摘要(中) |
本論文是分析現行的3C產品無線充電模組,運用於車上所產生出來的EMI干擾對於車子的影響,並提供解決方案,採用之測試為FCC,美國車廠GM規範的標準和德國奧迪TL 81000規範的標準,運用標準實驗室去量測無線充電模組在各頻段的干擾狀況,並且比較無線充電模組所產生的EMI干擾在車廠法規規範中的影響 。 |
摘要(英) |
The development of automotive electronic products becomes popular recently. Based on many years of experience in developing consumer, infotainment and multimedia products, many local dealers start entering automotive electronics industry. However, automotive electronics belong to high-technology industry. All designs and components must meet the requirements of environment and reliability, and extremely critical quality standard.
This paper is to analyze how the EMI interference that the wireless charging module of existing 3C product generated affects the vehicle.
The test is following the test specification of General Motor, the automotive company of United states. Also, it uses TL 81000 standard which is from Audi, the automotive company of German, as the test criteria. This project uses the certified laboratory environment to measure the EMI interference generated from wireless charging module while in different frequency segments.
Also it analyzes and compares the EMI interference data versus the data defined in EMC spec, of those automotive companies. |
參考文獻 |
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