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姓名 彭鈺娟(Yu-Chuan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 台灣消費者網路近用、數位學習與數位焦慮之行為分析
(Behavior analysis of Internet access, e-learning and digital anxiety of consumers in Taiwan)
★ 論企業重整運作機制---兼論公司重整治理及新資金取得★ 評析我國證券交易法內線交易之規範—以美國立法例為借鏡
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★ 論銀行保證制度之研究★ 非常規交易稅制問題之研究
★ 中國銀行產業分析—兼論台資銀行西進策略★ 財富管理業務之探討─以花旗銀行及合作金庫商業銀行為例
★ 網路購物標價錯誤法律效果之研究★ 數位相機產業市場結構、行為與績效之研究
★ 企業危機處理策略之探討─以台灣非酒精飲料業為例★ 以軟硬整合思維重新探討智慧型手機商業模式
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摘要(中) 自1980年代台灣發展電子與高科技產業以來,不論是製造生產技術、產業發展與資訊社會進程均己臻成熟,鑑於資通訊產品在摩爾定律的制約下,我國民眾於資通訊產品的使用與普及率幾居全球之先。以2014年由行政院國家發展委員會所發佈之個人與家戶數位機會調查報告中指出,12歲以上民眾近用智慧型手機和行動網路的比率高達94.6%與91.5%,在如此高資訊滲透率的同時,雖大幅提升生活與工作上的便利,亦可能伴隨負面的影響。因此,本論文以台灣資訊近用行為進行三篇研究議題。首先,先行對台灣第三代行動通訊技術之使用價值進行分析;再者,研析台灣民眾進行單向與雙向數位學習行為;最後,將對台灣網路社群、即時通訊與數位焦慮行為進行關聯分析。
摘要(英) Since the development of electronics and high-tech industries in 1980s, the manufacturing and production technology, industry development and information society progress have all reached a mature state. Meanwhile, information and communication product was still subject to the limit of Moore’s law, the popularity and usage of information and communication product for the citizen of this country was in the top rank of the world. In a survey report of digital opportunity for individual and household as announced in 2014 by National Development Council of the Executive Yuan, the proportion of the access of smartphone and mobile network for citizen above 12 years old was as high as 94.6% and 91.5% respectively, while at such high information penetration rate, although the convenience of work and life had been greatly enhanced, yet negative influence might accompany. Therefore, three research topics were conducted in this paper based on information access behavior. First, the usage value of the third generation mobile communication technology in Taiwan was conducted with value analysis; next, the single-way and dual way e-learning behavior conducted by Taiwan’s people was analyzed; finally, correlation analysis will be conducted on internet community, instant messaging and digital anxiety behavior in Taiwan.
In the 3G usage value analysis of the first part, focus will be put on the decision factors, usage value and the value of its digital divide of Taiwan’s consumers in different 3G service development stages, meanwhile, a comparison will be conducted with the usage of broadband service. After using propensity score matching method to do the analysis, it was found that the usage decision factor characteristic of 3G growth period in 2009 was consistent with that of 3G mature period in 2014, meanwhile, it was totally different than the usage decision factor of broadband service. The usage value in 3G growth period in 2009 was 118.189 NT dollars, but in 3G mature period in 2014, it rose to 617.669 NT dollars. Moreover, the digital divide of usage value only existed in the 3G mature period in 2014, which was about 50.029 NT dollars, however, there was a little bit empirical result difference between metropolitan area and non-metropolitan area.
In the e-learning behavior analysis of Taiwan’s people of the second part, the main research targets were based on four perspectives such as individual feature, information access feature, individual network feature and individual local feature to study and analyze the decision factors when Taiwan’s people were conducting single-way and dual-way e-learning behavior, meanwhile, the learning performance of people after single-way and dual-way e-learning was also estimated. In addition, based on the sample, people were divided into student group and non-student group to inspect people’s e-learning behavior under different identity. After estimation using multi-selection handling effect model, it was found that the feature combination of decision factor between single-way and dual-way e-learning existed pretty large difference, and such difference also existed in the empirical result of the student and non-student people, moreover, the e-learning performance of single-way e-learning behavior was higher than that of dual-way e-learning behavior, meanwhile, the e-learning performance of non-student people was quite different than that of the student group.
Finally, in the discussion of digital anxiety behavior, the decision factors of Taiwan’s people using internet community and instant messaging service was analyzed first so as to estimate the correlation between people’s usage frequency of internet community and instant messaging service and digital anxiety. After using propensity score matching method for analysis, the empirical result showed that the main decision factors were low age, female, high education level, metropolitan area, highly mobile information and communication tool and network, high internet value recognition and people’s feature of longer years of contact with internet, once they have used internet community and instant messaging service, about 15.3~15.7% of formation probability of digital anxiety will be induced.
Generally speaking, in three information access topics as conducted in this paper, people will be expanded for their access to digital related application services (such as application services of single-way and dual-way e-learning, internet community and instant messaging service) due to higher internet usage value, great enhancement of the adoption of new generation communication technology and through the usage of information and communication technology (such as 3G technology). In addition, in the process of access of digital related application service, people will spend large amount of time in online network world, consequently, internet addiction and digital anxiety will be formed. The development of information access behavior and its application service was mature and diversified today, although this paper cannot cover all the information access topics, yet it had pointed out the positive and negative impact the information access behavior might generate on human society. The objective of conducting these three topics, in addition to the above motives, can also supplement the shortage of research literature presently.
關鍵字(中) ★ 資訊近用
★ 第三代行動通訊技術
★ 數位學習
★ 數位焦慮
★ 傾向分數配對法
★ 多元選擇處理效果模型
關鍵字(英) ★ Internet access
★ 3G
★ e-learning
★ digital anxiety
★ propensity score matching method
★ multinomial treatment model
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
誌謝 vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xi
第一章 台灣第三代行動通訊技術之使用價值分析 1
1-1 緒論 1
1-1-1 研究動機 1
1-1-2研究目的 4
1-2 文獻回顧 5
1-2-1相關文獻回顧 5
1-2-2政府相關政策 14
1-3 資料來源說明 17
1-4 實證模型設定 20
1-5 實證結果說明 25
1-6 結論與建議 32
1-6-1 結論 32
1-6-2 建議 33
1-7參考文獻 37
第二章 單向與雙向數位學習之決定因素與成效分析 40
2-1緒論 40
2-1-1 研究動機 40
2-1-2 研究目的 43
2-2文獻回顧 44
2-3資料來源與說明 49
2-4實證模型設定 51
2-6結論與建議 68
2-6-1結論 68
2-6-2建議 69
2-7參考文獻 71
第三章 網路社群、即時通訊與數位焦慮行為之關聯分析 74
3-1緒論 74
3-1-1 研究動機 74
3-1-2 研究目的 78
3-2 文獻回顧 79
3-3 資料來源與敘述性統計 94
3-3-1 資料來源說明 94
3-3-2 敘述性統計 95
3-4 實證模型設定 97
3-5 實證結果說明 104
3-6 結論與建議 115
3-6-1 結論 115
3-6-2建議 116
3-7參考文獻 118
參考文獻 第一章
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指導教授 王弓、鄭有為 審核日期 2016-9-26
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