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姓名 羅緯聘(Wei-Pin Luo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 應用地質研究所
論文名稱 有機材料特性對油氣潛能評估的影響
(Compositional effects of organic material in HC potential assessment)
★ 有機質成熟度之染色技術應用★ 臺灣中新世石底層煤中硫及微量元素含量之沉積涵義
★ 煤素質組成對熱裂分析之影響★ 大屯火山群地熱氣與溫泉水之地化特性
★ 灰關聯分析於水庫水質綜合評判之研究 —以翡翠及石門水庫為例★ 土石流誘發因子萃取對土石流危險溪流判定之影響
★ 石油系統之有機材料與熱成熟度特性探討★ 石油系統有機材料特性及熱成熟度與油氣潛能之關係探討:以澳洲西北海域為例
★ 車籠埔斷層深鑽岩心鏡煤素反射率研究★ 從岩石風化速率探討南橫山崩 -以敏督莉颱風為例
★ 廢棄礦場環境影響綜合評估★ 河流縱剖面與構造地形指標之量化分析: 以濁水溪為例
★ 九份-金瓜石地區火成作用對有機物成熟度之影響★ 不同成熟度之有機成分探討
★ 石門水庫上游集水區水質與復興鄉人文環境之綜合研究★ 鏡煤素反射率抑制問題與熱模擬之探討
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摘要(中) 為因應日漸減少的化石燃料能源,尋找替代能源和舊油氣井重開發是目前發展方向。本研究目的是將中國富含產氣潛能煤樣與台灣煤樣進行比對來了解有機材料成分對油氣潛能評估的影響。本研究樣本採自中國東部主要油氣資源區山東黃縣盆地龍口漸新世褐煤,臺灣煤樣取自苗栗明德出磺坑背斜中新世東坑層露頭煤樣與後龍溪木山層頁岩、北投貴子坑漸新世五指山層、三民花草林中新世南莊層與平雙隧道南口中新世木山層。研究方法為:煤素質組成和鏡煤素反射率(Ro%)檢測、熱裂分析、總有機碳(TOC)評估、熱裂氣相層析及元素組成,對材料特性和油氣潛能進行探討。結果顯示龍口樣本以富含蠟質植物體為主,在成煤過程中可能受較多營力的影響,使抗侵蝕能力較強的膜煤素材料保存較完整,屬於III型未成熟煤且HI值偏高,油氣潛能偏高;明德樣本以陸生植物為主,鏡煤素含量比例較高,成煤過程中受較強風化作用,所以具有較多岩屑或黏土礦物,屬於II、III型未成熟煤,HI值偏高;後龍溪樣本為台灣典型煤素質組成, Ro%為1.26進入氣窗,屬於III型油母質,為較良好產氣材料,但有機質含量不多,故油氣潛能不佳;北投樣本岩屑與黏土礦物含量高達76%,Ro%為0.69進入油窗,為成熟煤頁岩之III型油母質,但TOC含量低,因此油氣潛能不佳;三民與平雙樣本結果顯示皆為台灣典型煤素質組成,鏡煤素含量高,三民屬於II、III型未成熟煤,平雙則是III型未成熟煤,HI值偏高,亦屬於材料良好,油氣潛能最佳。綜合上述指出材料特性、來源與沉積環境均影響樣本成熟度、有機型態與油氣潛能。
摘要(英) In recent years, along with the growth of conventional hydrocarbon resources being rapidly utilized, the exploration of unconventional deposits is getting more and more important. This research discussed the relationship among characteristics and thermal maturity of different organic material versus their hydrocarbon potential. In order to compare the compositional effects from different organic material, Oligocene brown coal from Longkou, China, Miocene Tungkeng Formation humic coal and Mushan Formation shale from Chuhuangkeng anticline (one of the most productive oil and gas fields), Beitou Guitzikeng pit Wuchishan Formation coal shale, Miocene Sanmin Nanchuang Formation coal, Miocene Pinshuang tunnel Mushan Formation coal, including field outcrop and well cutting coal samples were examined. Methods of study include petrographic analysis, vitrinite reflectance measurement (Ro%), Rock-Eval pyrolysis, Py-GC and elemental analysis. Longkou sample has relatively low maturation with vitrinite reflectance 0.44%, belong to type III kerogen; vitrinite reflectance of the Mingde sample is 0.40%, along with some methane explored, belong to type II, III kerogen; Vitrinite reflectance of Beitou Guitzikeng pit sample is 0.69%, belong to type III kerogen. Both Sanmin and Pinshuang samples have high proportion of vitrinite, Sanmin sample belongs to type II, III kerogen and Pinshuang sample belongs to type III kerogen. The analytic results indicate that the characteristics of organic matters affect their maturity in coalification process. Although the thermal history and depositional environments are different for samples studied, their organic micelles still exhibit a similar trend in the process of coalification.
關鍵字(中) ★ 煤素質組成
★ 鏡煤素反射率
★ 熱裂分析
★ 油氣潛能
關鍵字(英) ★ maceral composition
★ vitrinite reflectance
★ Rock-Eval pyrolysis
★ HC potential
論文目次 目錄
摘要............................................................... i
Abstract .......................................................... ii
誌謝............................................................... iii
目錄............................................................... iv
圖目錄............................................................. vi
表目錄 ............................................................ viii
第一章、緒論....................................................... 1
1.1 研究動機與目的............................................. 1
1.2 樣本介紹與地質概述......................................... 1
1.3 內文概述................................................... 6
第二章、文獻回顧................................................... 7
2.1 煤岩學..................................................... 7
2.2 油母質的分類............................................... 11
2.3 熱裂分析................................................... 15
2.4 熱裂氣相層析............................................... 18
2.5 鏡煤素反射率............................................... 18
2.6 有機物成熟度指標........................................... 18
2.7 元素分析................................................... 19
第三章、研究方法................................................... 20
3.1 研究流程................................................... 20
3.2 熱裂分析................................................... 21
3.3 熱裂氣相層析............................................... 22
3.4 有機質浮選................................................. 23
3.5 煤餅製作與拋光............................................. 24
3.6 鏡煤素反射率測量與煤素質分析............................... 26
3.7 總有機碳含量測定........................................... 27
3.8 元素分析................................................... 28
第四章、實驗結果................................................... 30
4.1 熱裂分析與熱裂氣相層析..................................... 30
4.1.1 熱裂分析.............................................. 30
4.1.2 熱裂氣相層析.......................................... 32
4.1.3 小結.................................................. 36
4.2 岩象分析................................................... 37
4.2.1 煤素質成分............................................ 37
4.2.2 鏡煤素反射率.......................................... 38
4.2.3 小結.................................................. 42
4.3 化學分析................................................... 44
4.3.1 總有機碳測量.......................................... 44
4.3.2 元素分析.............................................. 46
4.3.3 小結.................................................. 50
4.4 綜合討論................................................... 51
第五章、結論與討論................................................. 54
參考文獻........................................................... 56
附錄............................................................... 60
A、樣本熱裂分析圖.............................................. 60
B、樣本鏡煤素反射率量測值...................................... 63
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指導教授 蔡龍珆(Loung-Yie Tsai) 審核日期 2016-8-22
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