摘要(英) |
Diaphragm wall construction equipment and technologies develop with time. The barrettes are frequently used for supporting high rise buildings to replace pile foundations in recent years. There are more and more cases that barrette replaces the big diameter cast-in-place pile. The barrette shape and construction methods are different from those adopted for cast-in-place piles. The understandings of vertical loading behavior and mechanism of deformation are required. In this research, a instrumented circular pile with diameter (D) of 20 mm and three instrumented barrettes with different length-width ratios (L/B=1:1, 2:1, 4:1) but the circular pile and barrettes have the same area of cross section to perform a series of the pile load centrifuge model test.
Test results give the following conclusion. 1. The bearing capability of barrette with L/B=2 is better than that of L/B=1 barrette, and the bearing capacity of L/B=1 barrette is better than L/B=4 bearing capability, and the bearing capability of L/B=4 barrette is better than circle pile bearing capability. 2. The unit frictions on the barrette of L/B=4 start to grow until reaching one of limit loading. This phenomenon seem from the static friction force changing to kinetic friction force. 3. The ratio of circular pile skin friction and the end bearing on the circular pile are 4:6. The ratio of barrette skin friction and the end bearing are 1:3. 4. The developed plastic zone of circular pile is bigger than those developed on the barrette. 5. The circular pile plastic zone are 5 times pile diameter in long side of rigid box and three times pile diameter in short side of rigid box. |
參考文獻 |
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