摘要(英) |
Using the Industry, Commerce and Service Census of Taiwan in 2006 and 2011, we investigate the impacts of market competition, spillovers and online selling on the firms’ export behavior in electronics industry, which include electronics manufacturing and wholesale and retail trade.
The results show that the degree of market competition is positively associated with firms’ export performance. Foreign spillover is negatively correlated with firm’s export propensity and export ratio in manufacturing, but on the contrary, it is positively correlated with the export propensity in wholesale and retail trade firms. The reason is that domestic firms may be difficult to compete with foreign firms on the export market in manufacturing, especially for medium and small firms, but in wholesale and retail trade, domestic firms are more likely to improve their productivity through learning business knowledge and technology from foreign firms.
We also find a complementary relationship between goods trade and services trade. Moreover, firms export both goods and services have the highest labor productivity, following by firms export goods only, firms export services only, and firms export neither goods nor services.
For other firm characteristics, firm size, own-brand, online sale, foreign ownership and whether the firm engages in outward foreign direct investment all have positive effects on export performance. It is worth noting that no matter manufacturing or whole and retail trade, online sale is more effective to increase exports for small firms. |
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