博碩士論文 92236004 詳細資訊

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姓名 謝宗翰(Tsung-han Hsieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學研究所碩士在職專班
論文名稱 體表電近場放射之動態量測
(Dynamic Tomography Measurement of Skin Electric Near Field Emitting)
★ 腦電波傅利葉特徵頻譜之研究★ 光電星雲生物晶片之製作
★ 電場控制器光學應用★ 手機照相鏡頭設計
★ 氣功靜坐法對於人體生理現象影響之研究★ 針刺及止痛在大鼠模型的痛覺量測系統
★ 新光學三角量測系統與應用★ 離軸式光學變焦設計
★ 腦電波量測與應用★ Fresnel lens應用之量測
★ 線型光學式三角量測系統與應用★ 非接觸式電場感應系統
★ 應用田口法開發LED燈具設計★ 巴金森氏症雷射線三角量測系統
★ 以Sol-Gel法製備高濃度TiO2用於染料敏化太陽能電池光電極之特性研究★ 生產線上之影像量測系統
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摘要(中) 本研究係使用陣列測試系統進行體表電近場放射之非接觸式動態測量,此系統以每50毫秒即時產生動態、高精準度、49個測量信號結果的影片。裝置中使用7x7陣列電壓感測器,用來測量神經簇及其周圍的48個點,並取得動態測量結果影片。故可以測量到位於體表的神經簇及其周圍的電近場陣列分布。
摘要(英) This study introduces our non-contact measurement of dynamic skin surface near field tomography array tester, which possesses real time 50ms per-frame, dynamic, high accuracy, and 49 channel signal movie. We employ 7×7 array electric voltage sensors to measure the neural cluster and its surrounding 48 points, and get a dynamic tomography movie. Skin electric near field matrix distribution at or around neural cluster can be measured.
The principle of the experiment is to make an insulator layer between the human skin surface and signal ends of measurement ports. By using the array tester to charge and discharge via different voltages, we can find the value of the capacitance from the charge value stored in it. According to the charge value measured and the capacitance value, we can obtain the voltage value near the human skin surface.
The dynamic changes of emitted field frequency 0-20.4Hz and the associated amplitude 0-470mVare giving us plenty of physiology information. This device could be applied in the early diagnosis cancel as well as quantitatively to express Chinese acupuncture.
關鍵字(中) ★ 穴位
★ 動態量測
★ 電荷檢測
★ 電近場
關鍵字(英) ★ charge sense
★ electric near field
★ Chinese acupuncture
★ tomography measurement
論文目次 論文摘要.............i
第一章 緒論 .....................1
第二章 電荷感測技術基本原理......6
第三章 電荷感測系統.............11
第四章 電荷感測系統之校驗.......18
第五章 體表電近場之動態測量.....32
第六章 結論與展望...............59
附錄A ..........................68
附錄B ..........................80
附錄C ..........................82
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指導教授 張榮森(Rong-seng Chang) 審核日期 2008-7-18
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