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姓名 彭康哲(Kang-Jhe Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 結合程式交易與選股模型的分析平台之設計與實作 – 以美國股票市場為例
(Combining Program Trading and Stock Selection Model to Design and Implement an Analyzing Platform. Using American Stock Data for initial Verification.)
★ 針對提昇資料倉儲資料庫執行效能之知識管理與相關系統設計★ 以關聯規則探勘為基礎,探討詐騙車手提領型態互動之研究
★ 部落格之網路口碑評比機制平台管理與應用★ 虛擬貨幣交易平台之實現
★ 適用於多種設備的可否認鑑別協定之設計★ 交易程式最佳化的多維度分析平台之設計與建置
★ 多商品多策略程式交易績效曲線比較和分群機制之研究★ 以工作流程與Portlet為基礎整合學習管理系統以支援課程編組
★ 使用服務導向技術建構具支援二線廠客製化能力的電子中樞系統之研究★ 以流程為中心的Portlet重用性分析
★ 應用資料倉儲技術建構平衡計分卡資訊系統之研究-以某消費性電子製造公司人力資源計分卡為例★ 自動化的產品平台管理與應用
★ 以代理人為基礎的資訊系統協助新產品開發流程的自動化★ 以整合式的教練引導開發以框架為基礎的專案
★ 支援新產品研發的整合性知識管理系統★ 以流程為導向協同異質性數位學習系統中呈現層與資料層之研究
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摘要(中) 股市投資屬於一種高風險高報酬的投資方式,其已成為民眾投資方法中不可或缺的一部份,有大量學者專注於股市的基本面分析以及技術分析之相關研究,期望於股市投資中能帶來更穩定與更高額的報酬效益。
美國標準普爾公司(Standard & Poor)資深分析師Richard Tortoriello於2009年出版一書 “Quantitative Strategies for Achieving Alpha”,其採用量化投資的方式全面分析美國股票市場。Tortoriello選股模型依照基本面因子之特性進行排序,於每年度切割出不同的投資組合,並根據選股模型的結果,以量化的方式進行股市交易。但一般投資者無充足資源可依此選股模型進行交易:第一、購買一種投資組合須持有近400支股票;第二、持有投資組合需數年之久。
本研究以此模型為出發點,與黃天蔚(2016)之研究「結合選股模型與程式交易的分析平台之設計與實作 – 以台灣股票市場為例」相互輔助分析平台之設計與實作,旨在整合各項市售軟體,使用MultiCharts與SQL Server實現Tortoriello選股模型,本研究以美國股市資料作為系統之可用性驗證。此外本研究提出一選時選股模型,藉由程式交易軟體試圖找出交易進出點訊號,試圖縮小投資人投資組合的個股數目。
以往鮮少研究嘗試用建立平台的方式在程式交易中加入基本面因子作為交易邏輯,並以量化的方式研究結合技術分析與基本面分析之交易績效表現。所以,本研究的第二個貢獻為撰寫DLL應用於MultiCharts之交易策略中,使交易策略得以使用基本面因子撰寫各式各樣的交易邏輯,並以Portfolio Trader以量化的方式進行大量商品回測。系統以美國股市資料作為驗證。本研究將最佳化流程拆解為兩細部流程,將指數複雜度之問題降至多項式複雜度。
摘要(英) Stock investment is a high risk, high reward investment behavior. It is the main method of investments. There are many study focused on fundamental analysis and technical analysis in stock market. They hope to find the investment model which is more stable and make more excess returns.
In actual trading situation, investment decisions of investors will be influenced by many factors. This situation make investment to be worthless and much unstable. Therefore, many investors are turn to using program trading. Program trading use program languages to define the conditions of buying and selling products and execute trading automatically. This can avoid problems caused by human investment.
