摘要(英) |
The document combines speech synthesis and speaker conversion and these have relevant application and design. Speech synthesis is that the voice of real man is converted machine voice by synthesis engine. Speaker conversion is based on source speaker and it converts another voice of speaker. To let two techniques can be used in life and entertainment, it needs system to provide implement. The design of the system is that spectrum feather parameter of source speaker is extracted by synthetic software Data of text dependence produced by inputting words and voice model of source speaker input it. And the parameter of target speaker is extracted from voice of target speaker. Both of parameter generate the match table of feather vector of frame by DTW comparing, then GMM is formed by LBG algorithm. After that, using EM algorithm is order to train GMM. When finishing train, parameter correspondence method has transform function. When inputting source spectrum, target spectrum can be got. Besides, synthetic voice of target speaker is formed by speaker is formed by putting pitch feather parameter of source speaker excited and spectrum feather parameter of target speaker together through MLSA (Mel Log Spectrum Approximation). This document proposes many applications and designs of Speech Synthesis and Speaker Conversion. |
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