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姓名 蔡孟浩(Meng-Hao Tsai) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 光機電工程研究所 論文名稱 MOCVD晶圓關鍵參數即時量測系統開發
(Development of In-situ Monitoring System for Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 ( 永不開放) 摘要(中) 本研究開發一套晶圓製程參數量測系統,用於即時監控MOCVD製程中,晶圓表面溫度、薄膜沉積成長率與折射率。開發的系統整合了薄膜成長率量測模組與溫度量測模組,基於薄膜光學理論進行薄膜成長率量測,藉由薄膜反射率歷時曲線與開發演算法,計算出薄膜成長率與折射率;基於普朗克黑體輻射理論與克希荷夫定理進行溫度量測,藉由反射率補償發射率,修正量測溫度值。
在溫度量測模組,設計在真空加熱腔體內進行實驗,驗證接收940 nm波段與400 nm波段的熱輻射訊號對於晶圓溫度量測的能力,並使用反射率變化,即時修正量測溫度。系統量測範圍於450 ℃以上,系統能穩定的量測到溫度。於低溫段450 ℃時,與商用量測系統溫度差量約為4 ℃;高溫段750 ℃以上時,與商用量測系統溫度差量約為0.5 ℃。摘要(英) An in-situ monitoring system for Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) process is presented. The proposed monitoring system consisted of the modules of growth-rate and temperature, which is able to precisely measure the growth rate of thin film and the surface temperature of wafer in the MOCVD process. The principles of monitoring system are based on the thin film interference theorem and the blackbody radiation. In our system, the detector received the reflectance variation of thin film and the thermal radiation of wafer, while a lock-in amplifier was used to demodulate the reflected light of laser source and the thermal radiation signal. According to the thin film interference theorem and Kirchhoff’s law, the thin film growth rate and compensated temperature can be obtained.
To demonstrate the feasibility of the growth-rate module, we designed an air layer that can change its thickness by using a piezoelectric (PZT) actuator. We also implemented the photoresist spin coating on a silicon wafer experiment to verify the measurement ability. To demonstrate the feasibility of the temperature measurement module, the 940 nm and 400 nm band of the thermal radiation resulting from the surface of the heated silicon wafer was received by the temperature module and used to determine the surface temperature of the wafer.
The experimental results demonstrate that the growth rate, optical constants of the film, and temperature of wafer surface could be precisely determined in real time. Comparing the measurement results obtained using our proposed system with the ones obtained by the commercial metrology equipment (surface profiler and pyrometer), the relative differences are less than 2%.關鍵字(中) ★ MOCVD
★ 晶圓參數量測
★ 熱輻射
★ 反射率曲線
★ 薄膜關鍵字(英) ★ MOCVD
★ Thermal radiation
★ Reflectance
★ Emissivity
★ In-situ measurement論文目次 第一章 緒論................................1
1-1 研究背景..............................1
1-2 文獻回顧..............................2
1-3 研究目的..............................11
1-4 論文架構..............................12
第二章 理論與原理...........................13
2-1 薄膜與反射率...........................13
2-2 光學干涉術.............................14
2-3 薄膜參數量測原理........................14
2-3-1 膜層之透射與反射...................16
2-4 熱輻射理論.............................21
2-4-1 黑體輻射..........................21
2-2-2 實際物體熱輻射的反射率與發射率.......24
2-5 溫度量測系統............................27
2-5-1 單波長溫度量測.....................27
2-5-2 反射率校正溫度公式.................30
2-6 鎖相放大器.............................31
第三章 量測系統及架構........................33
3-1 量測腔體與加熱器........................33
3-2 光源、光偵測器與光學元件選用.............37
3-3 量測系統及軟體介紹......................40
3-3-1 量測系統架構.......................40
3-3-2 量測軟體開發.......................44
3-4 熱輻射與反射率訊號分離方法................44
3-5 光偵測器訊號模擬.........................47
第四章 實驗結果與討論.........................50
4-1 薄膜量測................................50
4-1-1 空氣薄膜量測實驗....................50
4-1-1-1 量測架構介紹...................51
4-1-1-2 空氣膜成長率量測...............54
4-1-2 旋轉塗佈實驗........................56
4-1-2-1 量測架構介紹...................56
4-2 溫度量測.................................61
4-2-1 量測架構介紹........................61
4-2-2 實驗步驟介紹..........................64
4-2-3 載盤溫度量測........................66
4-2-4 矽晶圓溫度量測.........................72
4-2-5 藍寶石晶圓溫度量測...................77
4-3 系統整合模擬實驗..........................79
4-3-1 量測架構介紹.........................80
4-3-2 成長率與模擬溫度量測.................81
4-4 系統穩定度分析............................83
第五章 誤差分析................................88
5-1 系統誤差.................................88
5-1-1 光二極體偏壓引進溫度量測誤差...........88
5-1-2 斜向入射所引進之誤差.................88
5-1-3 雜散光影響溫度量測...................91
5-2 隨機誤差.................................92
5-2-1 環境及機械震動.......................92
5-2-2 環境溫度............................92
5-2-3 電子雜訊............................93
5-3 小結.....................................93
第六章 結論與未來展望..........................94
6-1 結論.....................................94
6-2 未來展望.................................94
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