析與說明 24
4.2.1 1號弧 25
4.2.2 2號弧 27
4.2.3 3號弧 29
4.2.4 4號弧 32
4.2.5 5號弧 35
4.2.6 6號弧 38
4.2.7 7號弧 40
4.2.8 8號弧 42
4.2.9 9號弧 44
4.2.10 10號弧 47
4.2.11 11號弧 50
4.2.12 12號弧 52
4.2.13 13號弧 54
4.2.14 14號弧 56
4.3小結 58
第五章 地震弧性質的探討 59
5.1時間 59
5.1.1地震弧形成後與主震之時間關係 59
5.1.2地震弧組成點內各地震點之時間與深度關係 61
5.2主震位置 66
5.3地震震度 67
第六章 結論與建議 69
6.1結論 69
6.2未來研究方向 70
參考文獻 72 |
參考文獻 |
1.Rundle, JB, S Gross, W Klein, C Ferguson and DL Turcotte (1997). “The statistical mechanics of earthquakes.” TECTONOPHYSICS, 277(1-3),147-164.
2.Rundle, J, W Klein, DL Turcotte and BD Malamud (2000). “Precursory seismic activation and critical-point phenomena.” PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, 157(11-12),2165-2182.
3.YA-TING LEE, DONALD L. TURCOTTE, JOHN B. RUNDLE, and CHIEN-CHIH CHEN (2013). “Aftershock Statistics of the 1999 Chi–Chi, Taiwan Earthquake and the Concept of Omori Times. ” Pure and Applied Geophysics, 170 (2013), 221–228, DOI 10.1007/s00024-011-0445-5.
4.Christopher H. Scholz (2004). “地震與斷層力學”,(盧佳遇 譯)
5.鄭世楠、王子賓、林祖慰、江嘉豪“台灣地區地震目錄的建置(II)”, 清雲科技大學空間資訊與防災科技研究所與清雲科技大學空間資訊與防災研究中心與中央氣象局地震測報中心(2011)。 |
指導教授 |
審核日期 |
2016-7-27 |
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