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劉演忠(Yen-Chung Liu)
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高階主管企管碩士班 |
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摘要(中) |
ICT(Information, Communication, Technology)資通訊產業已邁入 Apple 的 iOS、Google 的 Android 與 Microsoft 的 Windows三個相互競逐的生態體系,已經沒有單一作業系統的技術標準可以獨佔優勢,產業遊戲規則也因此而改變,衝擊到ICT產業並影響人類生活習慣;過去主要的成功因素,在於ICT產業技術創新的水平分工架構,目前致勝的關鍵則是轉向為市場應用創新。ICT產業發生了軟硬體系統架構的改變,所有的產品、軟硬體都必須要整合也引發跨產業的重組與整合。在後PC時代,策略重點聚焦在跨產業的技術融合,強調軟硬體與應用整合的系統服務及使用者需求體驗,透過巨量資料分析技術導入,環繞在雲端服務、行動應用、社群商務之應用,激盪出創新服務的能量。在ICT產業快速轉向行動網路、物聯網的時刻,全球PC品牌廠商力求轉型,到底PC品牌廠商的商業模式要如何運作以及如何因應才能走出目前的困境,將是本文所要探討的目的。
依據外部產業環境分析與企業層級「8十事業模式」分析,宏碁正面臨一內外交迫的轉型局面(事實上也是PC品牌廠商共同的情況) ,一方面產業遊戲規則改變無法持續研發創新帶來利潤;一方面科技的快速進步經營成本不斷提高,致使EBIT、ROIC為負值,故宏碁亟待就企業層級「8十事業模式」分析所歸納的問題進行必要的變革。
依據企業層級「8十營運模式」分析,宏碁可以考量改善以下四個關鍵要素︰價值主張、組織結構、企業資源、流程技能,來轉型提升經營績效。並經財務假設試算結果,將可擴大營業額、提升毛利率,將近期無法持續獲利的狀況,轉虧為盈扭轉局勢。 |
摘要(英) |
Apple′s iOS, Google′s Android and Microsoft′s Windows have entered into the ecosystem of ICT (Information, Communication, Technology) industry to compete with each other. There has no exclusive advantage of technical standards for single operating system, the industry rules and regulations have also changed, and have the impact of the ICT industry and influences people’s lifestyle. In the past, the major factor affecting successful implementation of ICT industry was technological innovation of horizontal collaboration. However, the key to success turns to the innovative applications in the current market. Nowadays, ICT industry changes hardware and software of system architecture, all of the products, hardware and software should be integrated, and this change also lead to the restructuring and integration of crossing industry. In the Post PC era, the policy manily focused on cross-industry technology integration, emphasizing software and hardware systems integration, application of integration services, and user experience. Moreover, analytical techniques imported through massive data around the Cloud services, mobile applications, and business community the application; these services bring out more innovation. In the time that ICT industry entering swiftly into mobile networks, how global PC brands seek opportunities to transform, and how these PC brands to respond to overcome the current difficulties, will be the purpose of this article to investigate.
In this study, from the national level, the ‘8-cross business model’ framework will be applied to explore factors and impact of ICT industry of the external environment. Based on the enterprise level, ‘8+ business model’ framework will be analyzed to discuss the operating performance of Acer. Furthermore, the territory and strengthen relations with the resources, changing into new model of business strategies and re-estimatinf the possible cause of ten new ‘8-cross business model’ will be also mentioned about in the article.
The main conclusions of this study are as follows:
External environment analysis are based on industry and enterprise level, according to ‘8+ business model’ analysis, Acer is facing a diplomatic force in the transformation of the situation, while, in fact of that all PC brands deal with the similar situation recently. On one hand, as a result of that the rules of the game change rapidly, the PC companies cannot generate enough profits through unsustainable innovation and industrial research. On the other hand, the operating costs of rapid advances in technology continue to improve, Acer urgently needs to reform according to the analysis, which summarise that EBIT and ROIC were negative, based on the enterprise level and ‘8+ business model’. Acer can consider those elements to improve the four key value proposition, organizational structure, corporate resources, processes skills to enhance business performance transformation. And by the financial assumptions spreadsheet results will expand sales, improve gross margins, the recent unsustainable profit situation, a turnaround to reverse the situation. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ ICT產業 ★ 後 PC 時代 ★ 品牌 ★ 通路 ★ 服務 ★ 8十法則 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ ICT industry ★ the post-PC era ★ brands ★ access ★ services ★ 8-cross business model |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 3
1-3 研究目的 4
1-4 研究架構與流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2-1 事業模式 6
2-2 資通訊產業 17
2-3 SWOT模式分析 22
第三章 研究方法 26
3-1 「8十事業模式」 26
3-2 問題與對策 29
3-3 創新事業模式與可行性分析 33
第四章 個案公司商業模式分析 35
4-1 個案公司說明 35
4-2 個案公司現行之8十商業模式 42
4-3 目前個案公司8十商業模式對照分析圖 56
4-4 個案公司歷史獲利表現 56
4-5 宏碁公司現行 8十營運模式 60
第五章 外部環境分析 63
5-1 8十總體環境分析 63
5-2 8十產業分析 65
5-3 外部環境下之機會與威脅 68
第六章 個案公司競爭環境與主要競爭對手分析 70
6-1 個案公司所在地區競爭分析 70
6-2 個案公司與競爭對手之比較 71
6-3 與競爭者 8十營運模式比較圖 75
第七章 個案公司SWOT分析與新事業模式 77
7-1 8十SWOT分析與策略規劃建議 77
7-2 事業模式調整 79
7-3 預期效果對照分析圖 81
第八章 結論 82
8-1 外部環境變化對宏碁事業模式的衝擊 82
8-2 宏碁的因應對策 83
參考文獻 85
附錄 87 |
參考文獻 |
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審核日期 |
2016-6-27 |
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