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姓名 洪智瑜(Chih-Yu Hung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 在中國大陸文化下,探討情感影響、支配性、意義性與Icon設計屬性吸引力之關聯
(Explore the Correlations among Affect, Dominance, Meaning, and Icon Design Attributes on the Culture of China)
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摘要(中) 由於行動裝置的出現,為軟體開發者帶來許多機會。而在中國大陸,除了主
的 Google 也即將重返中國大陸這片土地,顯見在這個市場上仍有龐大的潛在商
機。中國大陸的手機應用程式商店目前是由第三方的 Android 開發商所主導。在
研究的實驗過程中,採用 Friedman 檢定,分析十二項類別中的設計屬性是
否對受測者有所差異。接著以 Wilcoxon 檢定找出圖標設計屬性間的吸引力排序。
最後以 Ordered Probit 迴歸分析探討使用者對圖標若具有支配性及意義性認知、
摘要(英) Mobile devices have brought many opportunities to software developers. In China,
other cities and regions are still underpenetrated except Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities. Since
there are tremendous potential opportunities in China, Google is going to return to
China. Third-party Android stores dominates in app stores in China. Designing
attractive icons will make users to download applications. Therefore, the main purpose
of this research is to explore if there are most attractive design attributes in 12
application categories, and discuss correlations among affect, dominance, meaning, and
icon design attributes on the culture of China.
Friedman Test and Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test were adopted in experiment. The
purposes are to analyze if the design attributes in 12 application categories are different
to participants and find out the ranking with icon design attributes. Finally, Ordered
Probit Regression is used to discuss the correlations between dominance, meaning, and
positive affect.
The results indicate that there are critical design attributes to attract users to
download in 12 mobile application categories. For user cognition, the results are also
positive and significant. This represents that if an icon is more dominant and meaningful,
and has positive affect, users are more likely to download the application. According to
this research, we would like to suggest developers and designers designing different
icons for different application categories, and then, the objective is to attract users to
download application.
關鍵字(中) ★ 智慧型手機
★ 手機應用程式
★ 圖標
★ 設計屬性
★ 中國大陸
關鍵字(英) ★ smartphones
★ applications
★ icon
★ design attributes
★ apps
★ China
論文目次 論文摘要 ...................................................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................. iv
目錄….. .......................................................................................................................... v
圖目錄.. ........................................................................................................................vii
表目錄.. ...................................................................................................................... viii
一、 緒論 .................................................................................................................... 1
1-1 研究背景 .............................................................................................................. 1
1-2 研究動機 .............................................................................................................. 2
1-3 研究目的 .............................................................................................................. 3
二、 文獻探討 ............................................................................................................ 4
2-1 圖標 (Icon) .......................................................................................................... 4
2-2 圖標設計屬性 ...................................................................................................... 5
2-3 情感影響 (Affect) ............................................................................................... 8
2-4 支配性 (Dominance) ........................................................................................... 8
2-5 意義性 (Meaning) ............................................................................................... 9
2-6 文化 (Culture) ................................................................................................... 10
三、 研究方法 .......................................................................................................... 12
3-1 手機應用程式類別選擇 .................................................................................... 12
3-2 圖標屬性定義 .................................................................................................... 13
3-3 圖標設計 ............................................................................................................ 13
3-4 屬性測試 ............................................................................................................ 14
3-5 實驗設計 ............................................................................................................ 21
3-6 實驗之問卷 ....................................................................................................... 23
四、 資料分析 .......................................................................................................... 25
4-1 Friedman 檢定 ................................................................................................... 25
4-2 Wilcoxon 符號排序檢定 ................................................................................... 30
4-3 樣本描述與分析 ............................................................................................... 37
4-4 文化(Culture)分析 .......................................................................................... 101
4-5 情感影響(Affect)分析 .................................................................................... 102
4-6 支配性(Dominance)分析 ............................................................................... 110
4-7 意義性(Meaning)分析 .................................................................................... 117
五、 結論與建議.................................................................................................... 123
5-1 研究結論 ......................................................................................................... 123
5-2 研究貢獻 .......................................................................................................... 134
5-3 研究限制 ......................................................................................................... 136
5-4 研究建議 ......................................................................................................... 137
參考文獻 .................................................................................................................... 138
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指導教授 粟四維 審核日期 2016-8-25
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