Richard Tortoriello, who was senior analyst in Standard & Poor, published the book “Quantitative Strategies for Achieving Alpha” in 2009. This book described a quantitative investment method to analyze the whole American stock market. Tortoriello’s stock selection model use fundamental factors to rank companies, and divided them into 5 parts each year. Each part is one portfolio. It buy and hold portfolio every year. Finally, Tortoriello compare the trading performance of every stock selection model. This book analyze the correlation between fundamental factors and trading performance. Generally, investors have no enough resources to trade according to Tortoriello’s stock selection model. First, there are almost four hundreds stocks need to hold in one portfolio in each year. Second, investors need to hold these portfolios in many years.
This study cooperate with Ryan Huang’s study “Combining Stock Selection Model and Program Trading to Design and Implement an Analyzing Platform. Using Taiwan Stock Data for initial Verification” to design and implement an analyzing platform based on Tortoriello’s stock selection model. The purpose of this study is combing commercial software, including MultiCharts and SQL Server, to implement the platform integrated market timing model and stock selection model. This study use American stock data for initial verification of analyzing platform. Besides, this study combine the factor of program trading into Tortoriello’s stock selection model, and try to cut down the number of stocks need to hold in portfolio of Tortoriello’s stock selection model.
There were few study experiment the trading performance about using fundamental factors into trading strategy, and use quantitative investment method to compute its trading performance in the past. Therefore, second contribution of this study is to program two DLLs and execute them in MultiCharts. These DLLs let MultiCharts can run the trading strategy which is using fundamental factors. This study use Portfolio Trader to execute quantitatively back testing. This will use American stock data for system verification. Otherwise, this study divide the optimization process of trading strategy into two parts. This two detail process translate the exponent complexity of optimization process into polynomial complexity of optimization process.
This study use “free cash flow to price” to initial verify this analyzing platform. Compare to Tortoriello’s stock selection model, the trading performance of integrated model of market timing model and stock selection model is higher 29.5% than the trading performance of Tortoriello’s stock selection model. The result of experiment shows that an analyzing platform developed by this study can calculate the performance of stock selection model, and can implement Tortoriello’s stock selection model and integrated model of market timing model and stock selection model.
關鍵字(中) ★ 技術分析
★ 程式交易
★ 選股模型
★ 基本面分析
★ 選時選股整合模型
關鍵字(英) ★ Technical Analysis
★ Program Trading
★ Stock Selection Model
★ Fundamental Analysis
★ Integrated Model of Market Timing Model and Stock Selection Model
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝辭 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 技術分析 6
2.2 程式交易 11
2.3選股模型與基本面因子 12
2.3.1 Tortoriello選股模型 12
2.3.2 基本面因子 16
2.3.3 資料來源 17
2.4 結合技術面與基本面之主觀交易 18
2.5 績效評估與方法 19
2.5.1 財務評估因子 20
2.5.2 程式交易之績效評估方法 22
第三章 系統設計與實作 23
3.1 系統架構 23
3.2系統流程與Multicharts 23
3.2.1 在交易策略中使用基本面因子 24
3.2.2 建立平台實現選時選股整合模型 26
3.3 資料庫設計 27
3.3.1實體關係圖 27
3.3.2資料庫三層式架構 28
3.4 動態鏈結函式庫設計 31
3.4.1 讀取財務指標文字檔案 31
3.4.2 尋找最佳績效之參數 32
第四章 系統驗證與結果 33
4.1 系統驗證環境 33
4.2 系統驗證流程 34
4.3系統驗證方法 34
4.3.1 在交易策略中使用基本面因子 35
4.3.2 實現Tortoriello選股模型 37
4.3.3 建立平台實現選時選股整合模型 39
4.4 系統實證與討論 40
4.4.1 在交易策略中使用基本面因子 40
4.4.2 實現Tortoriello選股模型 44
4.4.3 建立平台實現選時選股整合模型 46
4.5 系統驗證之硬體表現 49
第五章 結論 50
5.1 結論 50
5.2 研究限制 51
5.3 未來發展 51
參考文獻 53
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指導教授 許智誠(Kevin Chihcheng Hsu) 審核日期 2016-7-14
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