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姓名 林佳慶(Chia-Ching Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 網路拍賣的三個議題
(Three Essays on Internet Auctions)
★ 雙邊市場論文集:搜尋、配對與多重據點★ 網路拍賣的實證研究
★ Three Essays on the Industrial Economics★ Essays on Online Auction and Fee-shifting Rule in Litigation
★ 畸零定價對成交機率之影響與分析 ─以 YAHOO!相機拍賣為例★ 雙邊市場在遊樂園及醫療市場的應用以及公營社會企業之最適民營化
★ 領導廠商之市場進入分析-以圖形處理器市場為例
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摘要(中) eBay與Yahoo! Auction分別從1995年與1998年開始在美國的網路平台拍賣商品,在近十年來網路拍賣的交易金額與數量同時快速地成長。由於網路拍賣的交易便利,使得網路拍賣的交易模式以漸取代某些傳統的實體店面的交易。因此,我們有必要去瞭解網路拍賣它的拍賣機制與買家與賣家的拍賣行為。故本文研究將分別討論賣家的拍賣行為、拍賣的競標行為與訊息不對稱下的交易行為。
最後一部分的研究是利用台灣的雅虎拍賣(Yahoo! Auction)拍賣的iPhone 4s探討訊息不對稱下的拍賣交易。訊息不對稱下讓買家產生不確定性,不確定來自於買家對賣家的不信任與產品品質的疑慮。在買家對賣家的不確定方面,可利用賣家的聲譽降低不確定性;在買家對產品的不確定性,則藉由賣家對產品訊息的揭露以降低產品的不確定性。賣家主動揭露照片的數量、照片品質與提供保固對會提高交易的機率,但被動揭露產品品質的資訊則是對交易有負面影響。
摘要(英) This dissertation is mainly discussed about the seller’s and the buyer’s behavior in online auction marketplace, including the seller’s choice of auction formats, the buyer’s bidding strategies. I study the relationship between the seller’s auction-format choice and the characteristics of the product, the seller’s information, and auction information. Furthermore, I also investigate the effects of product uncertainty for the transaction if iPhone 4s.
The first part empirically studies the auction behavior of the sellers. Firstly, we will discuss what kind of information the sellers on eBay would consider before the auction mechanism such as product information, sellers’ information, and the auction information and learn if these said factors would have any impacts on the sellers’ auction mechanism. In the meantime, we also consider how the sellers’ previous information might influence the current selection of auction formats. Previous information includes the accumulative experiences of the successful rate, the last transaction price and the accumulative rate of the sellers’ auction mechanism, etc.
As to the second part, I analyze how competitive the bidding is in online auction. Several articles in the past have discussed that the buyers’ bidding strategy would not be influenced by the competition of other auctions. Thus, this article will not only focus on the impact of the competition of other auctions on the buyers’ bidding strategy but also further discuss the impact of the characteristics of other auctions on the buyers’ bidding strategy. This data is also derived from the data of motor auctions on eBay. We discovered the number of Buy-it-Now auctions and bidders from other competitive auctions have an effect on the number and time of buyers’ bidding whereas the number of Pure Auction auctions and its bidders do not have the same effect as Buy-it-Now Auctions on the bidding competition. Seller’s feedback and their scores would also encourage the number of bidding from buyers. Meanwhile, we also learn that the vehicles without warranty will decrease the number of bidding while the high mileage of the vehicles would also escalate the number of bidding. Furthermore, regarding bidding time, we discover that the average of the remaining time before ending of the auction is approximately 3000 minutes, which also implies vehicle auction is not a highly competitive product on eBay auctions. Besides, the number of bidders and number of bidding as well as vehicle warranty would also increase the chance of late bidding by the buyers in order to win the product. However, the longer launching duration of the product, which also means the longer duration of competition with Pure Auctions and Buy-it-Now Auctions from other auctions, would also force the buyers to bid early in order to decrease the cost of tracing products. The result of the study suggests that the buyers would consider every possible aspect of the auctions before they make a decision of bidding in order to increase the rate of closing the deal as well as lower the cost of the transaction.
The last part investigates asymmetric information of the transaction between the buyers and sellers in online auctions to further discuss the transaction of iPhone 4s on Taiwan Yahoo! Auction in the fourth chapter. The information asymmetry of the auction would increase the sense of uncertainty of the buyers, which deep down is caused by the distrust in the sellers and the products’ quality. The buyers’ distrust in sellers might also be eased by the seller’s credibility of the transaction, and the revealing of the product information might also minimize the buyers’ distrust in the product quality. For the seller’s transaction, a warranty, the quantity of product photos, and quality of product photos are important factors. However, this information may lead to a fruitless result if product quality revealed is not up to standards.
This article is mainly addressing the relation between the sellers’ auction behavior, the buyers’ bidding decision and the information asymmetry of the auctions. We also would like to find out the result to the buyers and the sellers on the internet platforms via our verification and analysis of the study in order further to provide them a solution to making the most appropriate and precise strategies during the auctions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 網路拍賣
★ 出價競爭
★ 資訊不對稱
關鍵字(英) ★ Internet Auction
★ Bidding Competition
★ Asymmetric Information
論文目次 Chapter 1. Introduction of the Dissertation 1
Chapter 2. Selling Behavior in Dynamic Online Auction: Evidence from eBay Motors 3
2.1 Introduction 3
2.2 Literature Review 7
2.3 The Data and Descriptive Statistics 10
2.4 Empirical Model 16
2.4.1 Selection Model of Auction Formats 16
2.4.2 Change of Models on Auction Format 18
2.5 Results 20
2.6 Conclusion 28
2.7 Reference 30
Chapter 3. The Analysis of the Buyer’s Strategies on Internet Auction Marketplace – Empirical Study of eBay Motors 33
3.1 Introduction 33
3.2 Literature review 38
3.3 The Data and Descriptive Statistics 40
3.4 Empirical Model 46
3.4.1 Competition Model 46
3.4.2 Bidding Model for Time 47
3.5 Result 50
3.5.1 The factors which impact the competition of the auction 50
3.5.1 Time of bidding 53
3.6 Conclusion 59
3.7 Reference 61
Chapter 4: Information Asymmetry in Online Auction – Evidence from iPhone 4s in Taiwan Yahoo! Auctions 63
4.1 Introduction 63
4.2 Literature review 66
4.3 The Data and Descriptive Statistics 68
4.4 Empirical models 74
4.4.1 Transaction models 74
4.4.2 Empirical Analysis 74
4.4.3 The Instrumental Variables and Endogenous Test 75
4.5 Result 77
4.6 Conclusion 82
4.7 Reference 84
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指導教授 陳恭平(Kong-Pin Chen) 審核日期 2016-7-22
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