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姓名 游詒琇(Yi-Hsiu Yu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 B-rep模型肋特徵辨識及混合式實體網格建構研究
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摘要(中) 肋在塑膠模型中是常見的特徵,在CAE分析上會先將模型轉換成網格,將肋獨立辨識對網格建立有以下兩個優點,(1)肋在設計變更後,只要改變本身網格,無須重建所有模型網格,(2)建立一套專屬肋的自動化網格生成系統。本研究的目的為發展B-rep模型肋特徵辨識及混合式實體網格建構研究。肋特徵根據下列五個步驟獲得辨識結果,並且依照肋的網格生成方式建立資訊,(1)建立邊面屬性,(2)終止面搜尋,利用Rule-based方式搜尋面,(3)殼面計算與搜尋,(4)肋條件判斷,(5)儲存肋資訊。完整的流程將在論文中完整說明,流程中每一步驟也將詳細說明。利用63個CAD模型做為案例測試,其中54個模型之肋可正確辨識,9個模型肋無法辨識,主要有少數原因為原始CAD模型幾何形狀較複雜,詳細辨識結果與討論將在論文中說明。
摘要(英) In CAE analysis, it is required to convert CAD models into solid meshes. Rib is a common feature in plastic parts to improve the strength of a structure. There are two advantages for rib-feature recognition in solid mesh generation: (1) it is usually necessary to perform what if study during the analysis. When a rib feature is recognized, it may become easy to perform such an analysis because the meshes related to this rib can be generated independently; (2) with the rib features available, it may be easy to generate prism and hexahedron meshes for the rib features. The purpose of this study is to develop a feature recognition algorithm for ribs and investigate the data that should be recorded for hybrid mesh generation. The proposed algorithm is divided into the following five steps: (1) create the AAG (attributes adjacency graph); (2) search end faces in accordance with a rule-based method for face searching; (3) Search shell faces; (4) judge the condition of each rib; (5) record rib information. The overall flowchart of the proposed method is described in this thesis. Detailed description of each step in the flowchart is explained also. 63 CAD models are employed to verify the feasibility of the proposed method, in which 54 of them are fully successful, while some of the ribs are misjudged for the remained 9 CAD models. A detailed discussion for all examples is provided, emphasizing on the reasons for misjudged cases.
關鍵字(中) ★ 特徵辨識
★ 肋
★ 網格
★ mesh
★ Prism
關鍵字(英) ★ feature recognize
★ rib
★ mesh
★ Prism
★ Hexahedral
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 文獻[14]之肋特徵辨識研究回顧 6
1.4 研究目的與方法 7
1.4.1 研究目的 7
1.4.2 研究方法 10
1.5 論文架構 13
第二章 肋特徵辨識之分類與資料結構 14
2.1 前言 14
2.2 肋幾何特徵的分類與定義 14
2.2.1 肋的組成 16
2.2.2 肋的分類 19
2.3 邊與面拓撲屬性 21
2.3.1 邊屬性 21
2.3.2 面屬性 25
第三章 肋特徵辨識法與範例測試 30
3.1 前言 30
3.2 肋特徵演算法 30
3.2.1 終止面搜尋 32
3.2.2 殼面計算與搜尋 50
3.3 案例測試與討論 56
3.3.1 肋特徵辨識法之驗證與比較 56
3.3.2 問題討論 71
第四章 肋特徵轉換實體網格之資料建立 73
4.1 前言 73
4.2 肋特徵辨識實體網格建立 78
4.2.1 手動實體網格建立 78
4.2.2 實體網格資訊建立 85
4.3 範例驗證 88
4.3.1 實體網格資訊驗證 88
4.3.2 問題與討論 91
第五章 結論與未來展望 99
5.1 結論 99
5.2 未來展望 100
參考文獻 102
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指導教授 賴景義(Jiing-Yih Lai) 審核日期 2016-8-1
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