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姓名 沈敬華(Ching-Hua Shen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 天文研究所
論文名稱 由ENA觀測影像判斷土型磁層環境
(Diagnosis of Global Environment of the Saturnian Magnetosphere by ENA Imaging Observations)
★ 土衛六「泰坦」離子球層的化學-動力學模型★ KBOs星體碰撞與生命及行星大氣起源
★ 行星狀星雲形態之多光譜波段觀測★ 木衛一埃歐鈉雲噴流之結構與時間變化
★ 早期太陽系系統中KBOs的形成與碰撞演化★ 彗星2001A2 (LINEAR)的光度觀測
★ SDSS之RR Lyrae候選變星之確認觀測★ 銀河系核心及盤面的隨機恆星形成歷史
★ 宇宙射線中的氦原子核能譜★ 小行星對於地球原始海水的貢獻
★ 行星狀星雲Hα結構之分析★ 在星系團中的相對論性電子和SZ效應
★ 重力透鏡和交互作用星系的資料探勘★ 在疏散星團中尋找系外行星與變星
★ 原恆星吸積盤動態模擬與氣體固態粒子作用初步探討★ 大型EKBO(Quaoar, Ixion, 2004DW)的自轉週期和表面顏色的測量
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摘要(中) 於行星磁層中,高能中性粒子(ENAs)藉由高能質子與中性氣體的電荷交換碰撞而產生。卡西尼(Cassini)太空船之酬載-帶電與中性粒子成像儀器(MIMI/INCA, Ion and Neutral CAmera)提供了土星磁層中能量範圍由10千電子伏特至220千電子伏特之氫與氧ENA成像,分布約由土衛二(Enceladus)軌道至土衛一(Titan)軌道範圍。ENA影像顯示其強度常在土星磁層夜側與晨側加強,應是發生於夜側的高能電漿入射所導致。
摘要(英) In a planetary magnetosphere, Energetic Neutral Atoms (ENAs) are generated by charge exchange collisions between energetic ions and neutral gas. The INCA (Ion and Neutral CAmera) instrument onboard the MIMI experiment of the Cassini spacecraft provides ENA images for hydrogen and oxygen for energies between 10 keV and 220 keV depending on the mode. An important discovery of INCA concerns the appearance of source regions of hydrogen ENAs rotating around Saturn outside the orbit of Enceladus. The intensity of the ENA flux tends to brighten up in the midnight to dawn sector, which might be associated with the higher occurrence of energetic charged particles injection events in this region.
In this study, we examine the time evolution of a cloud of energetic ions in drift motion relative to the rotating magnetosphere. Besides the dispersal of the energetic ions as a function of their energies, the charge exchange interaction with the neutral cloud created by Enceladus has been simulated. To figure out the possible processes that affect the temporal and spatial variations of ENAs, we examined the effects of an extra noon to mid-night electric field, partial corotation of the plasma and a magnetic field deduced from MAG magnetic field measurements, respectively. A comparison with observational results will be presented.
關鍵字(中) ★ 土星
★ 磁層
★ 高能中性粒子
關鍵字(英) ★ Saturn
★ magnetosphere
★ energetic neutral atom
論文目次 摘要 iv
Abstract v
Acknowledgement vi
Contents vii
List of Figures viii
List of Tables ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Saturn 1
1.2 Magnetosphere 2
1.3 Injection 9
Chapter 2 Observation 13
2.1 Instrument 13
2.2 Global imaging of ENAs emission 15
2.3 Selection 18
Chapter 3 Model 19
3.1 Model description 19
3.2 Model consideration 19
Chapter 4 Modeling Process 32
4.1 Ion Motion in Dipole Field 32
4.2 Dispersion Features 34
4.3 Between dipole field and empirical field 36
4.4 Instantaneous Images 37
4.5 Extra Electric Field 38
4.6 Evolution of an injection event 40
Chapter 5 Results 46
Chapter 6 Discussion and Summary 52
Bibliography 54
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指導教授 葉永烜(Wing-Huen Ip) 審核日期 2016-8-16
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