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姓名 鄭源棠(Yuan-Tang Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 科技創新推廣與制度之關係研究-以UBER為例
(A study of diffusion of technology innovation and institutions - The case of UBER)
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摘要(中) 我們都知道愛迪生 (Thomas Alva Edison) 是位偉大的發明家,是個不得了的曠世奇才,但你可能不知道的是,他更是一位策略型創業家。在18世紀的美國,人們習慣使用煤油燈 (gas lamp) 來照明,而煤氣商自然地成了既得利益者,壟斷了整個市場。而在電燈泡普及以前,愛迪生花了整整十幾年的時間與社會環境和制度纏鬥,目的就是為了將他的發明推廣出去。

愛迪生藉由設計策略和物件來一一回應這些阻礙創新推廣的力量,最後的結果如你所見,愛迪生的電燈系統取代了煤氣照明系統,因為愛迪生深諳一個道理:「以柔方能克剛」,面對這些阻礙應當智取,而非豪奪。過去在討論創新的推廣時,都將焦點放在創新本身的功能及經濟優勢,卻忽略了外在環境的影響,即制度的力量和社會大眾的認知,很多時候,創新推廣的失敗,是因為太過「新穎」,使致其價值與意義遠遠超乎社會大眾的認知邏輯。本研究基於此觀點,並借鑑愛迪生的故事,使用個案研究法,釐清本研究個案公司 (UBER 台灣) 在推廣它創新的營運模式時,遭遇了哪些制度的力量,而透過這個故事,提出新的洞見 (insight),給予科技創新者新的推廣思維。

摘要(英) Many people know that Thomas Alva Edison is a great inventor, an enduring genius, but what you may not know is that he was a brilliant entrepreneur. During the 18th century in America, people used to use the gas lamp to illuminate, and the gas companies had become vested interests and monopolized the market. Before the bulb became popular, Edison had spent over a decade to fight the social circumstance and institutional forces, with a purpose to promote his invention.

By planning his strategies carefully, Edison responded well to all of these forces which stifle innovation to be promoted. The final result, as you can see, Edison′s electric lighting system has replaced the gas lighting system, because Edison knew the truth: "to use softness to conquer strength." While facing strong obstacles one should outsmart rather than seizing. In the past, when people discussing the promotion of innovation, they almost focused on functions of innovation and economic advantages, but ignored the impact of the external circumstance which are institutional forces and public′s schemas. Most of the time, an innovation is too "novel" for the public to understand the value and significance and therefore causes a failure of promotion. This study is based on this view and the lesson from Edison′s story to clarify the business case of UBER Taiwan, who is facing some institutional forces when UBER promotes its innovative business model. Through this story, here to propose a new insight and to promote new thinking towards technological innovators in Taiwan.

Keyword:UBER, Technology Innovation, Promotion of Innovation, Institutional Theory, Robust Design, Qualitative Research, Case Study
關鍵字(中) ★ UBER
★ 科技創新
★ 創新推廣
★ 制度理論
★ 強力設計
★ 質化研究
★ 個案分析
論文目次 目 錄
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究重要性及研究問題 3
1-4 論文架構 4
二、 文獻探討 6
2-1 文獻架構 6
2-2 科技創新與制度理論 7
2-3 回應策略 10
2-4 強力設計 16
三、 研究方法 18
3-1 研究典範 18
3-2 研究方法 19
3-3 研究標的 21
3-4 資料蒐集與分析 22
四、 個案分析 28
4-1 個案介紹 28
4-2 研究發現 31
4-2-1 法律 32
4-2-2 組織 35
4-2-3 道德風險 36
4-2-4 媒體 40
4-2-5 非正式制度 41
五、 結論與建議 42
5-1 結論 42
5-2 研究限制與後續研究 49
參考文獻 50
參考文獻 英文文獻:
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指導教授 蘇雅惠、范懿文 審核日期 2016-7-21
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