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姓名 許大衛(David Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
(Structural Study on BaCeO3 Perovskite Thin Film by Sputtering)
★ 凝膠濃度對胎盤幹細胞貼附及分化之影響★ 摻雜銀或銀銅氮氧化鉭薄膜之製備、特性分析及抗菌行為分析
★ 以反應式磁控濺鍍製備Ag2O/TiO2疊層薄膜及其特性之研究★ 以射頻磁控濺鍍法製備銦鋅氧化物(IZO)透明導電薄膜並探討製程參數對其薄膜之影響
★ 以微陽極導引電鍍法沉積奈米氧化鋅薄膜★ 在一些氣候因素的預測和相關性的一些經濟和農業指標
★ Fabrication and Characterization of Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) Thin Film by Plasma Polymerization★ Effects of Diluted Ar in H2/SiH4 on Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon Thin Film (i-layer) by an Inductive Coupled Plasma-Chemical Vapor Deposition (ICP-CVD) System
★ 評估貝里斯Rio Bravo保育管理區內硬木種類之樹高★ 以HFSS 天線模擬程式為設計LTE Band 41設計天線
★ The Deposition and Microstructure of Tungsten Oxide Films by Physical Vapor Deposition★ 以塊狀金屬玻璃和其複材製作骨科鑽頭及其鑽孔能力之研究
★ Economic feasibility for recycling crystalline silicon photovoltaics modules★ 電漿聚合系統在不同功率下製成聚吡咯薄膜之特性及微結構分析
★ 用於表面電漿共振光譜的多層金鋁薄膜的設計與優化★ 磁控濺射法製備氧氮化釩薄膜的製備和表徵
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摘要(中) Perovskites 結構組成的金屬氧化物於中高溫度(600 – 750C)環境下,以微觀尺度
mechanism)。因為此跳躍機制,Perovskites 結構組成的金屬氧化物比起其他物質擁有較
佳的離子導特性(Proton conduction),而適合應用於燃料電池、電化學反應、感測器與
在本研究中,以金屬氧化物為靶材利用射頻濺鍍(RF sputtering)製備BaCeO3 薄膜於
矽基板與石英基板上,利用表面輪廓儀量測薄膜沉積速率後製備厚度100nm 的均勻薄膜,
接著以不同溫度與時間參數進行快速退火(Rapid Thermal Annealing, RTA)進而產生結晶
結構。經過快速退火後的薄膜將利用X 光繞射儀(X-ray diffraction spectrometer, XRD)
與拉曼光譜儀(Raman spectrometer) 觀察其結晶性、能量色散X 光譜儀(Energydispersive
X-ray spectrometer, EDS or EDX)量測其化學元素組成。本實驗目的在於改
變不同的濺鍍與快速退火條件找出製備Perovskites 結構BaCeO3 薄膜的最佳化參數。
摘要(英) For proton conduction in the mid- to high-range temperatures (600 – 750C), metal oxide
perovskites provide certain characteristics ideal for applications in fuel cells, electrochemical
reactors, sensors, and hydrogen purification. The capability of conducting protons in metal
oxide perovskites is commonly recognized as a “hopping” mechanism at the microscopic scale,
where protons jump from one oxygen atom to another by Coulombic force at high
temperatures. In this study, we fabricate BaCeO3 thin films by radio frequency sputtering using
metal oxide targets. The films are uniformly deposited on silicon and quartz substrates and
have a thickness of roughly 100 nm. After deposition, all films are subjected to rapid thermal
annealing at various temperatures and time periods in order to achieve crystalline structures.
Specific studies are then perform on the annealed films using surface profiler to determine
deposition rate, X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy for the microstructures, and energydispersive
X-ray spectroscopy for elemental and chemical compositions. The results of these
tests determine a set of optimal parameters for processing BaCeO3 thin films based on the
conditions of deposition and thermal annealing.
關鍵字(中) ★ 薄膜 關鍵字(英) ★ thin film
★ sputtering
★ perovskite
論文目次 CONTENT .................................................................................................................................... v
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... vi
Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
1-1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
1-2 Objective ........................................................................................................................... 1
1-3 Scope ................................................................................................................................ 2
1-4 Study Layout ..................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER 2 Theories and Methods............................................................................................... 3
2-1 Perovskite .......................................................................................................................... 3
2-2 Proton Conduction............................................................................................................. 4
2-3 Applications of Perovskite films ....................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 3 Experiments .............................................................................................................. 7
3-1 Experimental Procedure .................................................................................................... 7
3-2 Substrate and Material Preparation ................................................................................... 7
3-3 Deposition ......................................................................................................................... 8
3-4 Rapid Thermal Annealing ................................................................................................. 9
3-5 Thickness ........................................................................................................................... 9
3-6 Chrystal Structure .............................................................................................................. 9
3-7 Raman Spectroscopy ....................................................................................................... 10
3-8 Elemental Composition ................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 4 Results and Discussion ........................................................................................... 12
4-1 Deposition Rate and Film Thickness .............................................................................. 12
4-2 XRD ............................................................................................................................... 13
4-3 Raman Spectroscopy ....................................................................................................... 15
4-4 EDS Chemical composition ............................................................................................ 16
Chapter 5 Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 18
References .................................................................................................................................... 19
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指導教授 李泉(Li Chuan) 審核日期 2016-7-21
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