摘要(英) |
Economy globalization is the feature of modern economy with the rapid development of information technology. In order to fulfill the needs of customers on logistic, companies demand more diversity and complex service on its own logistic capability. Given that, not only logistic companies develop but also the companies start to work on the “fourth party logistic” solution to increase the international competitiveness. In current circumstances, the global crisis on economy recovers slowly, so the logistic cost becomes relatively important. This research is to provide solutions and recommendations for the future of fourth party logistic by analyzing the logistic strategies of the W logistic company.
Qualitative methodology is used in this research. Firstly the definition and world-wide researches and applications are reviewed. The advantage when company out-sources the logistic to the fourth party company is highlighted through the comprehensive study on the fourth party logistic characteristics, fundamentals, operation model and development. Following it, the W logistic company operation process and development strategies are analyzed, which is to take the nice business model as research theory from Osterwalder (2010) and to do the process re-engineering with ARIS. By taking a real company as real case study in my research, particularly how this company leverages its own capability and strength, it is believed that this can help individual company to identify the strategy to fight for the future, and to compete against competitors. Finally, business is able to win from competition in the unpredictable environment.
The fourth party logistic is the newest concept in current logistic world: fully utilizing the social resource, providing diversified logistic service ad controlling the whole supply chain etc. This research concludes as below:
1. The operation process of W corresponds to the third type: Industrial Innovation mode, advised by the Anderson consultant company.
2. The W operation result has achieved the group strategic goal and company short-term target.
3. The key elements for company to develop the fourth party logistic are: platform to display the logistic information, co-operative vendors and consultant institution.
For W company sustainable development, this research offers below recommendations:
1. The management of vendors must be strengthened.
2. The training of employee development must be strengthened.
3. The ability of risk management must be strengthened. |
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