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姓名 葉佳樺(Chia-Hua Yeh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 雙光子掃描結構照明顯微術
(Two-photon Scanning Structured Illumination Microscopy)
★ 非反掃描式平行接收之雙光子螢光超光譜顯微術★ 以二次通過成像量測架構及降低誤差迭代演算法重建人眼之點擴散函數
★ LASER光源暨LED在老鼠毛生長的低能量光治療比較分析★ 應用線狀結構照明提升雙光子顯微鏡解析度
★ 以同調結構照明顯微術進行散射樣本解析度之提升★ 掃描式二倍頻結構照明顯微術
★ 小貓自泵相位共軛鏡於數位光學相位共軛與時間微分之研究★ 鏡像輔助斷層掃描相位顯微鏡
★ 以數位全像術重建多波長環狀光束之研究★ 相位共軛反射鏡用於散射介質中光學聚焦之研究
★ 雙光子螢光超光譜顯微術於多螢光生物樣本之研究★ 倍頻非螢光基態耗損超解析之顯微成像方法
★ 葉綠素雙光子螢光超光譜影像於光合作用研究之應用★ 微投影光學切片超光譜顯微術
★ 使用結構照明顯微術觀察活體小鼠毛囊生長週期之變化★ 一次性多角度漫射光譜量測系統
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摘要(中) 雙光子螢光顯微術比起傳統的廣域顯微鏡有著高縱向解析度的特點和高穿透深度的優點,故廣泛地被應用在生物醫學研究與臨床實驗。然而雙光子顯微鏡的空間解析度受限於光學繞射極限,低於繞射極限結構的樣本將無法被解析。為了在生物厚組織中也能取得優秀於傳統雙光子顯微術解析度的影像,本研究將結合結構照明與雙光子顯微術的概念開發一套超解析度影像系統,稱之為雙光子掃描結構照明顯微術(Two-photon scanning structured illumination microscopy, TPS-SIM)。
在此系統中,強聚焦雷射光激發樣本並產生雙光子螢光訊號,在雷射掃描過程中藉由二維相機收集每個激發光點的訊號並組成影像,若控制其光點掃描路徑使激發光強度分布類似方波,在此結構照明下將可獲得傳統影像系統無法擁有的高空間頻率資訊。多筆具有結構照明的影像資料經過演算重建後,將可以產生更高解析度的影像。在本論文中將會詳述系統成像之理論模型及影像重建之演算法,並討論條紋週期大小、佔空比(Duty cycle)、等效明晰度與影像訊雜比對解析度的影響。藉由測量螢光奈米小球的螢光強度分布,可知TPS-SIM在橫向上最大解析度提升倍率為1.42倍。結合雙光子系統所具有的光學切片能力,本系統可在蘇木素•伊紅染色的動物組織切片與老鼠皮膚中取得三維影像,除橫向解析度的提升外,其縱向解析度最大可提升至1.67倍。
摘要(英) Compared with conventional wide-field microscopy, two-photon microscopy (TPM) has advantages of inherent axial resolution and high penetration. Therefore, TPM has been widely applied to bio-medical and clinical researches. However, the spatial resolution of TPM is restricted by the optical diffraction limit so structures smaller than the limit can’t be resolved. To improve the resolution of TPM image in depth tissue, this research will integrate the concept of structured illumination and TPM to develop an imaging system called two-photon scanning structured illumination microscopy (TPS-SIM).
In this system, laser beam is tightly focused onto sample to excite two-photon fluorescence signals. The excited signals are imaged and integrated by 2D camera point by point to form an image. During the scanning procedure, the path of the excitation spot is modulated to form an effective structured illumination with a square-wave intensity distribution. Under this structure illumination, higher spatial frequency out of the reach of the conventional wide field microscopy can thus be obtained. An image with improved resolution can be reconstructed though multiple patterned images with different phases. In this research, the theory of the image formation and the image reconstruction algorithm will be clearly introduced. The effects that the period, duty cycle, effective modulation depth of pattern and SNR (signal and noise ratio) may have on the resolution improvement will be discussed. By measuring the fluorescence intensity distribution of the nanoparticles, the maximum resolution improvement ratio of TPS-SIM is around 1.42-fold. Combined the optical sectioning ability of two-photon excitation, 3D images can be obtained in H&E stained sectioned bio-tissues and fluorescence stained whole-mounted mouse skin. In addition to improvement in lateral resolution, the maximum improvement ratio in axial is around 1.67-fold.
關鍵字(中) ★ 非線性顯微術
★ 螢光顯微術
★ 超解析顯微術
★ 結構照明
★ 切片影像
關鍵字(英) ★ Nonlinear microscopy
★ Fluorescence microscopy
★ Super-resolution microscopy
★ Structured illumination
★ Sectioning image
論文目次 摘要 ii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖索引 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 光學顯微系統 1
1.1.2 光學切片顯微術 5
1.1.3 超解析顯微術 6
1.2 研究目的與動機 9
第二章 原理 11
2.1 雙光子螢光顯微術 11
2.2 成像原理 13
2.3 廣域結構照明螢光顯微術 15
2.4 雙光子掃描結構照明顯微術 20
第三章 系統架構 24
3.1 實驗架構 24
3.2 實驗參數 27
第四章 數據模擬與結果 31
4.1 實驗模擬 31
4.2 樣本與雜訊模擬 34
4.2.1模擬樣本 35
4.2.2雜訊模型 36
4.2.3 影像重建演算法與結果 37
4.2.4 模擬結果 40
第五章 實驗結果 50
5.1 奈米螢光小球影像 50
5.2 H&E stained組織切片樣本量測 52
5.2.1 TPS-SIM影像 52
5.2.2 居留條紋處理 56
5.2.3 調整Duty cycle 58
5.3 三維TPS-SIM影像 60
第六章 結論 64
參考文獻 66
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指導教授 陳思妤(Szu-Yu Chen) 審核日期 2016-7-28
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