摘要(英) |
This study aims to discuss the efficacy of the environmental education facilities by collecting, comparing and analyzing the documents. Besides adopting the observational survey, document analysis is also applied to analyze the priorities for improvement in terms of the two environmental education facilities of water resource and community for the authorities’ reference of the related managing measures for further investigation and counseling planning. This is to increase the service quality of the environmental education facilities and to provide the citizens with the environmental educational experience of better quality.
This study has found that in terms of the environmental education facilities of water resource, the dimensions of course project and administration in accordance with assessment should be given the priority for improvement. The dimensions of natural and humanistic features, environmental education professional human resources, and operation and management planning could serve as the models to learn from. The dimension of the administration in accordance with assessment should be given the priority for improvement while the dimension of the environmental education professional human resources is worth the praise. It is suggested that the authorities could host the model learning events in different forms by aiming at respective dimension in pursuit of excellence and growth. |
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