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姓名 曾詩穎(Shih-Ying Tseng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
(Collaborative Drama-based EFL Learning with Mobile Technology Support in Familiar Context)
★ 無縫隙整合註記學習系統★ 基於虹膜色彩空間的極端學習機的多類型頭痛分類
★ 以多分數加權融合方式進行虹膜影像品質檢定★ 基於深度學習之工業用智慧型機器視覺系統:以文字定位與辨識為例
★ 基於深度學習的即時血壓估測演算法★ 基於深度學習之工業用智慧型機器視覺系統:以焊點品質檢測為例
★ 基於pix2pix深度學習模型之條件式虹膜影像生成架構★ 探討多媒體註記工具應用於程序性知識的學習
★ 探討網頁註記標記語言與註記回顧對於數學學習之影響★ 合作式知識圖建構與連續刺激對知識圖發展之影響
★ 探討合作平台對於延續機器人使用興趣的影響★ 設計與實作多人多點觸控系統之研究
★ Design and Development of a PLITAZ System to Reduce Learning Progress Differences in Software Teaching★ 以核方法化的相關濾波器之物件追蹤方法 實作眼動儀系統
★ 雷射都普勒血流原型機之驗證與校正★ 以生成對抗式網路產生特定目的影像—以虹膜影像為例
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摘要(中) 情境學習已經被認為對於以第二外語為英文的學生是重要的方法,然而,大部分的情境活動都是由老師與研究者事先設計而不是由學生自己去選擇他們有興趣的事務去學習。因此,以學習者為中心的情境活動設計變得越來越重要因為可以增加學生的動機去探索環境並應用所學於情境中。除此之外,許多研究者指出戲劇對於EFL學習是ㄧ個很好的活動,因為戲劇讓學習者彼此利用身體語言表達故事與同學互動,儘管上述所提的戲劇與情境學習中有那麼多的優點,仍然沒有研究是利用行動載具將戲劇融入於情境中提升學習者的語言學習。因此,本研究在平板內開發了情境戲劇contextual drama(CD)系統幫助學生學習英文,學生可以在情境中利用本系統中的錄音、照相、文字編輯等功能完成一齣戲劇來提升他們的英文學習。本研究的目的為探討系統與合作情境戲劇如何影響學生的學習行為與學習成就。
摘要(英) Contextual learning has been recognized as an important method for EFL learning. However, most contextual learning activities were pre-designed by teachers or researchers without much flexibility to allow learners to learn what they feel interested. Therefore, learner-centered contextual design for learning becomes vital since it can motivate learners to explore the contexts and apply what they learned into authentic contexts. Moreover, several researchers recently indicated that drama was a good activity for EFL learning because drama guided learners to interact with each other and using body language to express their ideas. In spite of the above mentioned advantages of drama and contextual learning, there is still no research focusing on using drama in authentic contexts to facility EFL learning with mobile devices.
Therefore, we developed one contextual drama (CD) system in mobile devices to help students to learn English. Students can use the proposed CD system to prepare, make and conduct drama with voice, photos and texts in authentic contexts to improve English learning. This paper aimed to examine how our proposed CD system and collaborative contextual drama influenced students’ learning behaviors and achievement.
After experiment, the results demonstrated that drama-based learning in authentic context could achieve better English speaking than traditional paper methods. Moreover, it was found that due to collaboration in drama-based EFL learning in authentic context could promote peer discussion and help, thereby significantly improving the abilities of describing a story by a picture and writing behaviors including sentence complexity and sentence pattern diversity. The further analysis by interview and observation also revealed that students’ body language and engagement in drama activities have significant influences on learning achievement.
關鍵字(中) ★ 情境學習
★ 戲劇
★ 合作學習
★ 英語教學
★ 學習者為中心的教材內容
★ 行動載具
關鍵字(英) ★ contextual learning
★ drama
★ collaborative learning
★ learner-centered content
★ mobile devices
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
List of Tables v
List of Figures vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Purpose of the Research 3
1.3 Definition of Terms 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 Related theory 5
2.2 Technology Enhance Language Learning 6
2.2.1 Computer Assisted Language Learning 6
2.2.2 Mobile Assisted Language Learning 7
2.3 Contextual Learning 9
2.3.1 Teacher-centered Context-awareness Language Learning 9
2.3.2 Learner-centered Contextual Language Learning 10
2.4 Drama Enhanced Language Learning (DELL) and Storytelling Enhanced Language Learning (SELL) 12
2.4.1 Features and Benefits of DELL and SELL 12
2.4.2 DELL in Classroom and Context 15
Chapter 3 System Design and Implementation 18
3.1 System Design 18
3.2 System Design of Encountering Vocabulary 18
3.3 System Design of Drama 21
3.3.1 Drama 21
3.3.2 Peer comments 23
3.4 System Design of Sentence Example and Story Example 24
Chapter 4 Methodology 27
4.1 Research Structure 27
4.2 Research Subjects 30
4.3 Research Flow 32
4.4 Research Instruments 36
4.4.1 Contextual Drama System (CD) 36
4.4.2 Pre-test and Post-test 37
4.4.3 Criterion of Performance-based Assessment 40
4.4.4 Criterion of Length of writing T-unit 40
4.4.5 Questionnaires 41
4.5 Methods of Data Analysis 43
Chapter 5 Results and Discussion 45
5.1 Analysis of Learning Achievement 45
5.1.1 Learning Achievement among Three Groups in Different Teaching Ways 45
5.2 Activity Writing Behaviors among Three Groups 49
5.2.1 Length of Writing T-unit 49
5.2.2 Sentence Pattern Diversity 49
5.3 Learning Achievement, Activity Performance, Activity Behaviors and Learning Behaviors 51
5.3.1 Correlation among Learning Achievement, Activity performance and Activity Speaking Behaviors 51
5.3.2 Correlation between Learning Achievement, Activity performance and Learning Behaviors 52
5.3.3 Prediction of Student’s Learning Behavior for Learning Achievement 55
5.4 Analyzes of the Questionnaires 56
5.4.1 Questionnaires for Technology Acceptance Model 56
5.4.2 Questionnaires for ARCS 60
Chapter 6 Conclusion 64
6.1 Conclusion 64
6.1.1 What is the effect of the proposed system on the students’ English learning achievement? 64
6.1.2 What is the effect of the proposed system on the students’ activity writing behaviors? 65
6.1.3 What is the effect of activity speaking behaviors to English learning achievement? 65
6.1.4 What is the correlation between activity performance and English learning achievement? 65
6.1.5 What is the correlation between learning behaviors and English learning achievement? 66
6.1.6 What are the students’ perception and motivation using TAM and ARCS toward the proposed system? 67
6.2 Limitation and Suggestion 67
References 69
Appendix A: Pre-test 75
Appendix B: Post-test 77
Appendix C: TAM questionnaire 79
Appendix D: ARCS questionnaire 82
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指導教授 黃武元、栗永徽(Wu-Yuin Hwang Yung-Hui Li) 審核日期 2016-7-26
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