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姓名 張軒慈(Hsuan-Tzu Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 應用繞射光學元件之齒輪量測系統開發
(Development of a Gear Measuring System by Diffractive Optical Element Technology)
★ G10液晶玻璃基板之機械手臂牙叉結構改良與最佳化設計★ 線性齒頂修整對正齒輪之傳動誤差與嚙合頻能量影響分析
★ 沖床齒輪分析與改善★ 以互補型盤狀圓弧刀具創成之曲線齒齒輪有限元素應力分析
★ 修整型曲線齒輪對齒面接觸應力與負載下傳動誤差之研究★ 衛載遙測取像儀反射鏡加工缺陷檢測與最佳光學成像品質之運動學裝配設計
★ 應用經驗模態分解法於正齒輪對之傳動誤差分析★ 小軸交角之修整型正齒輪與凹面錐形齒輪組設計與負載下齒面接觸分析
★ 修整型正齒輪對動態模擬與實驗★ 漸開線與切線雙圓弧齒形之諧波齒輪有限元素分析與齒形設計
★ 創成螺旋鉋齒刀之砂輪輪廓設計與最佳化★ 動力刮削創成內正齒輪之刀具齒形輪廓最佳化設計
★ 非接觸式章動減速電機結構設計與模擬★ Helipoid齒輪接觸特性研究與最佳化分析
★ 高轉速正齒輪之多目標最佳化與動態特性分析★ 圓柱型齒輪之動力刮削刀具輪廓設計
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摘要(中) 傳統齒輪檢測大多使用接觸式探針量測,但接觸式量測方法容易受限於探針尺寸、齒輪材質及量測速度等。因此本研究建立一套新式光學量測方法應用於齒輪檢測,利用雷射光經繞射元件將光點投射至待測齒面,並以感光耦合元件(Charged-coupled device, CCD)擷取其影像進行分析,求得齒面拓樸、齒形與導程誤差。
本研究之量測系統利用兩台CCD拍攝校正片之特徵點進行校正,並建立立體空間座標系統,再利用此立體空間座標系統計算雷射光經繞射元件(Diffractive optical elements, DOEs)投射至待測齒面之光點座標值。為驗證系統量測精度,本研究使用三次元量測儀所量數據作為參考值,並以此量測數據建立一曲面,計算光點座標至曲面之正交距離,並且進一步將光點數據建立一曲面與理想齒形進行比對,計算拓樸、齒形與導程誤差。實驗結果顯示,本研究發展之系統其精度達0.0651 mm,驗證此方法應用至三維齒面量測之可行性,未來可藉由改善繞射元件設計及CCD規格,提升量測系統解析度,達到工業使用規格。
摘要(英) Most of the traditional gear measurements use contact probes, but such contact measurements are restricted by a number of factors, including, but not limited to probe sizes, gear materials and measuring speeds. Therefore, an innovative optical measuring technology is developed by this research for gear measurements, during which, the laser beams are projected to the surface of the gear to be measured by diffractive optical elements (DOEs), while CCDs are used to capture the resulting images for analysis in order to determine the errors for gear topography, tooth profile and lead.
The measuring system developed by this study uses the images captured by two CCDs to perform calibrations, alignments and corrections, and a 3D coordinate system is established, from which, the coordinate values for the laser beams projected by the DOEs on the surface of the gear is determined. In order to determine the accuracy of the measuring system developed by this research, the measurement data obtained by 3D measuring devices are used as the reference and its corresponding distribution pattern is established. The perpendicular distance between a coordinate value of laser beam projected on the surface of the gear and the distribution pattern is determined. The distribution pattern of the data generated from such distance determination is established and compared with an ideal distribution in order to determine the errors for gear topology, gear profile and lead. The results of experiments show that the accuracy of the system developed by this research is up to 0.0651mm, which confirms the reliability of the system for 3D gear surface measurement. It is expected further improvement of DOEs and CCDs may enhance the resolution of the measuring system to satisfy the requirements for industrial use.
The technology developed by this research is an efficient non-contact optical measurement system for gears, which performs comparisons against ideal values and determine errors by using DOEs, laser projections, the images captures by CCDs, computer vision and the corresponding distribution patterns of data obtained.
關鍵字(中) ★ 齒輪檢測
★ 繞射光學元件
★ 電腦視覺
★ 影像處理
★ 拓樸誤差
關鍵字(英) ★ Gear measurement
★ diffractive optical elements (DOEs)
★ computer vision
★ image processing
★ error of topography
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xi
符號定義 xii
第1章、 緒論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2文獻回顧 1
1-2-1 齒輪檢測方法 1
1-2-2 結構光量測應用 6
1-2-3 繞射光學元件(Diffractive optical element, DOE)應用 11
1-3研究動機與目的 12
1-4論文架構 13
第2章、 基礎理論 14
2-1 感光耦合元件(Charged-coupled device, CCD) 14
2-1-1 CCD主要結構與原理 14
2-1-2 CCD與鏡頭各部參數定義 15
2-2 電腦視覺與攝影機參數校正 19
2-2-1 透視投影模型 19
2-2-2 影像座標系統 21
2-2-3 世界座標與CCD座標 22
2-2-4 立體視覺-三維座標計算 24
2-3 影像處理(Image processing) 29
2-3-1 二值化(Binary) 29
2-3-2 雜訊濾波 31
2-3-3 數學形態學(Mathematical morphology) 33
2-3-4 邊緣檢測(Edge detection) 37
2-3-5 影像畸變(Distortion)校正 41
2-4 拓樸誤差 43
2-4-1 齒面拓樸點法向量誤差定義 43
第3章、 研究內容方法 45
3-1齒輪量測系統架構 45
3-1-1 影像拍攝 46
3-1-2 影像處理流程 49
3-2系統量測流程 50
3-3齒輪量測誤差計算方法 54
3-3-1 量測系統精度驗證 54
3-3-2 齒輪誤差檢測 56
第4章、 齒輪量測結果分析 59
4-1 量測系統精度驗證結果 59
4-1-1 拓樸誤差 59
4-1-2 齒形誤差 62
4-1-3 導程誤差 63
4-2 齒輪誤差檢測結果 64
4-2-1 拓樸誤差 64
4-2-2 齒形誤差 66
4-2-3 導程誤差 67
4-3 CCD鏡頭經畸變校正之結果 68
4-3-1 拓樸誤差 71
4-3-2 齒形誤差 72
4-3-3 導程誤差 73
4-4 實驗結果與討論 75
4-4-1 光點拓樸誤差結果探討 75
4-4-2 三次元量測儀之量測數據與理想齒形之比對 78
4-4-3 CNC齒輪檢測儀量測結果探討 82
第5章、 結論與未來展望 84
5-1 結論 84
5-2 未來展望 85
參考文獻 86

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指導教授 陳怡呈 審核日期 2016-11-1
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